Tuesday, August 6, 2013
1308.0598 (The NNPDF Collaboration et al.)
Parton distributions with QED corrections [PDF]
The NNPDF Collaboration, Richard D. Ball, Valerio Bertone, Stefano Carrazza, Luigi Del Debbio, Stefano Forte, Alberto Guffanti, Nathan P. Hartland, Juan Rojo1308.0605 (Mustafa A. Amin et al.)
A Clash of Kinks: Phase shifts in colliding non-integrable solitons [PDF]
Mustafa A. Amin, Eugene A. Lim, I-Sheng Yang1308.0606 (Mustafa A. Amin et al.)
A scattering theory of ultra-relativistic solitons [PDF]
Mustafa A. Amin, Eugene A. Lim, I-Sheng Yang1308.0617 (Shanshan Cao et al.)
Heavy quark dynamics and hadronization in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion
collisions: collisional vs. radiative energy loss [PDF]
Shanshan Cao, Guang-You Qin, Steffen A. Bass
1308.0618 (Manoj Kaplinghat et al.)
Self-interacting Dark Matter Benchmarks [PDF]
Manoj Kaplinghat, Sean Tulin, Hai-Bo Yu1308.0697 (T. M. Aliev et al.)
Electromagnetic transitions among octet and decuplet baryons in QCD [PDF]
T. M. Aliev, Y. Oktem, M. Savci1308.0700 (Duojie Jia et al.)
Dynamical bag in a chiral quark model [PDF]
Duojie Jia, LianChun Yu, Rui-Bin Wan1308.0785 (E. Molnár et al.)
On the relative importance of second-order terms in relativistic
dissipative fluid dynamics [PDF]
E. Molnár, H. Niemi, G. S. Denicol, D. H. Rischke
1308.0792 (Xiaochuan Lu et al.)
A Natural Higgs Mass in Supersymmetry from Non-Decoupling Effects [PDF]
Xiaochuan Lu, Hitoshi Murayama, Joshua T. Ruderman, Kohsaku Tobioka1308.0816 (Alakabha Datta et al.)
Higgs Vacuum Stability in $B-L$ extended Standard Model [PDF]
Alakabha Datta, A. Elsayed, S. Khalil, A. Moursy1308.0836 (Amr El-Zant et al.)
Warm Dark Matter in B-L Inverse Seesaw [PDF]
Amr El-Zant, Shaaban Khalil, Arunansu Sil1308.0845 (Nathaniel Craig et al.)
Multi-Lepton Signals of Top-Higgs Associated Production [PDF]
Nathaniel Craig, Michael Park, Jessie Shelton1308.0887 (K. Azizi et al.)
Thermal properties of $D_2^*(2460)$ and $D_{s2}^*(2573)$ tensor mesons [PDF]
K. Azizi, H. Sundu, A. Turkan, E. Veli Veliev1308.0891 (Radovan Dermisek et al.)
Coleman-Weinberg Higgs [PDF]
Radovan Dermisek, Tae Hyun Jung, Hyung Do Kim1308.0924 (Pranati K. Rath et al.)
Testing the Dipole Modulation Model in CMBR [PDF]
Pranati K. Rath, Pankaj Jain1308.0947 (Dmitri Diakonov et al.)
A theory of baryon resonances at large N_c [PDF]
Dmitri Diakonov, Victor Petrov, Alexey A. Vladimirov1308.0951 (Sonja Esch et al.)
Detection prospects of singlet fermionic dark matter [PDF]
Sonja Esch, Michael Klasen, Carlos E. Yaguna1308.0960 (Tian Wei-Zhao et al.)
Bottomonium states versus recent experimental observations in the
QCD-inspired potential model [PDF]
Tian Wei-Zhao, Cao Lu, Yang You-Chang, Chen Hong
1308.1029 (Renata Zukanovich Funchal et al.)
The Physics of Neutrinos [PDF]
Renata Zukanovich Funchal, Benoit Schmauch, Gaëlle Giesen1308.1062 (Christian A. Cruz-Santiago et al.)
Recursion relations and scattering amplitudes in the light-front
formalism [PDF]
Christian A. Cruz-Santiago, Anna M. Stasto
1308.1079 (Holger Mueller et al.)
Matter wave interferometry for antimatter gravity measurements [PDF]
Holger Mueller, Paul Hamilton, Andrey Zhmoginov, Francis Robicheaux, Joel Fajans, Jonathan WurteleMonday, August 5, 2013
1107.3143 (Jernej F. Kamenik et al.)
Constraining the dipole moments of the top quark [PDF]
Jernej F. Kamenik, Michele Papucci, Andreas Weiler1305.2320 (Holger Gies et al.)
Quantum Reflection as a New Signature of Quantum Vacuum Nonlinearity [PDF]
Holger Gies, Felix Karbstein, Nico Seegert1308.0332 (Herbi K. Dreiner et al.)
Froggatt-Nielsen models with a residual Z_4^R symmetry [PDF]
Herbi K. Dreiner, Christoph Luhn, Toby Opferkuch1308.0353 (Hoernisa Iminniyaz et al.)
Relic Abundance of Asymmetric Dark Matter in Quintessence [PDF]
Hoernisa Iminniyaz, Xuelei Chen1308.0355 (Andres G. Delannoy et al.)
Probing Supersymmetric Dark Matter and the Electroweak Sector using
Vector Boson Fusion Processes: A Snowmass Whitepaper [PDF]
Andres G. Delannoy, Bhaskar Dutta, Alfredo Gurrola, Will Johns, Teruki Kamon, Eduardo Luiggi, Andrew Melo, Paul Sheldon, Kuver Sinha, Kechen Wang, Sean Wu
1308.0373 (A. Hees et al.)
How to test SME with space missions ? [PDF]
A. Hees, B. Lamine, C. Le Poncin-Lafitte, P. Wolf1308.0374 (Voica Radescu et al.)
Combination and QCD Analysis of the HERA Inclusive Cross Sections [PDF]
Voica Radescu, H1, ZEUS collaborations1308.0452 (Andreas van Hameren et al.)
Three jet production and gluon saturation effects in p-p and p-Pb
collisions within high-energy factorization [PDF]
Andreas van Hameren, Piotr Kotko, Krzysztof Kutak
1308.0463 (Paul W. Angel et al.)
Testable two-loop radiative neutrino mass model based on an LLQd^cQd^c
effective operator [PDF]
Paul W. Angel, Yi Cai, Nicholas L. Rodd, Michael A. Schmidt, Raymond R. Volkas
1308.0474 (Jean-Philippe Lansberg et al.)
Production of J/psi+eta(c) vs. J/psi+J/psi at the LHC: the impact of
real-emission QCD corrections [PDF]
Jean-Philippe Lansberg, Hua-Sheng Shao
1308.0489 (Pietro Colangelo et al.)
Temperature and chemical potential dependence of the gluon condensate: a
holographic study [PDF]
Pietro Colangelo, Floriana Giannuzzi, Stefano Nicotri, Fen Zuo
1308.0494 (J-P. Delahaye et al.)
Enabling Intensity and Energy Frontier Science with a Muon Accelerator
Facility in the U.S.: A White Paper Submitted to the 2013 U.S. Community
Summer Study of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical
Society [PDF]
J-P. Delahaye, C. Ankenbrandt, A. Bogacz, S. Brice, A. Bross, D. Denisov, E. Eichten, P. Huber, D. M. Kaplan, H. Kirk, R. Lipton, D. Neuffer, M. A. Palmer, R. Palmer, R. Ryne, P. Snopok
1308.0524 (Pavel Fileviez Perez et al.)
Supersymmetry at the LHC and The Theory of R-parity [PDF]
Pavel Fileviez Perez, Sogee Spinner1308.0536 (Tsutomu T. Yanagida et al.)
Bino-Higgsino Mixed Dark Matter in a Focus Point Gaugino Mediation [PDF]
Tsutomu T. Yanagida, Norimi Yokozaki1308.0540 (Sebastian Schaetzel et al.)
Tagging highly boosted top quarks [PDF]
Sebastian Schaetzel, Michael Spannowsky1308.0559 (Marc Montull et al.)
Higgs Couplings in Composite Models [PDF]
Marc Montull, Francesco Riva, Ennio Salvioni, Riccardo Torre1308.0575 (J. G. Ferreira Jr. et al.)
The Higgs sector of the SUSY reduced 3-3-1 model [PDF]
J. G. Ferreira Jr., C. A. de S. Pires, P. S. Rodrigues da Silva, A. Sampieri1308.0591 (Emilio Ciuffoli et al.)
Advantages of Multiple Detectors for the Neutrino Mass Hierarchy
Determination at Reactor Experiments [PDF]
Emilio Ciuffoli, Jarah Evslin, Zhimin Wang, Changgen Yang, Xinmin Zhang, Weili Zhong
1308.0592 (Haipeng An et al.)
Dark matter with $t$-channel mediator: a simple step beyond contact
interaction [PDF]
Haipeng An, Lian-Tao Wang, Hao Zhang
Sunday, August 4, 2013
1308.0011 (A. Bueno et al.)
Contamination of Dark Matter Experiments from Atmospheric Magnetic
Dipoles [PDF]
A. Bueno, M. Masip, P. Sánchez-Lucas, N. Setzer
1308.0025 (Gustavo Marques Tavares et al.)
Higgs mass naturalness and scale invariance in the UV [PDF]
Gustavo Marques Tavares, Martin Schmaltz, Witold Skiba1308.0052 (Vernon Barger et al.)
Scrutinizing h(125) in Two Higgs Doublet Models at the LHC, ILC, and
Muon Collider [PDF]
Vernon Barger, Lisa L. Everett, Heather E. Logan, Gabe Shaughnessy
1308.0064 (Kazunobu Maruyoshi et al.)
Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking with T_N Theory [PDF]
Kazunobu Maruyoshi, Yuji Tachikawa, Wenbin Yan, Kazuya Yonekura1308.0067 (Kingman Cheung et al.)
Collider Constraints on the Dark Matter Interpretation of the CDMS II
Results [PDF]
Kingman Cheung, Chih-Ting Lu, Po-Yan Tseng, Tzu-Chiang Yuan
1308.0093 (Ryuichiro Kitano et al.)
Quark confinement via magnetic color-flavor locking [PDF]
Ryuichiro Kitano, Naoto Yokoi1308.0164 (Ralf-Arno Tripolt et al.)
The Effect of Fluctuations on the QCD Critical Point in a Finite Volume [PDF]
Ralf-Arno Tripolt, Jens Braun, Bertram Klein, Bernd-Jochen Schaefer1308.0166 (Bastian Diaz et al.)
Axigluon Phenomenology using ATLAS dijet data [PDF]
Bastian Diaz, Alfonso R. Zerwekh1308.0188 (Jun-Qing Xia et al.)
Dark Energy Constraints after Planck [PDF]
Jun-Qing Xia, Hong Li, Xinmin Zhang1308.0193 (Feng-Kun Guo et al.)
Production of charged heavy quarkonium-like states at the LHC and the
Tevatron [PDF]
Feng-Kun Guo, Ulf-G. Meißner, Wei Wang
1308.0222 (Enrico De Micheli et al.)
Transition from resonances to surface waves in pi^+-p elastic scattering [PDF]
Enrico De Micheli, Giovanni Alberto Viano1308.0230 (A. G. Akeroyd et al.)
Dependence of the leptonic decays of H^- on the neutrino mixing angles
theta_{13} and theta_{23} in models with neutrinophilic charged scalars [PDF]
A. G. Akeroyd, S. Moretti, Hiroaki Sugiyama
1308.0231 (S. Ahren et al.)
Spin effects in strong-field laser-electron interactions [PDF]
S. Ahren, T. O. Müller, S. Villalba-Chávez, H. Bauke, C. Müller1308.0274 (Michael Dine et al.)
Proton Decay at $M_{pl}$ and the Scale of SUSY-Breaking [PDF]
Michael Dine, Patrick Draper, William Shepherd1308.0293 (G. Chachamis et al.)
High energy factorization at NLO: Lipatov's effective action revisited [PDF]
G. Chachamis, M. Hentschinski, J. D. Madrigal, A. Sabio Vera1308.0295 (Arsham Farzinnia et al.)
Natural Electroweak Symmetry Breaking from Scale Invariant Higgs
Mechanism [PDF]
Arsham Farzinnia, Hong-Jian He, Jing Ren
1308.0297 (Matthew Cahill-Rowley et al.)
Constraints on Higgs Properties and SUSY Partners in the pMSSM [PDF]
Matthew Cahill-Rowley, JoAnne Hewett, Ahmed Ismail, Tom Rizzo1308.0314 (Hiroyuki Tashiro et al.)
Constraints on primordial magnetic fields from CMB distortions in the
axiverse [PDF]
Hiroyuki Tashiro, Joseph Silk, David J. E. Marsh
Thursday, August 1, 2013
1205.5408 (Raghavan Rangarajan et al.)
Kinetic and chemical equilibrium of the Universe and gravitino
production [PDF]
Raghavan Rangarajan, Anjishnu Sarkar
1305.2331 (Manlio De Domenico et al.)
Reinterpreting the development of extensive air showers initiated by
nuclei and photons [PDF]
Manlio De Domenico, Mariangela Settimo, Simone Riggi, Eric Bertin
1307.7728 (E. V. Gorbar et al.)
Supercritical instability in graphene with two charged impurities [PDF]
E. V. Gorbar, V. P. Gusynin, O. O. Sobol1307.8120 (Spencer Chang et al.)
Effective WIMPs [PDF]
Spencer Chang, Ralph Edezhath, Jeffrey Hutchinson, Markus Luty1307.8122 (Robert V. Harlander et al.)
Higgs Strahlung at the Large Hadron Collider in the 2-Higgs-Doublet
Model [PDF]
Robert V. Harlander, Stefan Liebler, Tom Zirke
1307.8125 (Hrayr H. Matevosyan et al.)
The Effect of Vector Meson Decays on Dihadron Fragmentation Functions [PDF]
Hrayr H. Matevosyan, Anthony W. Thomas, Wolfgang Bentz1307.8134 (M. Hirsch et al.)
WIMP dark matter as radiative neutrino mass messenger [PDF]
M. Hirsch, R. A. Lineros, S. Morisi, J. Palacio, N. Rojas, J. W. F. Valle1307.8144 (Laura Sampson et al.)
A Rosetta Stone for Parameterized Tests of Gravity [PDF]
Laura Sampson, Nicolas Yunes, Neil Cornish1307.8164 (I. Bediaga et al.)
CP violation and CPT invariance in B+- decays with final state
interactions [PDF]
I. Bediaga, T. Frederico, O. Lourenço
1307.8170 (J. Reuter et al.)
Simplified Models for New Physics in Vector Boson Scattering - Input for
Snowmass 2013 [PDF]
J. Reuter, W. Kilian, M. Sekulla
1307.8183 (Paulo F. Bedaque et al.)
Goldstone modes in the neutron star core [PDF]
Paulo F. Bedaque, Sanjay Reddy1307.8222 (W. -C. Syu et al.)
External magnetic fields and the chiral phase transition in QED at
nonzero chemical potential [PDF]
W. -C. Syu, D. -S. Lee, C. N. Leung
1307.8265 (D. Asner et al.)
Top quark precision physics at the International Linear Collider [PDF]
D. Asner, A. Hoang, Y. Kiyo, R. Pöschl, Y. Sumino, M. Vos1307.8317 (D. G. Green et al.)
Dynamics of an electron in a high intensity laser field [PDF]
D. G. Green, C. N. Harvey1307.8352 (P. C. Magalhães et al.)
D+ -> K- pi+ pi+ : heavy meson decays and final state interactions [PDF]
P. C. Magalhães, M. R. Robilotta, K. S. F. F. Guimarães, T. Frederico, W. S. de Paula, I. Bediaga, A. C. dos Reis, C. M. Maekawa1307.8428 (Christopher D. Carone et al.)
Classical scale-invariance, the electroweak scale and vector dark matter [PDF]
Christopher D. Carone, Raymundo Ramos1307.8437 (Hans van Deurzen et al.)
NLO QCD corrections to Higgs boson production in association with a top
quark pair and a jet [PDF]
Hans van Deurzen, Gionata Luisoni, Pierpaolo Mastrolia, Edoardo Mirabella, Giovanni Ossola, Tiziano Peraro
1307.8444 (M. Cahill-Rowley et al.)
pMSSM Studies at the 7, 8 and 14 TeV LHC [PDF]
M. Cahill-Rowley, J. L. Hewett, A. Ismail, T. G. Rizzo
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