Monday, April 1, 2013

1303.7388 (I. Zborovský)

A three-component description of multiplicity distributions in pp
collisions at the LHC

I. Zborovský

1303.7232 (Herbert K. Dreiner et al.)

White Dwarfs constrain Dark Forces    [PDF]

Herbert K. Dreiner, Jean-François Fortin, Jordi Isern, Lorenzo Ubaldi

1303.7236 (The NNPDF Collaboration et al.)

Unbiased determination of polarized parton distributions and their

The NNPDF Collaboration, Richard D. Ball, Stefano Forte, Alberto Guffanti, Emanuele R. Nocera, Giovanni Ridolfi, Juan Rojo

1303.7244 (Marco Farina et al.)

A modified naturalness principle and its experimental tests    [PDF]

Marco Farina, Duccio Pappadopulo, Alessandro Strumia

1303.7263 (Vladimir Pascalutsa et al.)

Pion-mass dispersion relation in the baryon sector    [PDF]

Vladimir Pascalutsa, Marc Vanderhaeghen, Jonathan M. M. Hall, Tim Ledwig

1303.7294 (Lauren Pearce et al.)

Indirect Detection of Self-Interacting Asymmetric Dark Matter    [PDF]

Lauren Pearce, Alexander Kusenko

1303.7315 (Kazunori Nakayama et al.)

Polynomial Chaotic Inflation in the Planck Era    [PDF]

Kazunori Nakayama, Fuminobu Takahashi, Tsutomu T. Yanagida

1303.7320 (Brian Feldstein et al.)

Neutrinos at IceCube from Heavy Decaying Dark Matter    [PDF]

Brian Feldstein, Alexander Kusenko, Shigeki Matsumoto, Tsutomu T. Yanagida

1303.7340 (Junko Ohashi et al.)

Anisotropic Non-Gaussianity from a Two-Form Field    [PDF]

Junko Ohashi, Jiro Soda, Shinji Tsujikawa

1303.7347 (Kalyan Dey et al.)

New approach to discriminate between mass and particle species type
behavior of $φ$ meson at FAIR energies

Kalyan Dey, B. Bhattacharjee

1303.7354 (Andrzej Rybicki et al.)

Spectator induced electromagnetic effect on directed flow in heavy ion

Andrzej Rybicki, Antoni Szczurek

1303.7356 (Yuji Kajiyama et al.)

Multi-component Dark Matters in Two Loop Neutrino Model    [PDF]

Yuji Kajiyama, Hiroshi Okada, Takashi Toma

1303.7367 (Alan J. Barr et al.)

A search for direct heffalon production using the ATLAS and CMS
experiments at the Large Hadron Collider

Alan J. Barr, Christopher G. Lester

1303.7450 (Alexandre Arbey et al.)

Supersymmetric Heavy Higgs Bosons at the LHC    [PDF]

Alexandre Arbey, Marco Battaglia, Farvah Mahmoudi

1303.7472 (Mengxi Liu et al.)

Higgs Boson Mass, Proton Decay, Naturalness and Constraints of LHC and
Planck Data

Mengxi Liu, Pran Nath