Tuesday, February 19, 2013
1110.0502 (David J. E. Marsh et al.)
Ultra-light Axions: Degeneracies with Massive Neutrinos and Forecasts
for Future Cosmological Observations [PDF]
David J. E. Marsh, Edward Macaulay, Maxime Trebitsch, Pedro G. Ferreira
1201.0926 (Dhiraj Kumar Hazra et al.)
BINGO: A code for the efficient computation of the scalar bi-spectrum [PDF]
Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, L. Sriramkumar, Jerome Martin1302.3884 (Haipeng An et al.)
New stellar constraints on dark photons [PDF]
Haipeng An, Maxim Pospelov, Josef Pradler1302.3890 (Tomasz Golan et al.)
Axial Mass and Strangeness from MiniBooNE Neutral Current Elastic Cross
Section Measurement [PDF]
Tomasz Golan, Krzysztof M. Graczyk, Cezary Juszczak, Jan T. Sobczyk
1302.3898 (Sean Tulin et al.)
Beyond Collisionless Dark Matter: Particle Physics Dynamics for Dark
Matter Halo Structure [PDF]
Sean Tulin, Hai-Bo Yu, Kathryn M. Zurek
1302.3909 (Diego Guadagnoli et al.)
BR(Bs to mu+ mu-) as an electroweak precision test [PDF]
Diego Guadagnoli, Gino Isidori1302.3936 (Mayumi Aoki et al.)
A two-loop Radiative Seesaw with multi-component Dark Matter explaining
the possible gamma Excess in the Higgs decay and at the Fermi LAT [PDF]
Mayumi Aoki, Jisuke Kubo, Hiroshi Takano
1302.3952 (V. L. Khandramai et al.)
The polarized Bjorken sum rule analysis: revised [PDF]
V. L. Khandramai, O. P. Solovtsova, O. V. Teryaev1302.3978 (E. Ruiz Arriola et al.)
Nuclear Symmetries of the similarity renormalization group for nuclear
forces [PDF]
E. Ruiz Arriola, V. S. Timoteo, S. Szpigel
1302.4022 (Alejandro Celis et al.)
LHC constraints on two-Higgs doublet models [PDF]
Alejandro Celis, Victor Ilisie, Antonio Pich1302.4034 (Ran Ding et al.)
Comprehensive Constraints on a Spin-3/2 Singlet Particle as a Dark
Matter Candidate [PDF]
Ran Ding, Yi Liao, Ji-Yuan Liu, Kai Wang
1302.4065 (Michael Döring et al.)
Finite volume effects and quark mass dependence of the N(1535) and
N(1650) [PDF]
Michael Döring, Maxim Mai, Ulf-G. Meißner
1302.4105 (Stanley J. Brodsky et al.)
Threefold Complementary Approach to Holographic QCD [PDF]
Stanley J. Brodsky, Guy F. de Teramond, Hans Gunter Dosch1302.4189 (Shohei Saga et al.)
Generation of magnetic fields in Einstein-Aether gravity [PDF]
Shohei Saga, Maresuke Shiraishi, Kiyotomo Ichiki, Naoshi Sugiyama1302.4191 (Adrian Bevan et al.)
Testing the quantum arrow of time in weak decays [PDF]
Adrian Bevan, Gianluca Inguglia, Michele Zoccali1302.4204 (Mariola Kłusek-Gawenda et al.)
$π^+ π^-$ and $π^0 π^0$ pair production in photon-photon and in
ultraperipheral ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions [PDF]
Mariola Kłusek-Gawenda, Antoni Szczurek
1302.4264 (Roberto Anglani et al.)
Crystalline color superconductors: A review [PDF]
Roberto Anglani, Roberto Casalbuoni, Marco Ciminale, Raoul Gatto, Nicola Ippolito, Massimo Mannarelli, Marco Ruggieri1302.4281 (Claude Bourrely et al.)
The transverse momentum dependent statistical parton distributions
revisited [PDF]
Claude Bourrely, Franco Buccella, Jacques Soffer
1302.4282 (Zhan Sun et al.)
Heavy Quarkonium Production through the Semi-Exclusive $e^+ e^-$
Annihilation Channels around the $Z^0$ Peak [PDF]
Zhan Sun, Xing-Gang Wu, Gu Chen, Jun Jiang, Zhi Yang
1302.4321 (A. A. Andrianov et al.)
Universal Landau Pole [PDF]
A. A. Andrianov, D. Espriu, M. A. Kurkov, F. Lizzi1302.4325 (Manuel Bähr et al.)
Extracting sigma_effective from the CDF gamma+3jets measurement [PDF]
Manuel Bähr, Miroslav Myska, Michael H. Seymour, Andrzej Siodmok1302.4346 (Piotr Lebiedowicz et al.)
Exclusive diffractive photon bremsstrahlung at the LHC [PDF]
Piotr Lebiedowicz, Antoni Szczurek1302.4379 (Charalampos Anastasiou et al.)
Soft triple-real radiation for Higgs production at N3LO [PDF]
Charalampos Anastasiou, Claude Duhr, Falko Dulat, Bernhard Mistlberger1302.4410 (C. Alexandrou et al.)
Nucleon Excited States in N$_f$=2 lattice QCD [PDF]
C. Alexandrou, T. Korzec, G. Koutsou, T. Leontiou
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