Thursday, December 20, 2012

1212.4495 (Michael L. Graesser et al.)

Hunting Asymmetric Stops    [PDF]

Michael L. Graesser, Jessie Shelton

1212.4502 (Benjamin R. Safdi et al.)

A Crack in the Conformal Window    [PDF]

Benjamin R. Safdi, Igor R. Klebanov, Jeongseog Lee

1212.4504 (Keith Hamilton et al.)

Merging H/W/Z + 0 and 1 jet at NLO with no merging scale: a path to
parton shower + NNLO matching

Keith Hamilton, Paolo Nason, Carlo Oleari, Giulia Zanderighi

1212.4508 (Richard J. Hill et al.)

The NRQED lagrangian at order 1/M^4    [PDF]

Richard J. Hill, Gabriel Lee, Gil Paz, Mikhail P. Solon

1212.4520 (Sarah Andreas)

Hidden Photons in beam dump experiments and in connection with Dark

Sarah Andreas

1212.4524 (KLOE et al.)

Precision measurement of
μ^+μ^-γ)$ and determination of the $π^+π^-$ contribution to the
muon anomaly with the KLOE detector

KLOE, KLOE-2 Collaborations, :, D. Babusci, D. Badoni, I. Balwierz-Pytko, G. Bencivenni, C. Bini, C. Bloise, F. Bossi, P. Branchini, A. Budano, L. Caldeira Balkestahl, G. Capon, F. Ceradini, P. Ciambrone, F. Curciarello, E. Czerwinski, E. Dane', V. De Leo, E. De Lucia, G. De Robertis, A. De Santis, P. De Simone, A. Di Domenico, C. Di Donato, D. Domenici, O. Erriquez, G. Fanizzi, G. Felici, S. Fiore, P. Franzini, P. Gauzzi, G. Giardina, S. Giovannella, F. Gonnella, E. Graziani, F. Happacher, L. Heijkenskjold, B. Hoistad, L. Iafolla, E. Iarocci, M. Jacewicz, T. Johansson, W. Kluge, A. Kupsc, J. Lee-Franzini, F. Loddo, P. Lukin, G. Mandaglio, M. Martemianov, M. Martini, M. Mascolo, R. Messi, S. Miscetti, G. Morello, D. Moricciani, P. Moskal, S. Muller, F. Nguyen, A. Passeri, V. Patera, I. Prado Longhi, A. Ranieri, C. F. Redmer, P. Santangelo, I. Sarra, M. Schioppa, B. Sciascia, M. Silarski, C. Taccini, L. Tortora, G. Venanzoni, R. Versaci, W. Wislicki, M. Wolke, J. Zdebik

1212.4546 (Gil Paz)

Theory of Inclusive Radiative B Decays: 2012 Update    [PDF]

Gil Paz

1212.4556 (Jonathan M. Arnold et al.)

Simplified models with baryon number violation but no proton decay    [PDF]

Jonathan M. Arnold, Bartosz Fornal, Mark B. Wise

1212.4571 (Albino Hernandez-Galeana)

Charged lepton and Neutrino masses from a low energy SU(3) flavour
symmetry model

Albino Hernandez-Galeana

1212.4582 (A. V. Kotikov et al.)

Q2-evolution of parton densities at small x values. Combined H1 and ZEUS
F2 data

A. V. Kotikov, B. G. Shaikhatdenov

1212.4607 (P. Ko et al.)

B -> D^(*) tau nu and B -> tau nu in chiral U(1)' models with flavored
multi Higgs doublets

P. Ko, Yuji Omura, Chaehyun Yu

1212.4611 (Oram Gedalia et al.)

Top B Physics at the LHC    [PDF]

Oram Gedalia, Gino Isidori, Fabio Maltoni, Gilad Perez, Michele Selvaggi, Yotam Soreq

1212.4616 (Ju-Hyun Jung et al.)

In-medium modified $π$-$ρ$-$ω$ mesonic Lagrangian and
properties of nuclear matter

Ju-Hyun Jung, Ulugbek T. Yakhshiev, Hyun-Chul Kim

1212.4624 (Daniel D. Scherer et al.)

Many-flavor Phase Diagram of the (2+1)d Gross-Neveu Model at Finite

Daniel D. Scherer, Jens Braun, Holger Gies

1212.4645 (David Adu Smith et al.)

Prethermalization Revealed by the Relaxation Dynamics of Full
Distribution Functions

David Adu Smith, Michael Gring, Tim Langen, Maximilian Kuhnert, Bernhard Rauer, Remi Geiger, Takuya Kitagawa, Igor Mazets, Eugene Demler, Jörg Schmiedmayer

1212.4651 (Gautam Bhattacharyya et al.)

Modified Higgs couplings and unitarity violation    [PDF]

Gautam Bhattacharyya, Dipankar Das, Palash B. Pal

1212.4652 (Debajyoti Choudhury et al.)

Anomalous Higgs Couplings as a Window to New Physics    [PDF]

Debajyoti Choudhury, Rashidul Islam, Anirban Kundu, Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya

1212.4660 (Michal Malinsky)

Fun with the Abelian Higgs Model    [PDF]

Michal Malinsky

1212.4662 (E. A. Paschos et al.)

Neutrino-induced pion production at low energies and in the small $Q^2$

E. A. Paschos, Dario Schalla

1212.4671 (Long-Fei Gan et al.)

Improved Light-cone QCD Sum Rule Analysis Of The Rare Decays
$Λ_b\rightarrowΛγ$ And $Λ_b\rightarrowΛl^+l^-$

Long-Fei Gan, Yong-Lu Liu, Wen-Bo Chen, Ming-Qiu Huang

1212.4683 (Giorgio Calucci et al.)

Lower bound for the ratio of charged wino tracks to charged lepton
tracks at LHC

Giorgio Calucci, Roberto Iengo

1212.4688 (A. Bartl et al.)

Flavour violating bosonic squark decays at LHC    [PDF]

A. Bartl, H. Eberl, E. Ginina, B. Herrmann, K. Hidaka, W. Majerotto, W. Porod

1212.4723 (Elvira Gamiz)

B-meson decay constants and mixing on the lattice    [PDF]

Elvira Gamiz

1212.4747 (Dennis D. Dietrich et al.)

Towards a Born term for hadrons    [PDF]

Dennis D. Dietrich, Paul Hoyer, Matti Jarvinen

1212.4774 (Christoph P. Hofmann)

Low-Temperature Properties of Ferromagnetic Spin Chains in a Magnetic

Christoph P. Hofmann

1212.4784 (I. Campos et al.)

Phenomenology Tools on Cloud Infrastructures using OpenStack    [PDF]

I. Campos, E. Fernandez del Castillo, S. Heinemeyer, A. Lopez-Garcia, F. v. d. Pahlen

1212.4785 (Lars Hofer et al.)

Status of the B -> pi K puzzle and its relation to B_s -> phi pi and B_s
-> phi rho decays

Lars Hofer, Leonardo Vernazza

1212.4789 (Martin Jung)

Penguin contributions to B to J/Psi P Decays    [PDF]

Martin Jung

1212.4806 (Michael Gustafsson et al.)

The Cocktail Model: Neutrino Masses and Mixings with Dark Matter    [PDF]

Michael Gustafsson, Jose Miguel No, Maximiliano A. Rivera

1212.4808 (L. Aparicio et al.)

The NMSSM with F-theory unified boundary conditions    [PDF]

L. Aparicio, P. G. Camara, D. G. Cerdeno, L. E. Ibanez, I. Valenzuela

1212.4809 (Zhong-Bo Kang et al.)

Sivers asymmetry of Drell-Yan production in small-$x$ regime    [PDF]

Zhong-Bo Kang, Bo-Wen Xiao

1212.4814 (Peter Watson et al.)

Gap and Bethe-Salpeter equations in Coulomb gauge    [PDF]

Peter Watson, Hugo Reinhardt

1212.4821 (Maria Eugenia Cabrera et al.)

The health of SUSY after the Higgs discovery and the XENON100 data    [PDF]

Maria Eugenia Cabrera, J. Alberto Casas, Roberto Ruiz de Austri

1212.4825 (T. Lappi et al.)

On the running coupling in the JIMWLK equation    [PDF]

T. Lappi, H. Mäntysaari

1212.4827 (William Detmold et al.)

Lambda_b -> Lambda l+ l- form factors and differential branching
fraction from lattice QCD

William Detmold, C. -J. David Lin, Stefan Meinel, Matthew Wingate