Tuesday, March 20, 2012

1105.3988 (Tianjun Li et al.)

Unification of Dynamical Determination and Bare Minimal Phenomenological
Constraints in No-Scale F-SU(5)

Tianjun Li, James A. Maxin, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, Joel W. Walker

1105.4319 (R. Keith Ellis et al.)

One-loop calculations in quantum field theory: from Feynman diagrams to
unitarity cuts

R. Keith Ellis, Zoltan Kunszt, Kirill Melnikov, Giulia Zanderighi

1105.4460 (Y. H. Ahn et al.)

Towards a realistic tribimaximal-like neutrino mixing matrix    [PDF]

Y. H. Ahn, Hai-Yang Cheng, Sechul Oh

1107.2375 (Tianjun Li et al.)

A Two-Tiered Correlation of Dark Matter with Missing Transverse Energy:
Reconstructing the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle Mass at the LHC

Tianjun Li, James A. Maxin, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, Joel W. Walker

1108.2265 (Rebecca J. Danos et al.)

Canny Algorithm: A New Estimator for Primordial Non-Gaussianities    [PDF]

Rebecca J. Danos, Andrew R. Frey, Yi Wang

1108.5769 (Soumitra Nandi et al.)

$B_s (\bar B_s)$ -> $D^0_{CP} K {\bar K}$: Detecting and Discriminating
New Physics in $B_s$-$\bar B_s$ Mixing

Soumitra Nandi, David London

1108.6180 (Simon Platzer et al.)

The Sudakov Veto Algorithm Reloaded    [PDF]

Simon Platzer, Malin Sjodahl

1108.6182 (Simon Platzer)

ExSample -- A Library for Sampling Sudakov-Type Distributions    [PDF]

Simon Platzer

1110.1613 (Stefania De Curtis et al.)

The 4D Composite Higgs    [PDF]

Stefania De Curtis, Michele Redi, Andrea Tesi

1110.4625 (Mayumi Aoki et al.)

Testing the Higgs triplet model with the mass difference at the LHC    [PDF]

Mayumi Aoki, Shinya Kanemura, Kei Yagyu

1110.5646 (Aleksandr Azatov et al.)

Light Custodians and Higgs Physics in Composite Models    [PDF]

Aleksandr Azatov, Jamison Galloway

1110.6919 (Thomas W. Kephart et al.)

Techni-Chiral-Color    [PDF]

Thomas W. Kephart, HoSeong La

1111.0181 (Zhou Rui et al.)

Revisiting the B {\to} π ρ, π ω Decays in the
Perturbative QCD Approach Beyond the Leading Order

Zhou Rui, Gao Xiangdong, Cai-Dian Lu

1111.4996 (Miguel Garcia-Echevarria et al.)

Factorization Theorem For Drell-Yan At Low q_T And Transverse-Momentum
Distributions On-The-Light-Cone

Miguel Garcia-Echevarria, Ahmad Idilbi, Ignazio Scimemi

1112.2837 (Fayyazuddin)

Electroweak unification of quarks and leptons in a gauge group
$SU_{C}(3)\times SU(4)\times U_{X}(1)$


1112.3024 (Tianjun Li et al.)

A Higgs Mass Shift to 125 GeV and A Multi-Jet Supersymmetry Signal:
Miracle of the Flippons at the \sqrt{s} = 7 TeV LHC

Tianjun Li, James A. Maxin, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, Joel W. Walker

1112.4552 (Yachao Qian et al.)

Single Spin Asymmetry through QCD Instantons    [PDF]

Yachao Qian, Ismail Zahed

1112.5664 (Shan Gao et al.)

Multi-GeV Neutrino Emission from Magnetized Gamma Ray Bursts    [PDF]

Shan Gao, Peter Meszaros

1201.0117 (Z. Czyczula et al.)

TauSpinner program for studies on spin effect in tau production at the

Z. Czyczula, T. Przedzinski, Z. Was

1201.0906 (Daniel Schmidt et al.)

Direct Detection of Leptophilic Dark Matter in a Model with Radiative
Neutrino Masses

Daniel Schmidt, Thomas Schwetz, Takashi Toma

1201.5029 (Jani Sainio)

PyCOOL - a Cosmological Object-Oriented Lattice code written in Python    [PDF]

Jani Sainio

1203.4205 (Albert Bramon)

From Vector Meson Dominance to Quark-Hadron Duality    [PDF]

Albert Bramon

1203.3562 (H. J. de Vega et al.)

Towards the Chalonge 16th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2012: Highlights
and Conclusions of the Chalonge 15th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2011

H. J. de Vega, M. C. Falvella, N. G. Sanchez

1203.3820 (E. Lopez Fune et al.)

Strangelets under strong magnetic fields    [PDF]

E. Lopez Fune, A. Perez Martinez

1203.3825 (Werner Rodejohann et al.)

Impact of massive neutrinos on the Higgs self-coupling and electroweak
vacuum stability

Werner Rodejohann, He Zhang

1203.3856 (Evangelos Matsinos et al.)

Analysis of the low-energy $π^- p$ charge-exchange data    [PDF]

Evangelos Matsinos, Guenther Rasche

1203.3862 (Christine Davies)

Standard Model Heavy Flavor physics on the Lattice    [PDF]

Christine Davies

1203.3886 (Adam Latosinski et al.)

Neutrino Mixing and the Axion-Gluon Vertex    [PDF]

Adam Latosinski, Krzysztof A. Meissner, Hermann Nicolai

1203.3903 (Daniel Boyanovsky)

Condensates and quasiparticles in inflationary cosmology: mass
generation and decay widths

Daniel Boyanovsky

1203.3949 (V. Uzhinsky)

The Possibility of New Physics in pp Elastic Scattering at LHC    [PDF]

V. Uzhinsky

1203.3955 (O. Shekhovtsova et al.)

Resonance chiral Lagrangian currents and tau decay Monte Carlo    [PDF]

O. Shekhovtsova, T. Przedzinski, P. Roig, Z. Was

1203.3956 (Zuo-Tang Liang et al.)

Double spin asymmetry A_{LT} in direct photon production    [PDF]

Zuo-Tang Liang, Andreas Metz, Daniel Pitonyak, Andreas Schäfer, Yu-Kun Song, Jian Zhou

1203.3979 (Vladimir B. Kopeliovich)

Neutron Rich Hypernuclei in Chiral Soliton Model    [PDF]

Vladimir B. Kopeliovich

1203.3988 (Mads T. Frandsen et al.)

Discovering a Light Scalar or Pseudoscalar at The Large Hadron Collider    [PDF]

Mads T. Frandsen, Francesco Sannino

1203.4025 (Guy F. de Teramond et al.)

Hadronic Form Factor Models and Spectroscopy Within the Gauge/Gravity

Guy F. de Teramond, Stanley J. Brodsky

1203.4029 (Qing-Yong Lin et al.)

Revisiting the production of charmonium plus a light meson at PANDA    [PDF]

Qing-Yong Lin, Xiang Liu, Hu-Shan Xu

1203.4038 (Shigeru Odaka et al.)

Consistent simulation of non-resonant diphoton production at hadron
collisions with a custom-made parton shower

Shigeru Odaka, Yoshimasa Kurihara

1203.4052 (Jong-Phil Lee)

More than one ultimate speed and superluminal neutrinos    [PDF]

Jong-Phil Lee

1203.4059 (Kohei Kamada et al.)

Generalized Higgs inflation    [PDF]

Kohei Kamada, Tsutomu Kobayashi, Tomo Takahashi, Masahide Yamaguchi, Jun'ichi Yokoyama

1203.4068 (Hao-Ran Chang et al.)

Fermion Velocity Renormalization on Dynamical Mass Generation in QED$_3$    [PDF]

Hao-Ran Chang, Jing-Rong Wang, Jing Wang

1203.4090 (M. Bishai et al.)

Neutrino Oscillations in the Precision Era    [PDF]

M. Bishai, M. V. Diwan, S. Kettell, J. Stewart, B. Viren, E. Worchester, L. Whitehead

1203.4105 (Stefano Liberati)

Lorentz breaking Effective Field Theory and observational tests    [PDF]

Stefano Liberati

1203.4106 (Arghya Choudhury et al.)

Many faces of low mass neutralino dark matter in the unconstrained MSSM
and new signals at the LHC

Arghya Choudhury, Amitava Datta

1203.4120 (Zhi-Tian Zou et al.)

Nonleptonic two-body charmless B decays involving a tensor meson in the
Perturbative QCD Approach

Zhi-Tian Zou, Xin Yu, Cai-Dian Lu

1203.4129 (Wolfgang Schäfer et al.)

Production of two $c \bar c$ pairs in gluon-gluon scattering in high
energy proton-proton collisions

Wolfgang Schäfer, Antoni Szczurek

1203.4165 (Pei-Hong Gu)

From dark matter to neutrinoless double beta decay    [PDF]

Pei-Hong Gu

1203.4185 (Y. H. Ahn et al.)

Non-zero $θ_{13}$ and CP violation in a model with $A_4$ flavor

Y. H. Ahn, Sin Kyu Kang

1203.4199 (Abdelhak Djouadi)

Higgs Physics: Theory    [PDF]

Abdelhak Djouadi

1203.4218 (Riccardo Barbieri et al.)

Flavour physics from an approximate U(2)^3 symmetry    [PDF]

Riccardo Barbieri, Dario Buttazzo, Filippo Sala, David M. Straub

1203.4220 (Michele Redi)

Composite MFV and Beyond    [PDF]

Michele Redi