Wednesday, May 30, 2012

1006.2066 (Nora Brambilla et al.)

Precision determination of r_0Lambda_MS from the QCD static energy    [PDF]

Nora Brambilla, Xavier Garcia i Tormo, Joan Soto, Antonio Vairo

1109.0426 (Kanabu Nawa et al.)

Complex 2D Matrix Model and Geometrical Map on Complex-Nc Plane    [PDF]

Kanabu Nawa, Sho Ozaki, Hideko Nagahiro, Daisuke Jido, Atsushi Hosaka

1112.5339 (Mattias Blennow et al.)

RG running in a minimal UED model in light of recent LHC Higgs mass

Mattias Blennow, Henrik Melbeus, Tommy Ohlsson, He Zhang

1201.3031 (Sandhya Choubey et al.)

Lepton Number and Lepton Flavor Violation through Color Octet States    [PDF]

Sandhya Choubey, Michael Duerr, Manimala Mitra, Werner Rodejohann

1205.5679 (Harmen J. Warringa)

Dynamics of the Chiral Magnetic Effect in a weak magnetic field    [PDF]

Harmen J. Warringa

1205.6076 (C. -J. David Lin et al.)

Lattice study of infrared behaviour in SU(3) gauge theory with twelve
massless flavours

C. -J. David Lin, Kenji Ogawa, Hiroshi Ohki, Eigo Shintani

1205.6430 (Leonard S. Kisslinger et al.)

Erratum for Time Reversal in Neutrino Oscillations    [PDF]

Leonard S. Kisslinger, Ernest M. Henley, Mikkel B. Johnson

1205.6205 (Elias Kiritsis et al.)

The holographic quantum effective potential at finite temperature and

Elias Kiritsis, Vasilis Niarchos

1205.6207 (Marco Serone)

On the Cut-off Estimate in Lifshitz Five Dimensional Field Theories    [PDF]

Marco Serone

1205.6212 (Victor S. Basto-Gonzalez et al.)

Kinematical Test of Large Extra Dimension in Beta Decay Experiments    [PDF]

Victor S. Basto-Gonzalez, Arman Esmaili, Orlando L. G. Peres

1205.6231 (Evgeny Kh. Akhmedov et al.)

Quantum field theoretic approach to neutrino oscillations in matter    [PDF]

Evgeny Kh. Akhmedov, Alina Wilhelm

1205.6232 (Marcin Badziak)

Yukawa unification in SUSY SO(10) in light of the LHC Higgs data    [PDF]

Marcin Badziak

1205.6260 (M. Pospelov et al.)

How do you know if you ran through a wall?    [PDF]

M. Pospelov, S. Pustelny, M. P. Ledbetter, D. F. Jackson Kimball, W. Gawlik, D. Budker

1205.6261 (Mikjel Thorsrud et al.)

Cosmology of a Scalar Field Coupled to Matter and an Isotropy-Violating
Maxwell Field

Mikjel Thorsrud, David F. Mota, Sigbjørn Hervik

1205.6267 (Bhaskar Dutta et al.)

Holomorphic Bisectional Curvatures, Supersymmetry Breaking, and
Affleck-Dine Baryogenesis

Bhaskar Dutta, Kuver Sinha

1205.6284 (Kei Kotake et al.)

Core-Collapse Supernovae as Supercomputing Science: a status report
toward 6D simulations with exact Boltzmann neutrino transport in full general

Kei Kotake, Kohsuke Sumiyoshi, Shoichi Yamada, Tomoya Takiwaki, Takami Kuroda, Yudai Suwa, Hiroki Nagakura

1205.6292 (Cecilia Lunardini et al.)

Diffuse supernova neutrinos: oscillation effects, stellar cooling and
progenitor mass dependence

Cecilia Lunardini, Irene Tamborra

1205.6320 (T. M. Aliev et al.)

Mixing angle of doubly heavy baryons in QCD    [PDF]

T. M. Aliev, K. Azizi, M. Savci

1205.6338 (C. D. Tunnell)

Sterile Neutrino Sensitivity with Wrong-Sign Muon Appearance at nSTORM    [PDF]

C. D. Tunnell

1205.6340 (M. L. Nekrasov)

Modified perturbation theory for angular distribution in W-pair

M. L. Nekrasov

1205.6344 (Matteo Cacciari et al.)

Theoretical predictions for charm and bottom production at the LHC    [PDF]

Matteo Cacciari, Stefano Frixione, Nicolas Houdeau, Michelangelo L. Mangano, Paolo Nason, Giovanni Ridolfi

1205.6356 (Federico Alberto Ceccopieri et al.)

Revisiting QCD Fits in Diffractive DIS    [PDF]

Federico Alberto Ceccopieri, Laurent Favart

1205.6358 (F. Hautmann et al.)

TMD PDFs: a Monte Carlo implementation for the sea quark distribution    [PDF]

F. Hautmann, M. Hentschinski, H. Jung

1205.6381 (Miloslav Svec)

Evidence for rho^0(770)-f_0(980) mixing in pi(-)p->pi(-)pi(+)n from CERN
measurements on polarized target

Miloslav Svec

1205.6382 (A. A. Bylinkin et al.)

A variation of the charged particle spectrum shape as function of
rapidity in high energy pp collisions

A. A. Bylinkin, A. A. Rostovtsev

1205.6400 (Cédric Weiland)

Enhanced Higgs-Mediated Lepton-Flavour-Violating Processes in the
Supersymmetric Inverse Seesaw Model

Cédric Weiland

1205.6410 (R. Horsley et al.)

A Lattice Study of the Glue in the Nucleon    [PDF]

R. Horsley, R. Millo, Y. Nakamura, H. Perlt, D. Pleiter, P. E. L. Rakow, G. Schierholz, A. Schiller, F. Winter, J. M. Zanotti

1205.6416 (Cheng-Wei Chiang et al.)

Dark Matter and Higgs Boson in a Model with Discrete Gauge Symmetry    [PDF]

Cheng-Wei Chiang, Takaaki Nomura, Jusak Tandean

1205.6428 (Denis Wouters et al.)

Irregularity in gamma ray source spectra as a signature of axionlike

Denis Wouters, Pierre Brun

1205.6434 (Alex Pomarol et al.)

The Composite Higgs and Light Resonance Connection    [PDF]

Alex Pomarol, Francesco Riva

1205.6462 (P. Aurenche et al.)

Parton energy loss in glasma    [PDF]

P. Aurenche, B. G. Zakharov