Wednesday, April 24, 2013

1110.3665 (M. Rohrmoser et al.)

Flavor analysis of nucleon electromagnetic form factors    [PDF]

M. Rohrmoser, K. -S. Choi, W. Plessas

1304.6092 (Ufuk Aydemir et al.)

The Higgs Mass and the Emergence of New Physics    [PDF]

Ufuk Aydemir, Djordje Minic, Tatsu Takeuchi

1304.6103 (Patrick Draper et al.)

Decoupling of the Right-handed Neutrino Contribution to the Higgs Mass
in Supersymmetric Models

Patrick Draper, Howard E. Haber

1304.6110 (Louis Lello et al.)

Entanglement entropy in particle decay    [PDF]

Louis Lello, Daniel Boyanovsky, Richard Holman

1304.6119 (Jonathan M. Arnold et al.)

Phenomenology of scalar leptoquarks    [PDF]

Jonathan M. Arnold, Bartosz Fornal, Mark B. Wise

1304.6160 (S. A. Alavi et al.)

Dynamical noncommutative quantum mechanics    [PDF]

S. A. Alavi, S. Abbaspour

1304.6162 (Iason Baldes et al.)

Two radiative inverse seesaw models, dark matter, and baryogenesis    [PDF]

Iason Baldes, Nicole F. Bell, Kalliopi Petraki, Raymond R. Volkas

1304.6183 (Eugenio Del Nobile et al.)

Halo-independent analysis of direct detection data for light WIMPs    [PDF]

Eugenio Del Nobile, Graciela B. Gelmini, Paolo Gondolo, Ji-Haeng Huh

1304.6190 (Chen Bing et al.)

Study the isoscalar mesons $η_2(1870)$ and X(1870)    [PDF]

Chen Bing, Ke-Wei Wei, Ailin Zhang

1304.6191 (Kazuharu Bamba et al.)

Effective $F(T)$ gravity from the higher-dimensional Kaluza-Klein and
Randall-Sundrum theories

Kazuharu Bamba, Shin'ichi Nojiri, Sergei D. Odintsov

1304.6224 (P. K. Khandai et al.)

Hadron spectra in p+p collisions at RHIC and LHC energies    [PDF]

P. K. Khandai, P. Sett, P. Shukla, V. Singh

1304.6230 (Jürgen Brunner)

Counting Electrons to Probe the Neutrino Mass Hierarchy    [PDF]

Jürgen Brunner

1304.6248 (Hai-Bin Zhang et al.)

Lepton-flavor violation and $(g-2)_μ$ in the $μν$SSM    [PDF]

Hai-Bin Zhang, Tai-Fu Feng, Shu-Min Zhao, Tie-Jun Gao

1304.6259 (T. J. C. Bezerra et al.)

A Global Fit Determination of Effective $Δm_{31}^2$ from Baseline
Dependence of Reactor $\barν_e$ Disappearances

T. J. C. Bezerra, H. Furuta, F. Suekane, T. Matsubara

1304.6264 (Stephen F. King)

Minimal predictive see-saw model with normal neutrino mass hierarchy    [PDF]

Stephen F. King

1304.6298 (B. Pire et al.)

QCD description of charmonium plus light meson production in
antiproton-nucleon annihilation

B. Pire, K. Semenov-Tian-Shansky, L. Szymanowski

1304.6304 (Vito Antonelli et al.)

Advancements in solar neutrino physics    [PDF]

Vito Antonelli, Lino Miramonti

1304.6338 (Kei Yagyu)

Higgs sectors with exotic scalar fields    [PDF]

Kei Yagyu

1304.6341 (Andre Walker-Loud)

Baryons in/and Lattice QCD    [PDF]

Andre Walker-Loud

1304.6346 (Roberto Pittau)

Quantum field theory in four dimensions    [PDF]

Roberto Pittau

1304.6354 (W. Beenakker et al.)

Towards NNLL resummation: hard matching coefficients for squark and
gluino hadroproduction

W. Beenakker, T. Janssen, S. Lepoeter, M. Krämer, A. Kulesza, E. Laenen, I. Niessen, S. Thewes, T. Van Daal

1304.6362 (Takuya Kakuda et al.)

Phenomenological constraints on universal extra dimensions at LHC and
electroweak precision test

Takuya Kakuda, Kenji Nishiwaki, Kin-ya Oda, Naoya Okuda, Ryoutaro Watanabe