Tuesday, July 17, 2012

1011.1213 (Bernhard U. Musch et al.)

Exploring quark transverse momentum distributions with lattice QCD    [PDF]

Bernhard U. Musch, Philipp Hägler, John W. Negele, Andreas Schäfer

1110.1669 (Francesco Giacosa et al.)

Oscillations in the decay law: A possible quantum mechanical explanation
of the anomaly in the experiment at the GSI facility

Francesco Giacosa, Giuseppe Pagliara

1111.4249 (B. U. Musch et al.)

Sivers and Boer-Mulders observables from lattice QCD    [PDF]

B. U. Musch, Ph. Hägler, M. Engelhardt, J. W. Negele, A. Schäfer

1112.5497 (Sanghyeon Chang et al.)

Probing axino LSP from diphotons events with large missing transverse

Sanghyeon Chang, Kang Young Lee, Jeonghyeon Song

1201.4640 (Vladimir Saleev et al.)

Inclusive b-jet and b\bar b-dijet production at the LHC via Reggeized

Vladimir Saleev, Alexandra Shipilova

1207.3383 (Joel W. Walker)

CutLHCO: A Consumer-Level Tool for Implementing Generic Collider Data
Selection Cuts in the Search for New Physics

Joel W. Walker

1207.3430 (N. Matagne et al.)

Negative parity baryons in the $1/N_c$ expansion: the three towers of
states revisited

N. Matagne, Fl. Stancu

1207.3477 (Hong-Wei Ke et al.)

$Σ_{b}\toΣ_c$ and $Ω_b\toΩ_c$ weak decays in the
light-front quark model

Hong-Wei Ke, Xu-Hao Yuan, Xue-Qian Li, Zheng-Tao Wei, Yan-Xi Zhang

1207.3490 (M. Hashemi)

Enhancement of Charged Higgs Production in Association With W at Muon
Colliders in a General 2HDM

M. Hashemi

1207.3492 (Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla et al.)

Constraining Non-Standard Interactions of the Neutrino with Borexino    [PDF]

Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla, Francesco Lombardi, Tatsu Takeuchi

1207.3495 (Andrew G. Cohen et al.)

New Charged Particles from Higgs Couplings    [PDF]

Andrew G. Cohen, Martin Schmaltz

1207.3507 (J. P. Lansberg et al.)

A Fixed-Target ExpeRiment at the LHC (AFTER@LHC) : luminosities, target
polarisation and a selection of physics studies

J. P. Lansberg, V. Chambert, J. P. Didelez, B. Genolini, C. Hadjidakis, P. Rosier, R. Arnaldi, E. Scomparin, S. J. Brodsky, E. G. Ferreiro, F. Fleuret, A. Rakotozafindrabe, U. I. Uggerhøj

1207.3525 (Can Kilic et al.)

Di-Jet Extinction from Non-Perturbative Quantum Gravity Effects    [PDF]

Can Kilic, Amitabh Lath, Keith Rose, Scott Thomas

1207.3536 (Raul A. Briceno et al.)

Charmed-Baryon Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD with N_f=2+1+1 Flavors    [PDF]

Raul A. Briceno, Huey-Wen Lin, Daniel R. Bolton

1207.3561 (Dian-Yong Chen et al.)

Does the enhancement observed in $γγ\to D\bar{D}$ contain two
$P$-wave higher charmonia?

Dian-Yong Chen, Jun He, Xiang Liu, Takayuki Matsuki

1207.3562 (J. M. M. Hall et al.)

Baryon resonances and hadronic interactions in a finite volume    [PDF]

J. M. M. Hall, A. C. -P. Hsu, D. B. Leinweber, A. W. Thomas, R. D. Young

1207.3588 (Shankha Banerjee et al.)

New Higgs interactions and recent data from the LHC and the Tevatron    [PDF]

Shankha Banerjee, Satyanarayan Mukhopadhyay, Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya

1207.3608 (Ryosuke Sato et al.)

Gluino Decay as a Probe of High Scale Supersymmetry Breaking    [PDF]

Ryosuke Sato, Satoshi Shirai, Kohsaku Tobioka

1207.3630 (Shlomo Dado et al.)

Super Luminous Supernova and Gamma Ray Bursts    [PDF]

Shlomo Dado, Arnon Dar

1207.3679 (Dmitri Diakonov et al.)

Baryon resonances at large Nc, or Quark Nuclear Physics    [PDF]

Dmitri Diakonov, Victor Petrov, Alexey A. Vladimirov

1207.3698 (Junjie Cao et al.)

Status of low energy SUSY models confronted with the LHC 125 GeV Higgs

Junjie Cao, Zhaoxia Heng, Jin Min Yang, Jingya Zhu

1207.3699 (Alexandre Alves et al.)

Explaining the Higgs Decays at the LHC with an Extended Electroweak

Alexandre Alves, A. G. Dias, E. Ramirez Barreto, C. A. de S. Pires, Farinaldo S. Queiroz, P. S. Rodrigues da Silva

1207.3706 (Pasquale Blasi et al.)

Spectral breaks as a signature of cosmic ray induced turbulence in the

Pasquale Blasi, Elena Amato, Pasquale D. Serpico

1207.3714 (Gabriel N. Ferrari et al.)

Chiral Transition Within Effective Quark Models Under Magnetic Fields    [PDF]

Gabriel N. Ferrari, Andre F. Garcia, Marcus B. Pinto

1207.3730 (C. Pallis et al.)

Leptogenesis and Neutrino Masses in an Inflationary SUSY Pati-Salam

C. Pallis, N. Toumbas

1207.3734 (Arindam Das et al.)

Inverse Seesaw Neutrino Signatures at LHC and ILC    [PDF]

Arindam Das, Nobuchika Okada