Wednesday, March 20, 2013

1303.3982 (Hajime Aoki)

Probability distribution over some phenomenological models in the matrix
model compactified on a torus

Hajime Aoki

1303.3985 (Mehrdad Goshtasbpour et al.)

Commuting Matrix Solutions of PQCD Evolution Equations    [PDF]

Mehrdad Goshtasbpour, Seyed Ali Shafiei

1303.4097 (Andre de Gouvea et al.)

Lepton Flavor and Number Conservation, and Physics Beyond the Standard

Andre de Gouvea, Petr Vogel

1303.4132 (W. C. Haxton et al.)

Hadronic Parity Violation    [PDF]

W. C. Haxton, B. R. Holstein

1303.4140 (Ming-Tao Li et al.)

A Study of P-wave Heavy Meson Interactions in A Chiral Quark Model    [PDF]

Ming-Tao Li, Wen-Ling Wang, Yu-Bing Dong, Zong-Ye Zhang

1303.4146 (Zhi-Gang Wang)

Next-to-leading order perturbative contributions in the QCD sum rules
for unequal quark masses

Zhi-Gang Wang

1303.4152 (S. X. Nakamura et al.)

Neutrino-induced meson productions off nucleon at forward limit in
nucleon resonance region

S. X. Nakamura, H. Kamano, T. -S. H. Lee, T. Sato

1303.4159 (Akhilesh Nautiyal)

Anisotropic Non-gaussianity with noncommutative spacetime    [PDF]

Akhilesh Nautiyal

1303.4198 (Georg P. Engel et al.)

QCD with Two Light Dynamical Chirally Improved Quarks    [PDF]

Georg P. Engel, C. B. Lang, Daniel Mohler, Andreas Schafer

1303.4233 (Ariel Megevand)

Friction forces on phase transition fronts    [PDF]

Ariel Megevand

1303.4253 (Holger Gies et al.)

Renormalization flow towards gravitational catalysis in the 3d
Gross-Neveu model

Holger Gies, Stefan Lippoldt

1303.4256 (Motoi Endo et al.)

Muon g-2 vs LHC in Supersymmetric Models    [PDF]

Motoi Endo, Koichi Hamaguchi, Sho Iwamoto, Takahiro Yoshinaga

1303.4280 (Seungwon Baek et al.)

Singlet Portal Extensions of the Standard Seesaw Models to a Dark Sector
with Local Dark Symmetry

Seungwon Baek, P. Ko, Wan-Il Park

1303.4317 (Micol Benetti et al.)

Cosmological data and indications for new physics    [PDF]

Micol Benetti, Martina Gerbino, William H. Kinney, Edward W. Kolb, Massimiliano Lattanzi, Alessandro Melchiorri, Luca Pagano, Antonio Riotto

1303.4332 (Ahmed Rashed et al.)

Tau neutrino as a probe of nonstandard interaction    [PDF]

Ahmed Rashed, Preet Sharma, Alakabha Datta

1303.4344 (Abhishek K. Singh et al.)

Discrete torsion, de Sitter tunneling vacua and AdS brane: U(1) gauge
theory on D4-brane and an effective curvature

Abhishek K. Singh, K. Priyabrat Pandey, Sunita Singh, Supriya Kar

1303.4364 (A. V. Bednyakov et al.)

Higgs self-coupling beta-function in the Standard Model at three loops    [PDF]

A. V. Bednyakov, A. F. Pikelner, V. N. Velizhanin

1303.4394 (S. Morisi et al.)

Quark-Lepton Mass Relation and CKM mixing in an A4 Extension of the
Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

S. Morisi, M. Nebot, Ketan M. Patel, E. Peinado, J. W. F. Valle

1303.4395 (F. Bezrukov et al.)

Light inflaton after LHC8 and WMAP9 results    [PDF]

F. Bezrukov, D. Gorbunov

1303.4403 (Hai-Yang Cheng et al.)

Revisiting charmless hadronic B decays to scalar mesons    [PDF]

Hai-Yang Cheng, Chun-Khiang Chua, Kwei-Chou Yang, Zhi-Qing Zhang

1303.4404 (Jia Liu et al.)

Looking for new charged states at the LHC: Signatures of Magnetic and
Rayleigh Dark Matter

Jia Liu, Brian Shuve, Neal Weiner, Itay Yavin

1303.4405 (Xiaohui Liu et al.)

Reducing theoretical uncertainties for exclusive Higgs plus one-jet
production at the LHC

Xiaohui Liu, Frank Petriello

1303.4414 (Marcela Carena et al.)

Light Stops, Light Staus and the 125 GeV Higgs    [PDF]

Marcela Carena, Stefania Gori, Nausheen R. Shah, Carlos E. M. Wagner, Lian-Tao Wang

1303.4423 (Michael Gustafsson et al.)

Effective Theory of Dark Matter Decay into Monochromatic Photons and its
Implications: Constraints from Associated Cosmic-Ray Emission

Michael Gustafsson, Thomas Hambye, Tiziana Scarna

1303.4435 (Andrei Linde)

Chaotic inflation in supergravity and cosmic string production    [PDF]

Andrei Linde

1303.4490 (Lei Wang et al.)

LHC diphoton Higgs signal in the Higgs triplet model with Y=0    [PDF]

Lei Wang, Xiao-Fang Han

1303.4497 (Cheng Cheng et al.)

Constraints on single-field inflation with WMAP, SPT and ACT data -- A
last-minute stand before Planck

Cheng Cheng, Qing-Guo Huang, Yin-Zhe Ma

1303.4506 (J. Rafelski et al.)

Compact Ultradense Objects in the Solar System    [PDF]

J. Rafelski, Ch. Dietl, L. Labun

1303.4526 (Qing-Guo Huang et al.)

Large Local Non-Gaussianity from General Single-field Inflation    [PDF]

Qing-Guo Huang, Yi Wang

1303.4530 (Mattias Blennow et al.)

Probing the Dark Matter mass and nature with neutrinos    [PDF]

Mattias Blennow, Marcus Carrigan, Enrique Fernandez Martinez

1303.4534 (Moritz McGarrie)

5D Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills in 4D Superspace: Applications    [PDF]

Moritz McGarrie

1303.4557 (Umberto D'Alesio et al.)

Azimuthal distributions of pions inside jets at RHIC    [PDF]

Umberto D'Alesio, Francesco Murgia, Cristian Pisano

1303.4563 (Peter Richardson et al.)

Monte Carlo Simulation of Hard Radiation in Decays in Beyond the
Standard Model Physics in Herwig++

Peter Richardson, Alexandra Wilcock

1303.4568 (Kenzo Ishikawa et al.)

Finite-size corrections to Fermi's golden rule: I Decay rates    [PDF]

Kenzo Ishikawa, Yutaka Tobita

1303.4573 (Kristian L. McDonald)

Minimal Tree-Level Seesaws with a Heavy Intermediate Fermion    [PDF]

Kristian L. McDonald

1303.4583 (R. S. Hundi)

Implications of Higgs to diphoton decay rate in the bilinear R-parity
violating supersymmetric model

R. S. Hundi

1303.4587 (Alexander Radionov)

Constraints on electromagnetic properties of sterile neutrinos from
MiniBooNE results

Alexander Radionov

1303.4603 (Nicusor Arsene et al.)

Back-to-Back Black Holes decay Signature at Neutrino Observatories    [PDF]

Nicusor Arsene, Xavier Calmet, Lauretiu Ioan Caramete, Octavian Micu

1303.4626 (Toyokazu Sekiguchi et al.)

Optimal constraint on g_NL from CMB    [PDF]

Toyokazu Sekiguchi, Naoshi Sugiyama

1303.4633 (F. Gelis et al.)

Classical statistical computation of the Schwinger mechanism    [PDF]

F. Gelis, N. Tanji

1303.4639 (Aleksi Kurkela)

Thermalization in collisions of large nuclei at high energies    [PDF]

Aleksi Kurkela

1303.4654 (Jostein R. Kristiansen et al.)

Cosmology with sterile neutrino masses from oscillation experiments    [PDF]

Jostein R. Kristiansen, Øystein Elgarøy, Carlo Giunti, Marco Laveder

1303.4657 (Thomas Wolkanowski)

Resonances and poles in the second Riemann sheet    [PDF]

Thomas Wolkanowski

1303.4660 (Matteo Rinaldi et al.)

Studying the neutron orbital structure by coherent hard exclusive
processes off 3He

Matteo Rinaldi, Sergio Scopetta

1303.4662 (K. Hebeler et al.)

Equation of state and neutron star properties constrained by nuclear
physics and observation

K. Hebeler, J. M. Lattimer, C. J. Pethick, A. Schwenk

1303.4682 (Eric Braaten et al.)

Universal Two-body Physics in Dark Matter near an S-wave Resonance    [PDF]

Eric Braaten, H. -W. Hammer

1303.4685 (Massimiliano Lattanzi et al.)

Updated CMB, X- and gamma-ray constraints on majoron dark matter    [PDF]

Massimiliano Lattanzi, Signe Riemer-Sorensen, Mariam Tortola, Jose W. F. Valle

1303.4687 (D. Delepine et al.)

A Fourth Neutrino and its Consequences on CP Asymmetries    [PDF]

D. Delepine, C. Lujan-Peschard, M. Napsuciale

1303.4717 (C. B. Jackson et al.)

Gamma Rays from Top-Mediated Dark Matter Annihilations    [PDF]

C. B. Jackson, Geraldine Servant, Gabe Shaughnessy, Tim M. P. Tait, Marco Taoso

1303.4723 (M. V. Garzelli et al.)

Cosmic ray induced micro black hole showers    [PDF]

M. V. Garzelli, M. O'Loughlin, S. Nafooshe