Friday, June 1, 2012

1108.1368 (Paramita Dey et al.)

Constraints on axino warm dark matter from X-ray observation at the
Chandra telescope and SPI

Paramita Dey, Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya, Sourov Roy, Sudhir K. Vempati

1112.1963 (Johanna Erdmenger et al.)

Time singularities of correlators from Dirichlet conditions in AdS/CFT    [PDF]

Johanna Erdmenger, Carlos Hoyos, Shu Lin

1201.1511 (R. Alonso et al.)

Minimal Flavour Violation with Strong Higgs Dynamics    [PDF]

R. Alonso, M. B. Gavela, L. Merlo, S. Rigolin, J. Yepes

1205.6808 (Simone Marzani)

Probing colour flow with jet vetoes    [PDF]

Simone Marzani

1205.6809 (V. V. Begun et al.)

Strongly Intensive Measures for Multiplicity Fluctuations    [PDF]

V. V. Begun, V. P. Konchakovski, M. I. Gorenstein, E. Bratkovskaya

1205.6811 (Matthew R. Buckley et al.)

Implications of a 130 GeV Gamma-Ray Line for Dark Matter    [PDF]

Matthew R. Buckley, Dan Hooper

1205.6816 (A. Liam Fitzpatrick et al.)

A New Theory of Anyons    [PDF]

A. Liam Fitzpatrick, Shamit Kachru, Jared Kaplan, Emanuel Katz, Jay G. Wacker

1205.6817 (Carla Biggio et al.)

Postcards from oases in the desert: phenomenology of SUSY with
intermediate scales

Carla Biggio, Lorenzo Calibbi, Antonio Masiero, Sudhir K. Vempati

1205.6856 (C. Alexandrou et al.)

Strange and charm baryon masses with two flavors of dynamical twisted
mass fermions

C. Alexandrou, J. Carbonell, D. Christaras, V. Drach, M. Gravina, M. Papinutto

1205.6860 (Jiajun Liao et al.)

Perturbations to μ-τ symmetry in neutrino mixing    [PDF]

Jiajun Liao, D. Marfatia, K. Whisnant

1205.6873 (Johanna Erdmenger et al.)

Thermalization from gauge/gravity duality: Evolution of singularities in
unequal time correlators

Johanna Erdmenger, Shu Lin

1205.6918 (Joseph P. Day et al.)

Universal Constituent-Quark Model for Baryons    [PDF]

Joseph P. Day, Willibald Plessas, Ki-Seok Choi

1205.6929 (Howard Baer et al.)

Post LHC7 SUSY benchmark points for ILC physics    [PDF]

Howard Baer, Jenny List

1205.6930 (I. Antoniadis et al.)

Building SO(10) models from F-theory    [PDF]

I. Antoniadis, G. K. Leontaris

1205.6931 (Wilco J. den Dunnen et al.)

Linearly polarized Gluons and the Higgs Transverse Momentum Distribution    [PDF]

Wilco J. den Dunnen, Daniel Boer, Cristian Pisano, Marc Schlegel, Werner Vogelsang

1205.6940 (Jochen Keller et al.)

Axions from cooling compact stars    [PDF]

Jochen Keller, Armen Sedrakian

1205.6944 (Ryuichiro Kitano)

Hadron physics as Seiberg dual of QCD    [PDF]

Ryuichiro Kitano

1205.6945 (Bernard Pire et al.)

Timelike Compton Scattering - New Theoretical Results and Experimental

Bernard Pire, Lech Szymanowski, Jakub Wagner

1205.6967 (Kresimir Kumericki et al.)

GPDs from present and future measurements    [PDF]

Kresimir Kumericki, Dieter Mueller

1205.6978 (Jens O. Andersen)

Chiral perturbation theory in a magnetic background - finite-temperature

Jens O. Andersen

1205.6983 (M. I. Vysotsky)

Photon "mass" and atomic levels in a superstrong magnetic field    [PDF]

M. I. Vysotsky

1205.6987 (Tom Melia et al.)

Gluon fusion contribution to W+W- + jet production    [PDF]

Tom Melia, Kirill Melnikov, Raoul Rontsch, Markus Schulze, Giulia Zanderighi

1205.6994 (Frank F. Deppisch et al.)

Minimal Resonant Leptogenesis and Lepton Flavour Violation    [PDF]

Frank F. Deppisch, Apostolos Pilaftsis

1205.7000 (H. Spiesberger)

Inclusive D-Meson Production at the LHC    [PDF]

H. Spiesberger

1205.7015 (D. E. Krause et al.)

Searches for solar-influenced radioactive decay anomalies using
Spacecraft RTGs

D. E. Krause, B. A. Rogers, E. Fischbach, J. B Buncher, A. Ging, J. H. Jenkins, J. M. Longuski, N. Strange, P. A. Sturrock

1205.7071 (E. Kh. Akhmedov et al.)

Mass hierarchy, 2-3 mixing and CP-phase with Huge Atmospheric Neutrino

E. Kh. Akhmedov, Soebur Razzaque, A. Yu. Smirnov

1205.7087 (Pierpaolo Mastrolia et al.)

Scattering Amplitudes from Multivariate Polynomial Division    [PDF]

Pierpaolo Mastrolia, Edoardo Mirabella, Giovanni Ossola, Tiziano Peraro

1205.7091 (Joerg Jaeckel et al.)

The TeV Dawn of SUSY Models - Consequences for Flavour and CP    [PDF]

Joerg Jaeckel, Valentin V. Khoze