Thursday, November 15, 2012

1108.4424 (Konstantinos Dimopoulos et al.)

Statistical Anisotropy from Vector Curvaton in D-brane Inflation    [PDF]

Konstantinos Dimopoulos, Danielle Wills, Ivonne Zavala

1111.4994 (Yunjie Huo et al.)

The Superluminal Neutrinos from Deformed Lorentz Invariance    [PDF]

Yunjie Huo, Tianjun Li, Yi Liao, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, Yonghui Qi, Fei Wang

1211.3116 (Jonathan L. Feng)

Dark Matter and Indirect Detection in Cosmic Rays    [PDF]

Jonathan L. Feng

1211.3121 (Yuval Grossman et al.)

Neutralino Oscillations at the LHC    [PDF]

Yuval Grossman, Bibhushan Shakya, Yuhsin Tsai

1211.3131 (P. M. Ferreira et al.)

Mass-degenerate Higgs bosons at 125 GeV in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model    [PDF]

P. M. Ferreira, Howard E. Haber, Rui Santos, Joao P. Silva

1211.3132 (Hsi-Ming Chang et al.)

Double Parton Correlations in the Bag Model    [PDF]

Hsi-Ming Chang, Aneesh V. Manohar, Wouter J. Waalewijn

1211.3134 (Aoife Bharucha et al.)

Consistent on shell renormalisation of electroweakinos in the complex
MSSM: LHC and LC predictions

Aoife Bharucha, Alison Fowler, Gudrid Moortgat-Pick, Georg Weiglein

1211.3140 (Davison E. Soper et al.)

Finding top quarks with shower deconstruction    [PDF]

Davison E. Soper, Michael Spannowsky

1211.3152 (Peter Millington et al.)

Perturbative Non-Equilibrium Thermal Field Theory    [PDF]

Peter Millington, Apostolos Pilaftsis

1211.3153 (Tommy Ohlsson et al.)

Radiative corrections to the leptonic Dirac CP-violating phase    [PDF]

Tommy Ohlsson, He Zhang, Shun Zhou

1211.3177 (Pradipta Ghosh et al.)

Displaced multileptons at the LHC -- probing a 125 GeV new boson in

Pradipta Ghosh, Daniel E. Lopez-Fogliani, Vasiliki A. Mitsou, Carlos Munoz, Roberto Ruiz de Austri

1211.3198 (Yijia Zhang et al.)

Quark-lepton complementarity and self-complementarity in different

Yijia Zhang, Xinyi Zhang, Bo-Qiang Ma

1211.3214 (Konstantin G. Savvidy et al.)

Direct Dark Matter Detection - A spin 3/2 WIMP candidate    [PDF]

Konstantin G. Savvidy, J. D. Vergados

1211.3217 (R. Foot)

Differentiating hidden sector dark matter from light WIMPs with
Germanium detectors

R. Foot

1211.3231 (B. C. Allanach et al.)

Uncertainty in Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in the Minimal
Supersymmetric Standard Model and its Impact on Searches For Supersymmetric

B. C. Allanach, M. A. Parker

1211.3260 (Yoshio Kitadono et al.)

Spin analyzing power for polarized top decays with jets    [PDF]

Yoshio Kitadono, Hsiang-nan Li

1211.3327 (F. Gelis)

Color Glass Condensate and Glasma    [PDF]

F. Gelis

1211.3333 (Federico Alberto Ceccopieri et al.)

QCD analysis of Lambda hyperon production in DIS target-fragmentation

Federico Alberto Ceccopieri, Davide Mancusi

1211.3348 (Leonard S. Kisslinger)

Neutrino Masses in a Neutrinosphere    [PDF]

Leonard S. Kisslinger

1211.3352 (D. A. Fagundes et al.)

Reply to "Commentary on "Total Hadronic Cross Section Data and the
Froissart-Martin Bound", by Fagundes, Menon and Silva"

D. A. Fagundes, M. J. Menon, P. V. R. G. Silva

1211.3357 (A. D. Martin et al.)

The LHC can probe small x PDFs; the treatment of the infrared region    [PDF]

A. D. Martin, E. G. de Oliveira, M. G. Ryskin

1211.3361 (Yuval Grossman et al.)

SU(3) Sum Rules for Charm Decay    [PDF]

Yuval Grossman, Dean J Robinson

1211.3364 (R. Krishnan)

A Model for Large theta13 Constructed using the Eigenvectors of the S4
Rotation Matrices

R. Krishnan

1211.3370 (J. I. Kapusta et al.)

Hydrodynamic noise and Bjorken expansion    [PDF]

J. I. Kapusta, B. Müller, M. Stephanov

1211.3389 (Alejandro H. Córsico et al.)

An independent limit on the axion mass from the variable white dwarf
star R548

Alejandro H. Córsico, Leandro G. Althaus, Alejandra D. Romero, Anjum S. Mukadam, Enrique García--Berro, Jordi Isern, S. O. Kepler, Mariela A. Corti

1211.3408 (Pietro Falgari et al.)

Finite-width effects on threshold corrections to squark and gluino

Pietro Falgari, Christian Schwinn, Christopher Wever

1211.3410 (Ciaran Doolin et al.)

Cosmology of a FLRW 3-brane, late-time cosmic acceleration, and the
cosmic coincidence

Ciaran Doolin, Ishwaree P. Neupane