Friday, March 8, 2013

1303.0860 (Reinhard A. Schumacher et al.)

Isospin Decomposition of the Photoproduced Σπ System Near the

Reinhard A. Schumacher, Kei Moriya

1303.0886 (I. V. Grossu et al.)

High precision module for Chaos Many-Body Engine    [PDF]

I. V. Grossu, C. Besliu, D. Felea, Al. Jipa

1303.1523 (Yi Wang)

Inflation, Cosmic Perturbations and Non-Gaussianities    [PDF]

Yi Wang

1303.1521 (JiJi Fan et al.)

Double-Disk Dark Matter    [PDF]

JiJi Fan, Andrey Katz, Lisa Randall, Matthew Reece

1303.1526 (Christoph Englert et al.)

Modified Higgs Sectors and NLO Associated Production    [PDF]

Christoph Englert, Matthew McCullough

1303.1525 (Oleg Antipin et al.)

The a theorem for Gauge-Yukawa theories beyond Banks-Zaks    [PDF]

Oleg Antipin, Marc Gillioz, Esben Mølgaard, Francesco Sannino

1303.1528 (Kent Yagi et al.)

I-Love-Q Relations in Neutron Stars and their Applications to
Astrophysics, Gravitational Waves and Fundamental Physics

Kent Yagi, Nicolas Yunes

1303.1527 (Haruki Watanabe et al.)

Massive Nambu-Goldstone Bosons    [PDF]

Haruki Watanabe, Tomáš Brauner, Hitoshi Murayama

1303.1547 (Oleg Antipin et al.)

a New Conformal Window Bound from the a theorem    [PDF]

Oleg Antipin, Marc Gillioz, Francesco Sannino

1303.1558 (Simon M. Freedman)

Subleading Corrections To Thrust Using Effective Field Theory    [PDF]

Simon M. Freedman

1303.1563 (Tianhong Wang et al.)

Annihilation rate of $2^{-+}$ charmonium and bottomonium    [PDF]

Tianhong Wang, Guo-Li Wang, Wan-Li Ju, Yue Jiang

1303.1592 (Bin Wang et al.)

Study on perturbation schemes for achieving the real PMNS matrix from
various symmetric textures

Bin Wang, Jian Tang, Xue-Qian Li

1303.1603 (Paul Hoyer)

Are hadrons simpler than they seem?    [PDF]

Paul Hoyer

1303.1612 (T. Yazdizadeh et al.)

The effect of a density dependent bag constant on the structure of hot
neutron star with a quark core

T. Yazdizadeh, G. H. Bordbar

1303.1622 (Felix Brümmer et al.)

Focus point gauge mediation in product group unification    [PDF]

Felix Brümmer, Masahiro Ibe, Tsutomu T. Yanagida

1303.1637 (Junegone Chay et al.)

Proper factorization theorems in high-energy scattering near the

Junegone Chay, Chul Kim

1303.1670 (R. J. Dowdall et al.)

Vus from pi and K decay constants in full lattice QCD with physical u,
d, s and c quarks

R. J. Dowdall, C. T. H. Davies, G. P. Lepage, C. McNeile

1303.1681 (Cristina Volpe)

Neutrino astrophysics    [PDF]

Cristina Volpe

1303.1688 (Kazunori Kohri et al.)

Precise Measurements of Primordial Power Spectrum with 21 cm

Kazunori Kohri, Yoshihiko Oyama, Toyokazu Sekiguchi, Tomo Takahashi

1303.1710 (F. Bruckmann et al.)

Electric charge catalysis by magnetic fields and isospin chemical

F. Bruckmann, P. V. Buividovich, T. Sulejmanpasic

1303.1758 (Debasish Borah et al.)

Hierarchical Neutrino Masses and Leptogenesis in Type I+II Seesaw Models    [PDF]

Debasish Borah, Mrinal Kumar Das

1303.1776 (Urbano Franca et al.)

Probing interactions within the dark matter sector via extra radiation

Urbano Franca, Roberto A. Lineros, Joaquim Palacio, Sergio Pastor

1303.1798 (Christoph Weniger)

Gamma-ray lines in the Fermi-LAT data?    [PDF]

Christoph Weniger

1303.1811 (Sichun Sun et al.)

Little Flavor    [PDF]

Sichun Sun, David B. Kaplan, Ann E. Nelson

1303.1812 (Adam Falkowski et al.)

Higgs At Last    [PDF]

Adam Falkowski, Francesco Riva, Alfredo Urbano