Tuesday, April 9, 2013

1104.0106 (Z. Haba)

Relativistic diffusion in random gluon fields    [PDF]

Z. Haba

1208.1433 (Sumanta Chakraborty et al.)

Solar System Constraints on Alternative Gravity Theories    [PDF]

Sumanta Chakraborty, Soumitra Sengupta

1304.1802 (Fulvio Melia et al.)

Cosmic Chronometers in the R_h=ct Universe    [PDF]

Fulvio Melia, Robert S. Maier

1304.1804 (Joseph P. Conlon et al.)

The Cosmophenomenology of Axionic Dark Radiation    [PDF]

Joseph P. Conlon, M. C. David Marsh

1304.1806 (Johannes M. Henn)

Multiloop integrals in dimensional regularization made simple    [PDF]

Johannes M. Henn

1304.1807 (Hideaki Iida et al.)

Entropy production in classical Yang-Mills theory from Glasma initial

Hideaki Iida, Teiji Kunihiro, Berndt Mueller, Akira Ohnishi, Andreas Schaefer, Toru T. Takahashi

1304.1809 (Michele Cicoli et al.)

Heterotic Moduli Stabilization    [PDF]

Michele Cicoli, Senarath de Alwis, Alexander Westphal

1304.1822 (Sanjoy Biswas et al.)

Direct constraints on the top-Higgs coupling from the 8 TeV LHC data    [PDF]

Sanjoy Biswas, Emidio Gabrielli, Fabrizio Margaroli, Barbara Mele

1304.1840 (Ilias Cholis et al.)

Dark Matter and Pulsar Origins of the Rising Cosmic Ray Positron
Fraction in Light of New Data From AMS

Ilias Cholis, Dan Hooper

1304.1850 (Chun-Yu Cui et al.)

Could $Z_{c}(3900)$ be a $I^{G}J^{P}=1^{+}1^{+}$ $D^{*}\bar{D}$
molecular state?

Chun-Yu Cui, Yong-Lu Liu, Wen-Bo Chen, Ming-Qiu Huang

1304.1867 (Michal Praszalowicz)

Geometrical scaling in high energy collisions and its breaking    [PDF]

Michal Praszalowicz

1304.1873 (Avdhesh Kumar et al.)

Fluctuations in Relativistic Causal Hydrodynamics    [PDF]

Avdhesh Kumar, Jitesh R. Bhatt, Ananta P. Mishra

1304.1891 (S. Fazio et al.)

Reggeometry of deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) and exclusive
vector meson production (VMP) at HERA

S. Fazio, R. Fiore, L. Jenkovszky, A. Lavorini, A. Salii

1304.1904 (Hiroaki Abuki)

The fate of chiral critical point under the strong isospin asymmetry    [PDF]

Hiroaki Abuki

1304.1945 (Kazumi Kashiyama et al.)

Neutron-Proton-Conversion Acceleration at Subphotospheres of
Relativistic Outflows

Kazumi Kashiyama, Kohta Murase, Peter Mészáros

1304.1946 (J. de Blas et al.)

The Least Supersymmetric Signals at the LHC    [PDF]

J. de Blas, A. Delgado, B. Ostdiek

1304.1948 (Claude Bernard et al.)

On the foundations of partially quenched chiral perturbation theory    [PDF]

Claude Bernard, Maarten Golterman

1304.1958 (Bo-Chao Liu)

Nucleon resonance production in $K^+N$ interactions    [PDF]

Bo-Chao Liu

1304.1961 (Shinji Tsujikawa)

Quintessence: A Review    [PDF]

Shinji Tsujikawa

1304.1992 (Seng Pei Liew)

Gamma-ray line from radiative decay of gravitino dark matter    [PDF]

Seng Pei Liew

1304.1994 (Subhankar Roy et al.)

Leptonic mixing matrix in terms of Cabibbo angle    [PDF]

Subhankar Roy, N. Nimai Singh

1304.1997 (Hong-Bo Jin et al.)

Implications of the first AMS-02 measurement for dark matter
annihilation and decay

Hong-Bo Jin, Yue-Liang Wu, Yu-Feng Zhou

1304.2047 (Carlo Rubbia et al.)

Sterile neutrinos: the necessity for a 5 sigma definitive clarification    [PDF]

Carlo Rubbia, Alberto Guglielmi, Francesco Pietropaolo, Paola Sala

1304.2055 (Amine Ahriche et al.)

Dark Matter and Strong Electroweak Phase Transition in a Radiative
Neutrino Mass Model

Amine Ahriche, Salah Nasri

1304.2076 (Peter J. Mohr et al.)

Bound-state field theory approach to proton structure effects in muonic

Peter J. Mohr, J. Griffith, J. Sapirstein

1304.2081 (Roman Pasechnik et al.)

Chiral-Symmetric Technicolor with Standard Model Higgs boson    [PDF]

Roman Pasechnik, Vitaly Beylin, Vladimir Kuksa, Grigory Vereshkov

1304.2113 (Aditya Nath Mishra et al.)

Towards A Universal Law of Particle Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions    [PDF]

Aditya Nath Mishra, Rakesh Mazumder, Raghunath Sahoo

1304.2121 (Tsuyoshi Miyatsu et al.)

Equation of state for neutron stars in SU(3) flavor symmetry    [PDF]

Tsuyoshi Miyatsu, Myung-Ki Cheoun, Koichi Saito

1304.2124 (S. Kuday)

Resonant Production of Sbottom via RPV Couplings at the LHeC    [PDF]

S. Kuday

1304.2127 (O. V. Selyugin)

The structure of nucleons and the description of the electromagnetic
form factors

O. V. Selyugin

1304.2143 (S. Prelovsek et al.)

Hadronic Resonances in Lattice QCD    [PDF]

S. Prelovsek, C. B. Lang, L. Leskovec, D. Mohler, R. M. Woloshyn

1304.2185 (O. Buchmueller et al.)

Universal mass limits on gluino and third-generation squarks in the
context of Natural-like SUSY spectra

O. Buchmueller, J. Marrouche

1304.2194 (Alfons J. Buchmann et al.)

Pion couplings of the Delta(1232)    [PDF]

Alfons J. Buchmann, Steven A. Moszkowski

1304.2207 (H. W. Long et al.)

CP-violating Phases in Active-Sterile Solar Neutrino Oscillations    [PDF]

H. W. Long, Y. F. Li, C. Giunti

1304.2212 (T. Krüger et al.)

Neutron matter from chiral effective field theory interactions    [PDF]

T. Krüger, I. Tews, K. Hebeler, A. Schwenk

1304.2221 (Hirotsugu Fujii et al.)

Heavy quark pair production in high energy pA collisions: Quarkonium    [PDF]

Hirotsugu Fujii, Kazuhiro Watanabe

1304.2223 (V. Pauk et al.)

Analytic structure of $φ^4$ theory using light-by-light sum rules    [PDF]

V. Pauk, V. Pascalutsa, M. Vanderhaeghen

1304.2224 (A. Andronic et al.)

A database for quarkonium and open heavy-flavour production in hadronic
collisions with HepData

A. Andronic, F. Arléo, R. Arnaldi, N. Bastid, G. Batigne, S. Béné, G. E. Bruno, J. Castillo, P. Crochet, E. G. Ferreiro, R. Granier de Cassagnac, C. Hadjidakis, G. Martínez García, S. Masciocchi, S. Porteboeuf-Houssais, F. Prino, A. Rakotozafindrabe, E. Scomparin, M. R. Whalley

1304.2232 (M. F. Zoller)

OPE of the pseudoscalar gluonium correlator in massless QCD to
three-loop order

M. F. Zoller

1304.2245 (E. Ruiz Arriola et al.)

Excited Hadrons, Heavy Quarks and QCD thermodynamics    [PDF]

E. Ruiz Arriola, L. L. Salcedo, E. Megias

1304.2249 (Guo Zhan-Ying et al.)

Single vector-like top partner production in the Left-Right Twin Higgs
model at TeV energy $eγ$ colliders

Guo Zhan-Ying, Yang Guang, Yang Bing-Fang

1304.2257 (Xu-Feng Wang et al.)

LHC Higgs Signatures from Topflavor Seesaw Mechanism    [PDF]

Xu-Feng Wang, Chun Du, Hong-Jian He

1304.2273 (R. Benbrik et al.)

Colored bosons on top FBA and angular cross section for $t \bar t$

R. Benbrik, Chuan-Hung Chen, M. EL Kacimi

1304.2307 (Yu. B. Ivanov)

Elliptic Flow of Protons and Antiprotons in Au+Au Collisions at
$\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 7.7--62.4 GeV within Alternative Scenarios of Three-Fluid

Yu. B. Ivanov

1304.2309 (Ralf Rapp)

Dilepton Spectroscopy of QCD Matter at Collider Energies    [PDF]

Ralf Rapp

1304.2334 (Ji-Yuan Liu et al.)

Hybrid Textures of Majorana Neutrino Mass Matrix and Current
Experimental Tests

Ji-Yuan Liu, Shun Zhou