Thursday, July 4, 2013

1112.4809 (A. M. Bernstein et al.)

Neutral Pion Lifetime Measurements and the QCD Chiral Anomaly    [PDF]

A. M. Bernstein, Barry R. Holstein

1303.6970 (Mirjam Cvetič et al.)

F-Theory Compactifications with Multiple U(1)-Factors: Constructing
Elliptic Fibrations with Rational Sections

Mirjam Cvetič, Denis Klevers, Hernan Piragua

1307.0510 (Francisco del Aguila et al.)

Distinguishing between lepton number violating scalars at the LHC    [PDF]

Francisco del Aguila, Mikael Chala, Arcadi Santamaria, Jose Wudka

1307.0524 (Bjorn Garbrecht et al.)

Cuts, Cancellations and the Closed Time Path: The Soft Leptogenesis

Bjorn Garbrecht, Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf

1307.0535 (Mitsuru Kakizaki)

Proton stability in low-scale extra-dimensional grand unified theories    [PDF]

Mitsuru Kakizaki

1307.0544 (Sylvain Fichet)

Probing the scale of New Physics at the LHC    [PDF]

Sylvain Fichet

1307.0574 (Jia-Jun Wu et al.)

Hyperon production from neutrino-nucleon reaction    [PDF]

Jia-Jun Wu, Bing-Song Zou

1307.0582 (Bingwei Long)

Renormalization and power counting of chiral nuclear forces    [PDF]

Bingwei Long

1307.0615 (Maria Archidiacono et al.)

Axion hot dark matter bounds after Planck    [PDF]

Maria Archidiacono, Steen Hannestad, Alessandro Mirizzi, Georg Raffelt, Yvonne Y. Y. Wong

1307.0636 (Maciej Rybczynski et al.)

Nucleon-nucleon collision profile and cross section fluctuations    [PDF]

Maciej Rybczynski, Zbigniew Wlodarczyk

1307.0637 (Maria Archidiacono et al.)

Cosmic dark radiation and neutrinos    [PDF]

Maria Archidiacono, Elena Giusarma, Steen Hannestad, Olga Mena

1307.0681 (Takahiro Sasaki et al.)

Determination of quark-hadron transition from lattice QCD and
neutron-star observation

Takahiro Sasaki, Nobutoshi Yasutake, Michio Kohno, Hiroaki Kouno, Masanobu Yahiro

1307.0686 (S. V. Molodtsov et al.)

Quantum liquids resulted from the models with four-fermion interaction    [PDF]

S. V. Molodtsov, G. M. Zinovjev

1307.0696 (Luis Alvarez-Gaume et al.)

Initial conditions for inflation and the energy scale of SUSY-breaking
from the (nearly) gaussian sky

Luis Alvarez-Gaume, Cesar Gomez, Raul Jimenez

1307.0699 (Petr Zavada)

Proton spin in leading order of the covariant approach    [PDF]

Petr Zavada

1307.0701 (Daniele P. Anderle et al.)

QCD resummation in hadron production    [PDF]

Daniele P. Anderle, Felix Ringer, Werner Vogelsang

1307.0705 (Roberto Pittau)

QCD corrections to H -> gg in FDR    [PDF]

Roberto Pittau

1307.0708 (Fedor Bezrukov)

The Higgs field as an inflaton    [PDF]

Fedor Bezrukov

1307.0710 (Stefan Antusch et al.)

Solving the Strong CP Problem with Discrete Symmetries and the Right
Unitarity Triangle

Stefan Antusch, Martin Holthausen, Michael A. Schmidt, Martin Spinrath

1307.0711 (Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas et al.)

Towards realistic models of quark masses with geometrical CP violation    [PDF]

Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas, Daniel Pidt

1307.0736 (Sasa Prelovsek et al.)

K pi scattering and the K* decay width from lattice QCD    [PDF]

Sasa Prelovsek, Luka Leskovec, C. B. Lang, Daniel Mohler

1307.0774 (Simon Plätzer)

Inclusive Cross Sections in ME+PS Merging    [PDF]

Simon Plätzer

1307.0782 (Howard Baer et al.)

Post LHC8 SUSY benchmark points for ILC physics    [PDF]

Howard Baer, Jenny List

1307.0799 (I. I. Bigi)

Memorial Contribution about Kolya Uraltsev's Talk at 2012 Workshop $B\to

I. I. Bigi

1307.0807 (M. Bishai et al.)

Precision Neutrino Oscillation Measurements using Simultaneous
High-Power, Low-Energy Project-X Beams

M. Bishai, M. Diwan, S. Kettell, J. Stewart, R. Tschirhart, B. Viren, L. Whitehead, E. Worcester

1307.0825 (Amir H. Rezaeian et al.)

Impact-parameter dependent Color Glass Condensate dipole model and new
combined HERA data

Amir H. Rezaeian, Ivan Schmidt

1307.0826 (Dan Hooper)

Is the CMB telling us that dark matter is weaker than weakly

Dan Hooper

1307.0851 (Mathew McCaskey et al.)

The NMSSM at the Cosmic Frontier for Snowmass 2013    [PDF]

Mathew McCaskey, Gabe Shaughnessy

1307.0884 (F. Rossi-Torres)

Probing Lorentz Invariance Violation with Neutrino Factories    [PDF]

F. Rossi-Torres

1307.0936 (V. F. Dmitriev et al.)

Isoscalar amplitude dominance in $e^+e-$ annihilation to $N\bar{N}$ pair
close to the threshold

V. F. Dmitriev, A. I. Milstein, S. G. Salnikov

1307.0947 (M. Doring et al.)

Chiral Dynamics and S-wave Contributions in Semileptonic B decays    [PDF]

M. Doring, Ulf-G. Meißner, Wei Wang

1307.0953 (A. V. Luchinsky)

Production of K mesons in exclusive $B_c$ decays    [PDF]

A. V. Luchinsky

1307.0954 (Eleni Vryonidou)

Charm production in association with W and Z at the LHC    [PDF]

Eleni Vryonidou

1307.0965 (Pouya Bakhti et al.)

Measuring Dirac CP-violating phase with intermediate energy beta beam

Pouya Bakhti, Yasaman Farzan

1307.0988 (Biswajit Adhikary et al.)

Masses, mixing angles and phases of general Majorana neutrino mass
matrix: application to broken cyclic symmetric mass matrix

Biswajit Adhikary, Mainak chakraborty, Ambar Ghosal

1307.1040 (Gennaro Corcella)

Searching for supersymmetry in Z' decays    [PDF]

Gennaro Corcella

1307.1046 (Kenji Fukushima)

Turbulent pattern formation and diffusion in the early-time dynamics in
the relativistic heavy-ion collision

Kenji Fukushima

1307.1060 (Walter T. Giele et al.)

The Vincia Parton Shower    [PDF]

Walter T. Giele, Lisa Hartgring, David A. Kosower, Eric Laenen, Andrew J. Larkoski, Juan J. Lopez-Villarejo, Mathias Ritzmann, Peter Skands

1307.1064 (R. Sekhar Chivukula et al.)

Constraints on the Scalar Sector of the Renormalizable Coloron Model    [PDF]

R. Sekhar Chivukula, Arsham Farzinnia, Jing Ren, Elizabeth H. Simmons

1307.1072 (Xin Li et al.)

Suppression of the S-wave production of (3/2)^+ + (1/2)^- heavy meson
pairs in e^+e^- annihilation

Xin Li, M. B. Voloshin

1307.1096 (R. Gaitán et al.)

Scalar-pseudoscalar interactions in neutrino-electron scattering    [PDF]

R. Gaitán, E. A. Garcés, O. G. Miranda, J. H. Montes de Oca

1307.1103 (Fridolin Weber et al.)

Impact of Rotation on the Structure and Composition of Neutron Stars    [PDF]

Fridolin Weber, Milva Orsaria, Rodrigo Negreiros

1307.1110 (Monica Pepe Altarelli)

Quarkonium Production at LHCb    [PDF]

Monica Pepe Altarelli

1307.1112 (Koji Ishiwata et al.)

Phenomenology of heavy vector-like leptons    [PDF]

Koji Ishiwata, Mark B. Wise