Wednesday, December 5, 2012

1212.0306 (Valeriy Nazaruk)

Intermediate state interaction in the particle oscillations in absorbing

Valeriy Nazaruk

1212.0332 (A. N. Ivanov et al.)

Neutron Beta-Decay as Laboratory for Test of Standard Model    [PDF]

A. N. Ivanov, M. Pitschmann, N. I. Troitskaya

1212.0357 (Pere Masjuan et al.)

Ballpark prediction for the hadronic light-by-light contribution to the
muon (g-2)_μ

Pere Masjuan, Marc Vanderhaeghen

1212.0358 (Jan Uphoff et al.)

Open heavy flavor and J/psi at RHIC and LHC within a transport model    [PDF]

Jan Uphoff, Oliver Fochler, Zhe Xu, Carsten Greiner

1212.0379 (Airton Deppman)

Properties of hadronic systems according to the non-extensive
self-consistent thermodynamics

Airton Deppman

1212.0386 (Marek Schonherr et al.)

Systematic uncertainties in NLOPS matching    [PDF]

Marek Schonherr, Stefan Hoeche, Frank Krauss, Frank Siegert

1212.0394 (Indrani Chakraborty et al.)

Controlling the fine-tuning problem with singlet scalar dark matter    [PDF]

Indrani Chakraborty, Anirban Kundu

1212.0411 (Harald Fritzsch et al.)

Neutrino Mixing Angles from Texture Zeros of the Lepton Mass Matrices    [PDF]

Harald Fritzsch, Shun Zhou

1212.0422 (D. Batic et al.)

Orbiting phenomena in black hole scattering    [PDF]

D. Batic, N. G. Kelkar, M. Nowakowski

1212.0425 (C. Lorce et al.)

Spin and diffractive physics with A Fixed-Target ExpeRiment at the LHC

C. Lorce, M. Anselmino, R. Arnaldi, S. J. Brodsky, V. Chambert, J. P. Didelez, E. G. Ferreiro, F. Fleuret, B. Genolini, C. Hadjidakis, J. P. Lansberg, A. Rakotozafindrabe, P. Rosier, I. Schienbein, E. Scomparin, U. I. Uggerhoj

1212.0434 (François Arleo et al.)

Heavy-quarkonium suppression in p-A collisions from parton energy loss
in cold QCD matter

François Arleo, Stéphane Peigné

1212.0444 (S. M. Gerasyuta et al.)

Nonstrange baryonia with the open charm    [PDF]

S. M. Gerasyuta, E. E. Matskevich

1212.0448 (Davide Batic et al.)

Potentials of the Heun class    [PDF]

Davide Batic, Runako Williams, Marek Nowakowski

1212.0459 (Yaroslav Klopot et al.)

Axial Anomaly and Light Cone Distributions    [PDF]

Yaroslav Klopot, Armen Oganesian, Oleg Teryaev

1212.0480 (Marco Bonvini)

Resummation of soft and hard gluon radiation in perturbative QCD    [PDF]

Marco Bonvini

1212.0487 (Francesco Caporale et al.)

NLO forward jet vertex    [PDF]

Francesco Caporale, Dmitry Yu. Ivanov, Beatrice Murdaca, Alessandro Papa

1212.0488 (Dmitry Gorbunov et al.)

On the offset of the DM cusp and the interpretation of the 130 GeV line
as a DM signal

Dmitry Gorbunov, Peter Tinyakov

1212.0492 (Hiroshi Okada)

Dark Matters in Gauged B-3L_i Model    [PDF]

Hiroshi Okada

1212.0517 (N. Karagiannakis et al.)

Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with Generalized
Yukawa Quasi-Unification

N. Karagiannakis, G. Lazarides, C. Pallis

1212.0528 (Anastasios Taliotis)

Extra dimensions, black holes and fireballs at the LHC    [PDF]

Anastasios Taliotis

1212.0542 (Archana Anandakrishnan et al.)

Yukawa Unification Predictions for the LHC    [PDF]

Archana Anandakrishnan, Stuart Raby, Akin Wingerter

1212.0551 (Helvi Witek et al.)

Superradiant instabilities in astrophysical systems    [PDF]

Helvi Witek, Vitor Cardoso, Akihiro Ishibashi, Ulrich Sperhake

1212.0555 (Anshuman Maharana et al.)

Models of Particle Physics from Type IIB String Theory and F-theory: A

Anshuman Maharana, Eran Palti

1212.0560 (Ran Huo et al.)

$SU(2)\otimes SU(2)$ Gauge Extensions of the MSSM Revisited    [PDF]

Ran Huo, Gabriel Lee, Arun M. Thalapillil, Carlos E. M. Wagner

1212.0585 (Joao Magueijo et al.)

Cosmology with a spin    [PDF]

Joao Magueijo, T. G. Zlosnik, T. W. B. Kibble

1212.0586 (Heechang Na et al.)

Precise Determinations of the Decay Constants of B and D mesons    [PDF]

Heechang Na, Chris Monahan, Christine Davies, Eduardo Follana, Ron Horgan, Peter Lepage, Junko Shigemitsu

1212.0596 (Tina Kahniashvili et al.)

Evolution of Primordial Magnetic Fields from Phase Transitions    [PDF]

Tina Kahniashvili, Alexander G. Tevzadze, Axel Brandenburg, Andrii Neronov

1212.0612 (Sudhanwa Patra)

$0 νββ$ decay process in left-right symmetric models without
scalar Bidoublet

Sudhanwa Patra

1212.0627 (Bruno Machet)

Unlocking the Standard Model. III. 2 Generations of quarks : calculating
the Cabibbo angle

Bruno Machet

1212.0644 (A. P. Bakulev et al.)

Emphasizing the different trends of the existing data for the
$γ^*γ\to π^0$ transition form factor

A. P. Bakulev, S. V. Mikhailov, A. V. Pimikov, N. G. Stefanis

1212.0646 (Thorsten Renk)

Biased Showers - a common conceptual Framework for the Interpretation of
High P_T Observables in Heavy-Ion Collisions

Thorsten Renk

1212.0648 (Susana Coito et al.)

X(3872) is not a true molecule    [PDF]

Susana Coito, George Rupp, Eef van Beveren

1212.0654 (Sebastian P. Schneider et al.)

Dispersive analysis of omega/phi --> 3pi decays and the omega/phi -->
pi0 gamma* transition form factors

Sebastian P. Schneider, Bastian Kubis, Franz Niecknig

1212.0668 (L. A. Chizhova et al.)

Transport of ultracold neutrons through a mirror system with surface
roughness as a velocity filter

L. A. Chizhova, S. Rotter, T. Jenke, G. Cronenberg, P. Geltenbort, H. Abele, J. Burgdörfer

1212.0670 (Mark G. Alford et al.)

From a complex scalar field to the two-fluid picture of superfluidity    [PDF]

Mark G. Alford, S. Kumar Mallavarapu, Andreas Schmitt, Stephan Stetina

1212.0683 (N. Kivel et al.)

Two-photon exchange corrections to elastic electron-proton scattering at
large momentum transfer within the SCET approach

N. Kivel, M. Vanderhaeghen

1212.0691 (Rodion S. Kolevatov et al.)

All-loop calculations of total, elastic and single diffractive cross
sections in RFT via the stochastic approach

Rodion S. Kolevatov, Konstantin G. Boreskov

1212.0696 (Thomas Lang et al.)

Heavy quark transport at RHIC and LHC    [PDF]

Thomas Lang, Hendrik van Hees, Jan Steinheimer, Yu-Peng Yan, Marcus Bleicher

1212.0709 (A. E. Dorokhov et al.)

The meson-exchange induced light--by--light contribution to $(g-2)_μ$
within the nonlocal chiral quark model

A. E. Dorokhov, A. E. Radzhabov, A. S. Zhevlakov

1212.0717 (Abhishek Chowdhury et al.)

Pion and nucleon in two flavour QCD with unimproved Wilson fermions    [PDF]

Abhishek Chowdhury, Asit K. De, Sangita De Sarkar, A. Harindranath, Jyotirmoy Maiti, Santanu Mondal, Anwesa Sarkar

1212.0738 (Andreas Nyffeler)

Hadronic light-by-light scattering in the muon g-2: impact of proposed
measurements of the (pi^0 -> gamma gamma) decay width and the (gamma^* gamma
-> pi^0) transition form factor with the KLOE-2 experiment

Andreas Nyffeler

1212.0741 (Valerio Bertone et al.)

Parton Distributions with the Combined HERA Charm Production Cross

Valerio Bertone, Juan Rojo

1212.0761 (A. Harindranath et al.)

Comment on Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 152005 (2012)    [PDF]

A. Harindranath, Rajen Kundu, Asmita Mukherjee, Raghunath Ratabole

1212.0789 (Marc Sher)

Review of prospects for H^+ in non-SUSY multi-Higgs models in view of
LHC results

Marc Sher

1212.0798 (Clara Salas)

Study of the transition from the hard to the soft Pomeron in the small x
region using optimal renormalization

Clara Salas

1212.0808 (Davide Pagani)

The electroweak contribution to top quark pair production: cross
sections and asymmetries

Davide Pagani

1212.0824 (J. Peralta-Ramos et al.)

Macroscopic approximation to relativistic kinetic theory from a
nonlinear closure

J. Peralta-Ramos, E. Calzetta

1212.0830 (Jozef J. Dudek et al.)

Energy dependence of the ρ resonance in ππ elastic
scattering from lattice QCD

Jozef J. Dudek, Robert G. Edwards, Christopher E. Thomas

1212.0843 (C. Englert et al.)

Higgs Quantum Numbers in Weak Boson Fusion    [PDF]

C. Englert, D. Goncalves-Netto, K. Mawatari, T. Plehn

1212.0846 (V. A. Karmanov et al.)

Scattering states in Bethe-Salpeter equation    [PDF]

V. A. Karmanov, J. Carbonell