Wednesday, July 31, 2013

1102.2264 (Bahman Dehnadi et al.)

Charm Mass Determination from QCD Charmonium Sum Rules at Order

Bahman Dehnadi, Andre H. Hoang, Vicent Mateu, S. Mohammad Zebarjad

1305.3044 (Shinji Tsujikawa et al.)

Planck constraints on single-field inflation    [PDF]

Shinji Tsujikawa, Junko Ohashi, Sachiko Kuroyanagi, Antonio De Felice

1307.7969 (Matthew Mewes)

Higher-order Lorentz violation    [PDF]

Matthew Mewes

1307.7711 (Mu-Chun Chen et al.)

Large θ_13 in a SUSY SU(5)xT' Model    [PDF]

Mu-Chun Chen, Jinrui Huang, K. T. Mahanthappa, Alexander M. Wijangco

1307.7715 (Mark Wyman et al.)

nu-LCDM: Neutrinos reconcile Planck with the Local Universe    [PDF]

Mark Wyman, Douglas H. Rudd, R. Ali Vanderveld, Wayne Hu

1307.7723 (Archana Anandakrishnan et al.)

LHC Phenomenology of SO(10) Models with Yukawa Unification    [PDF]

Archana Anandakrishnan, B. Charles Bryant, Stuart Raby, Akin Wingerter

1307.7725 (Prabal Adhikari et al.)

Mean-field theory of baryonic matter for QCD in the large $N_{c}$ and
heavy quark mass limits

Prabal Adhikari, Thomas D. Cohen

1307.7732 (Mohammed Mia)

Thermodynamics of large N gauge theory from top down holography    [PDF]

Mohammed Mia

1307.7741 (G. Chachamis et al.)

Computing the full two-loop gluon Regge trajectory within Lipatov's high
energy effective action

G. Chachamis, M. Hentschinski, J. D. Madrigal, A. Sabio Vera

1307.7748 (Denes Sexty)

Simulating full QCD at nonzero density using the complex Langevin

Denes Sexty

1307.7750 (G. Chachamis et al.)

Monte Carlo techniques in small-x physics: Formal studies and

G. Chachamis, A. Sabio Vera

1307.7780 (Lei Wang et al.)

Dark matter in little Higgs model under current experimental constraints
from LHC, Planck and Xenon

Lei Wang, Jin Min Yang, Jingya Zhu

1307.7802 (Stefano Profumo et al.)

Constraining the Z' Mass in 331 Models using Direct Dark Matter

Stefano Profumo, Farinaldo S. Queiroz

1307.7815 (C. Pallis)

Models of Non-Minimal Chaotic Inflation in Supergravity    [PDF]

C. Pallis

1307.7823 (Eugene Levin et al.)

BFKL equation with running QCD coupling and HERA data    [PDF]

Eugene Levin, Irina Potashnikova

1307.7826 (S. V. Molodtsov et al.)

Condensated fermion system in the model of four-quark interaction with
large correlation length

S. V. Molodtsov, G. M. Zinovjev

1307.7834 (Giacomo Artoni et al.)

Prospects for collider searches for dark matter with heavy quarks    [PDF]

Giacomo Artoni, Tongyan Lin, Bjoern Penning, Gabriella Sciolla, Alessio Venturini

1307.7835 (Vishnu M. Bannur)

Landau's statistical mechanics for quasiparticle models    [PDF]

Vishnu M. Bannur

1307.7855 (Grzegorz Wilk et al.)

On possible origins of power-law distributions    [PDF]

Grzegorz Wilk, Zbigniew Włodarczyk

1307.7866 (Takeshi Fukuyama et al.)

Hierarchical masses and universal mixing in quark-lepton mass matrices    [PDF]

Takeshi Fukuyama, Hiroyuki Nishiura

1307.7875 (A M Cooper-Sarkar et al.)

Determination of Charm Quark Mass and $α_s(M_Z)$ from HERA data    [PDF]

A M Cooper-Sarkar, on behalf of the H1, ZEUS Collaborations

1307.7879 (Gian F. Giudice)

Naturalness after LHC8    [PDF]

Gian F. Giudice

1307.7894 (Pedro Costa et al.)

Phase transition and CEP driven by an external magnetic field in
asymmetric quark matter

Pedro Costa, Márcio Ferreira, Hubert Hansen, Débora P. Menezes, Constança Providência

1307.7906 (Andrei Afanasev)

Single-Spin Asymmetries in Elastic Electron-Hadron Scattering    [PDF]

Andrei Afanasev

1307.7908 (R. Escribano et al.)

$τ^-\to K^-η^{(\prime)}ν_τ$ decays in Chiral Perturbation
Theory with Resonances

R. Escribano, S. González-Solís, P. Roig

1307.7921 (Pit Vanhoefer)

Results on φ2 from e+e- colliders    [PDF]

Pit Vanhoefer

1307.7924 (Zong-Gang Mou et al.)

Ensemble fermions for electroweak dynamics and the fermion preheating

Zong-Gang Mou, Paul M. Saffin, Anders Tranberg

1307.7935 (Selym Villalba-Chávez et al.)

Axion-induced birefringence effects in laser driven nonlinear vacuum

Selym Villalba-Chávez, Antonino Di Piazza

1307.7936 (Irene Tamborra et al.)

Neutrino signature of supernova hydrodynamical instabilities in three

Irene Tamborra, Florian Hanke, Bernhard Mueller, Hans-Thomas Janka, Georg Raffelt

1307.7938 (Renata Kallosh et al.)

Non-minimal Inflationary Attractors    [PDF]

Renata Kallosh, Andrei Linde

1307.7983 (E. Moulin et al.)

High energy gamma-ray constraints on decaying Dark Matter    [PDF]

E. Moulin, M. Cirelli, P. Panci, P. Serpico, A. Viana

1307.7995 (Dipankar Chakrabarti et al.)

Nucleon and flavor form factors in AdS/QCD    [PDF]

Dipankar Chakrabarti, Chandan Mondal

1307.7999 (Marcin Badziak et al.)

Light staus and enhanced Higgs diphoton rate with non-universal gaugino
masses and SO(10) Yukawa unification

Marcin Badziak, Marek Olechowski, Stefan Pokorski

1307.8011 (Malcolm Fairbairn et al.)

Baryogenesis and Dark Matter with Vector-like Fermions    [PDF]

Malcolm Fairbairn, Philipp Grothaus

1307.8024 (Sacha Davidson et al.)

Bose Einstein condensation of the classical axion field in cosmology?    [PDF]

Sacha Davidson, Martin Elmer

1307.8027 (Grigory Rubtsov et al.)

The influence of Lorentz violation on UHE photon detection    [PDF]

Grigory Rubtsov, Petr Satunin, Sergey Sibiryakov

1307.8059 (Tobias Toll et al.)

The dipole model Monte Carlo generator Sartre 1    [PDF]

Tobias Toll, Thomas Ullrich

1307.8063 (Claudio Bonati et al.)

The Magnetic Susceptibility of Strongly Interacting Matter across

Claudio Bonati, Massimo D'Elia, Marco Mariti, Francesco Negro, Francesco Sanfilippo

1307.8076 (M. Berggren et al.)

Non-Simplified SUSY: stau-Coannihilation at LHC and ILC    [PDF]

M. Berggren, A. Cakir, D. Krücker, J. List, A. Lobanov, I. A. Melzer-Pellmann

1307.8089 (Anamaría Font et al.)

Up-type quark masses in SU(5) F-theory models    [PDF]

Anamaría Font, Fernando Marchesano, Diego Regalado, Gianluca Zoccarato

1307.8098 (Sylvain Mogliacci et al.)

Equation of State of hot and dense QCD: Resummed perturbation theory
confronts lattice data

Sylvain Mogliacci, Jens O. Andersen, Michael Strickland, Nan Su, Aleksi Vuorinen

1307.8099 (Kiminad A. Mamo et al.)

Spin Polarized Photons and Di-leptons from Axially Charged Plasma    [PDF]

Kiminad A. Mamo, Ho-Ung Yee

1307.8102 (M. S. Amjad et al.)

A precise determination of top quark electro-weak couplings at the ILC
operating at $\roots=500\,\GeV$

M. S. Amjad, M. Boronat, T. Frisson, I. Garcìa Garcìa, R. Pöschl, E. Ros, F. Richard, J. Rouëné, P. Ruiz Femenia, M. Vos

1307.8105 (R. Gran et al.)

Neutrino-nucleus quasi-elastic and 2p2h interactions up to 10 GeV    [PDF]

R. Gran, J. Nieves, F. Sanchez, M. J. Vicente Vacas