Friday, June 15, 2012

1106.2540 (Jean-François Fortin et al.)

Scale without Conformal Invariance: An Example    [PDF]

Jean-François Fortin, Benjamín Grinstein, Andreas Stergiou

1107.3840 (Jean-François Fortin et al.)

Scale without Conformal Invariance: Theoretical Foundations    [PDF]

Jean-François Fortin, Benjamín Grinstein, Andreas Stergiou

1111.0744 (Pranjal Trivedi et al.)

Cosmic Microwave Background Trispectrum and Primordial Magnetic Field

Pranjal Trivedi, T. R. Seshadri, Kandaswamy Subramanian

1112.3365 (Ariel R. Zhitnitsky)

Contact Term, its Holographic Description in QCD and Dark Energy    [PDF]

Ariel R. Zhitnitsky

1201.0003 (Volodymyr M. Gorkavenko et al.)

Leptonic asymmetry of the sterile neutrino hadronic decays in the nuMSM    [PDF]

Volodymyr M. Gorkavenko, Igor Rudenok, Stanislav I. Vilchynskiy

1201.2601 (A. B. Lahanas et al.)

Dilaton dominance relaxes LHC and cosmological constraints in
supersymmetric models

A. B. Lahanas, Vassilis C. Spanos

1201.2658 (Kevin Dusling et al.)

Azimuthal collimation of long range rapidity correlations by strong
color fields in high multiplicity hadron-hadron collisions

Kevin Dusling, Raju Venugopalan

1201.4340 (Andrea Mammarella)

Anomalous U(1), Dark Matter and Asymmetry    [PDF]

Andrea Mammarella

1201.5902 (Paola Arias et al.)

WISPy Cold Dark Matter    [PDF]

Paola Arias, Davide Cadamuro, Mark Goodsell, Joerg Jaeckel, Javier Redondo, Andreas Ringwald

1206.2382 (Yi-Fu Cai et al.)

Towards a Nonsingular Bouncing Cosmology    [PDF]

Yi-Fu Cai, Damien A. Easson, Robert Brandenberger

1206.2653 (H. Rahmani et al.)

Constraining the variation of fundamental constants at z ~ 1.3 using
21-cm absorbers

H. Rahmani, R. Srianand, N. Gupta, P. Petitjean, P. Noterdaeme, D. Albornoz Vasquez

1206.2824 (Danning Li et al.)

A dynamical holographic QCD model for chiral symmetry breaking and
linear confinement

Danning Li, Mei Huang, Qi-Shu Yan

1206.2921 (Jean-François Fortin et al.)

Scale without Conformal Invariance in Four Dimensions    [PDF]

Jean-François Fortin, Benjamín Grinstein, Andreas Stergiou

1206.2924 (Cecilia Lunardini et al.)

Cosmic Strings as Emitters of Extremely High Energy Neutrinos    [PDF]

Cecilia Lunardini, Eray Sabancilar

1206.2926 (John Joseph M. Carrasco et al.)

The Effective Field Theory of Cosmological Large Scale Structures    [PDF]

John Joseph M. Carrasco, Mark P. Hertzberg, Leonardo Senatore

1206.2929 (Dan Hooper et al.)

Dark Forces and Light Dark Matter    [PDF]

Dan Hooper, Neal Weiner, Wei Xue

1206.2930 (Manuel Mai et al.)

Radial excitations of Q-balls, and their D-term    [PDF]

Manuel Mai, Peter Schweitzer

1206.2939 (Pascal M. Vaudrevange et al.)

Constraints on the Topology of the Universe: Extension to General

Pascal M. Vaudrevange, Glenn D. Starkman, Neil J. Cornish, David N. Spergel

1206.2942 (David E. Morrissey et al.)

Electroweak baryogenesis    [PDF]

David E. Morrissey, Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf

1206.2954 (Christof Gattringer et al.)

Lattice study of the Silver Blaze phenomenon for a charged scalar phi-4

Christof Gattringer, Thomas Kloiber

1206.2956 (Stephen P. Martin et al.)

Implications of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking with vector-like
quarks and a ~125 GeV Higgs boson

Stephen P. Martin, James D. Wells

1206.2958 (Carlos Hoyos et al.)

Supersymmetric sound in fluids    [PDF]

Carlos Hoyos, Boaz Keren-Zur, Yaron Oz

1206.2970 (Nejc Kosnik)

Model independent constraints on leptoquarks from b -> s l+ l- processes    [PDF]

Nejc Kosnik

1206.2977 (Nicole F. Bell et al.)

Neutrino signals from electroweak bremsstrahlung in solar WIMP

Nicole F. Bell, Amelia J. Brennan, Thomas D. Jacques

1206.3008 (Lu Cao et al.)

Charmonium states in QCD-inspired quark potential model using Gaussian
expansion method

Lu Cao, You-Chang Yang, Hong Chen

1206.3019 (C. Quimbay et al.)

Particle mass generation from physical vacuum    [PDF]

C. Quimbay, J. Morales

1206.3022 (Kazunori Itakura et al.)

Effects of extremely strong magnetic field on photon HBT interferometry    [PDF]

Kazunori Itakura, Koichi Hattori

1206.3030 (Michael C. Birse et al.)

Proton polarisability contribution to the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen
at fourth order in chiral perturbation theory

Michael C. Birse, Judith A. McGovern

1206.3033 (Matthew Buican)

Non-Perturbative Constraints on Light Sparticles from Properties of the
RG Flow

Matthew Buican

1206.3039 (Paolo Bolzoni)

A new approach to gluon-quark multiplicity ratio    [PDF]

Paolo Bolzoni

1206.3062 (Gennaro Corcella)

Z' bosons at the LHC in a modified MSSM    [PDF]

Gennaro Corcella

1206.3064 (G. Bevilacqua et al.)

Constraining BSM Physics at the LHC: Four top final states with NLO
accuracy in perturbative QCD

G. Bevilacqua, M. Worek

1206.3076 (Lotfi Boubekeur et al.)

Cold Positrons from Decaying Dark Matter    [PDF]

Lotfi Boubekeur, Scott Dodelson, Oscar Vives

1206.3096 (Herbi K. Dreiner et al.)

First LHC Constraints on Neutralinos    [PDF]

Herbi K. Dreiner, Jong Soo Kim, Oleg Lebedev

1206.3098 (Sebastian P. Schneider et al.)

The omega --> pi0 gamma* and phi --> pi0 gamma* transition form factors
in dispersion theory

Sebastian P. Schneider, Bastian Kubis, Franz Niecknig

1206.3113 (Dru B. Renner et al.)

Nonperturbative QCD corrections to electroweak observables    [PDF]

Dru B. Renner, Xu Feng, Karl Jansen, Marcus Petschlies

1206.3115 (T. Altinoluk et al.)

Soft-collinear resummation in deeply virtual Compton scattering    [PDF]

T. Altinoluk, B. Pire, L. Szymanowski, S. Wallon

1206.3128 (Kenji Fukushima et al.)

Wess-Zumino-Witten action and photons from the Chiral Magnetic Effect    [PDF]

Kenji Fukushima, Kazuya Mameda

1206.3134 (Daiji Kimura et al.)

CP violation of Extended Higgs sector and Its impact on D^0 -> mu^+ mu^-

Daiji Kimura, Kang Young Lee, Takuya Morozumi

1206.3140 (G. Chachamis et al.)

The NLO N =4 SUSY BFKL Green function in the adjoint representation    [PDF]

G. Chachamis, A. Sabio Vera

1206.3143 (Cédric Lorcé et al.)

Quark phase-space distributions and orbital angular momentum    [PDF]

Cédric Lorcé, Barbara Pasquini

1206.3156 (R. Horsley et al.)

Isospin breaking in octet baryon mass splittings    [PDF]

R. Horsley, J. Najjar, Y. Nakamura, D. Pleiter, P. E. L. Rakow, G. Schierholz, J. M. Zanotti

1206.3167 (R. Alonso et al.)

On the Potential of Leptonic Minimal Flavour Violation    [PDF]

R. Alonso, M. B. Gavela, D. Hernández, L. Merlo

1206.3168 (Pasquale Di Bari)

An introduction to leptogenesis and neutrino properties    [PDF]

Pasquale Di Bari

1206.3171 (Aleksandr Azatov et al.)

Contextualizing the Higgs at the LHC    [PDF]

Aleksandr Azatov, Roberto Contino, Jamison Galloway

1206.3175 (R. Arnowitt et al.)

The Development of Supergravity Grand Unification: Circa 1982-85    [PDF]

R. Arnowitt, A. H. Chamseddine, Pran Nath

1206.3181 (Boris Nowak et al.)

On a new twist in the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensation    [PDF]

Boris Nowak, Thomas Gasenzer

1206.3191 (Kazunori Nakayama et al.)

Alchemical Inflation: inflaton turns into Higgs    [PDF]

Kazunori Nakayama, Fuminobu Takahashi

1206.3194 (Morgan Murray)

Overview of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at HERMES    [PDF]

Morgan Murray

1206.3224 (F. -J. Jiang et al.)

Baryon chiral perturbation theory transferred to hole-doped
antiferromagnets on the honeycomb lattice

F. -J. Jiang, F. Kaempfer, B. Bessire, M. Wirz, C. P. Hofmann, U. -J. Wiese