Tuesday, November 20, 2012
1110.2943 (Alexander Stoffers et al.)
Holographic Jets in an Expanding Plasma [PDF]
Alexander Stoffers, Ismail Zahed1207.0222 (Markus Q. Huber et al.)
Two- and three-point functions in two-dimensional Landau-gauge
Yang-Mills theory: Continuum results [PDF]
Markus Q. Huber, Axel Maas, Lorenz von Smekal
1211.4025 (Zhenyu Han et al.)
Boosting Searches for Natural SUSY with RPV via Gluino Cascades [PDF]
Zhenyu Han, Andrey Katz, Minho Son, Brock Tweedie1211.4034 (Giacomo Cacciapaglia et al.)
Heavy Vector-like quark with charge 5/3 at the LHC [PDF]
Giacomo Cacciapaglia, Aldo Deandrea, Stephane Perries, Viola Sordini, Luca Panizzi1211.4045 (Maxim Eingorn et al.)
Dynamics of astrophysical objects against the cosmological background [PDF]
Maxim Eingorn, Alexandra Kudinova, Alexander Zhuk1211.4057 (B. J. Wundt et al.)
Quantum dynamics in atomic-fountain experiments for measuring the
electric dipole moment of the electron with improved sensitivity [PDF]
B. J. Wundt, C. T. Munger, U. D. Jentschura
1211.4075 (Sudhansu S. Biswal et al.)
Probing chromomagnetic and chromoelectric couplings of the top quark
using its polarization in pair production at hadron colliders [PDF]
Sudhansu S. Biswal, Saurabh D. Rindani, Pankaj Sharma
1211.4265 (Michael I. Eides et al.)
Light-by-Light Scattering Single-Logarithmic Corrections to Hyperfine
Splitting in Muonium [PDF]
Michael I. Eides, Valery A. Shelyuto
1211.4288 (David Berenstein et al.)
Multiple b-jets reveal natural SUSY and the 125 GeV Higgs [PDF]
David Berenstein, Tao Liu, Erik Perkins1211.4297 (Michael J. Fromerth et al.)
From Quark-Gluon Universe to Neutrino Decoupling: 200 [ PDF]
Michael J. Fromerth, Inga Kuznetsova, Lance Labun, Jean Letessier, Jan Rafelski
1211.4316 (Gauhar Abbas et al.)
Perturbative expansion of the QCD Adler function improved by
renormalization-group summation and analytic continuation in the Borel plane [PDF]
Gauhar Abbas, B. Ananthanarayan, Irinel Caprini, Jan Fischer
1211.4317 (Hiroyuki Abe et al.)
Phenomenological aspects of 10D SYM theory with magnetized extra
dimensions [PDF]
Hiroyuki Abe, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Hiroshi Ohki, Akane Oikawa, Keigo Sumita
1211.4359 (Oscar Castillo-Felisola et al.)
Phenomenological Constraints to Dimensionality of the Spacetime with
Torsion [PDF]
Oscar Castillo-Felisola, Cristobal Corral, Ivan Schmidt, Alfonso Zerwekh
1211.4362 (Pankaj Agrawal et al.)
Effect of Anomalous Couplings on the Associated Production of a Single
Top Quark and a Higgs Boson at the LHC [PDF]
Pankaj Agrawal, Subhadip Mitra, Ambresh Shivaji
1211.4386 (V. Pervushin et al.)
Condensate mechanism of conformal symmetry breaking [PDF]
V. Pervushin, A. Arbuzov, B. Barbashov, A. Cherny, A. Dorokhov, A. Borowiec, R. Nazmitdinov, A. Pavlov, V. Shilin, A. Zakharov1211.4448 (Shinya Kanemura et al.)
Higgs inflation in a radiative seesaw model [PDF]
Shinya Kanemura, Toshinori Matsui, Takehiro Nabeshima1211.4452 (Takeshi Araki et al.)
Partial mass-degeneracy and spontaneous CP violation in the lepton
sector [PDF]
Takeshi Araki, Hiroyuki Ishida
1211.4471 (Jan Luecker et al.)
The phase diagram of N_f=2 and N_f=2+1 QCD from quark and gluon
propagators [PDF]
Jan Luecker, Christian S. Fischer
1211.4497 (Krzysztof Cichy et al.)
Properties of pseudoscalar flavour-singlet mesons from 2+1+1 twisted
mass lattice QCD [PDF]
Krzysztof Cichy, Vincent Drach, Elena Garcia Ramos, Karl Jansen, Chris Michael, Konstantin Ottnad, Carsten Urbach, Falk Zimmermann
1211.4507 (Peter Watson et al.)
Bethe-Salpeter equation at leading order in Coulomb gauge [PDF]
Peter Watson, Hugo Reinhardt1211.4526 (Francesco Riva et al.)
Is the 125 GeV Higgs the superpartner of a neutrino? [PDF]
Francesco Riva, Carla Biggio, Alex Pomarol
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