Thursday, April 25, 2013

1304.6145 (Guido Cossu et al.)

Finite temperature study of the axial U(1) symmetry on the lattice with
overlap fermion formulation

Guido Cossu, Sinya Aoki, Hidenori Fukaya, Shoji Hashimoto, Takashi Kaneko, Hideo Matsufuru, Jun-Ichi Noaki

1304.6372 (Tina Lund et al.)

Combining collective, MSW, and turbulence effects in supernova neutrino
flavor evolution

Tina Lund, James P. Kneller

1304.6401 (Yao-Yuan Mao et al.)

Connecting Direct Dark Matter Detection Experiments to Cosmologically
Motivated Halo Models

Yao-Yuan Mao, Louis E. Strigari, Risa H. Wechsler

1304.6399 (Lingfei Wang et al.)

Small non-Gaussianity and dipole asymmetry in the CMB    [PDF]

Lingfei Wang, Anupam Mazumdar

1304.6407 (Raphael Bousso et al.)

Why Comparable? A Multiverse Explanation of the Dark Matter-Baryon

Raphael Bousso, Lawrence Hall

1304.6409 (M. Bochicchio et al.)

Ultraviolet asymptotics of glueball propagators    [PDF]

M. Bochicchio, S. P. Muscinelli

1304.6414 (Pierre Artoisenet et al.)

Unravelling $t\tbar h$ via the matrix element method    [PDF]

Pierre Artoisenet, Priscila de Aquino, Fabio Maltoni, Olivier Mattelaer

1304.6418 (Johannes M. Henn et al.)

The four-loop cusp anomalous dimension from iterated Wilson line

Johannes M. Henn, Tobias Huber

1304.6433 (J. M. Dias et al.)

$Z_c^+(3900)$ decay width in QCD sum rules    [PDF]

J. M. Dias, F. S. Navarra, M. Nielsen, C. M. Zanetti

1304.6447 (Hyun Kyu Lee et al.)

Dilatons in Dense Baryonic Matter    [PDF]

Hyun Kyu Lee, Mannque Rho

1304.6547 (Si-xue Qin et al.)

Quark Spectral Function and Deconfinement at Nonzero Temperature    [PDF]

Si-xue Qin, Dirk H. Rischke

1304.6558 (E. Friedman et al.)

Eta nuclear bound states revisited    [PDF]

E. Friedman, A. Gal, J. Mareš

1304.6560 (E. J. Salumbides et al.)

Bounds on fifth forces from precision measurements on molecules    [PDF]

E. J. Salumbides, J. C. J. Koelemeij, J. Komasa, K. Pachucki, K. S. E. Eikema, W. Ubachs

1304.6566 (S. Plumari et al.)

Elliptic Flow from a Beam Energy Scan: a signature of a phase transition
to the Quark-Gluon Plasma

S. Plumari, V. Greco, L. P. Csernai

1304.6597 (Takeo Moroi et al.)

Scalar Trapping and Saxion Cosmology    [PDF]

Takeo Moroi, Kyohei Mukaida, Kazunori Nakayama, Masahiro Takimoto

1304.6644 (F. González Canales et al.)

Quark sector of S3 models: classification and comparison with
experimental data

F. González Canales, A. Mondragón, M. Mondragón, U. J. Saldaña Salazar, L. Velasco-Sevilla

1304.6676 (Hesham Mansour et al.)

Search for New Heavy Higgs Boson in B-L model at the LHC using Monte
Carlo Simulation

Hesham Mansour, Nady Bakhet

1304.6677 (Michael H. Seymour et al.)

Monte Carlo Event Generators    [PDF]

Michael H. Seymour, Marilyn Marx

1304.6700 (Elena Accomando et al.)

Z' at the LHC: Interference and Finite Width Effects in Drell-Yan    [PDF]

Elena Accomando, Diego Becciolini, Alexander Belyaev, Stefano Moretti, Claire Shepherd-Themistocleous

1304.6708 (Xiangdong Ji et al.)

Physics of Gluon Helicity Contribution to Proton Spin    [PDF]

Xiangdong Ji, Jian-Hui Zhang, Yong Zhao

1304.6710 (Ce Meng et al.)

X(3872) and its production at hadron colliders    [PDF]

Ce Meng, Hao Han, Kuang-Ta Chao