Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1201.6088 (Gary R. Goldstein et al.)

Easy as $π^o$: On the Interpretation of Recent Electroproduction

Gary R. Goldstein, J. Osvaldo Gonzalez Hernandez, Simonetta Liuti

1201.6119 (G. Fejos et al.)

Finite temperature symmetry restoration in the U_L(3)xU_R(3) linear
sigma model from a large-n approximation

G. Fejos, A. Patkos

1201.6126 (Earle L. Lomon et al.)

Time-like and space-like electromagnetic form factors of nucleons, a
unified description

Earle L. Lomon, Simone Pacetti

1201.6127 (K. Kato et al.)

Numerical approach to multi-loop integrals    [PDF]

K. Kato, E. de Doncker, N. Hamaguchi, T. Ishikawa, T. Koike, Y. Kurihara, Y. Shimizu, F. Yuasa

1201.6139 (Jacqueline A. Bonnet et al.)

Critical scaling of finite temperature QED_3 in anisotropic space-time    [PDF]

Jacqueline A. Bonnet, Christian S. Fischer

1201.6149 (Barbara Schmidt et al.)

CRunDec: a C++ package for running and decoupling of the strong coupling
and quark masses

Barbara Schmidt, Matthias Steinhauser

1201.6150 (D. Albornoz Vásquez et al.)

Probing neutralino dark matter in the MSSM & the NMSSM with directional

D. Albornoz Vásquez, G. Bélanger, J. Billard, F. Mayet

1201.6157 (S. Heinemeyer et al.)

Mh in the MSSM-seesaw scenario with ILC precision    [PDF]

S. Heinemeyer, M. J. Herrero, S. Penaranda, A. M. Rodriguez-Sanchez

1201.6158 (Andrea Romanino)

Neutrino Physics    [PDF]

Andrea Romanino

1201.6175 (Marco Frasca)

Parameters of NJL models for a generic representation of the gauge group    [PDF]

Marco Frasca

1201.6180 (R. S. Thorne)

The Effect of Changes of Variable Flavour Number Scheme on PDFs and
Predicted Cross Sections

R. S. Thorne

1201.6187 (S. M. Troshin et al.)

On the possible decoherence observed at \sqrt{s}=7 TeV    [PDF]

S. M. Troshin, N. E. Tyurin

1201.6189 (Anupam Mazumdar et al.)

Split neutrinos - leptogenesis, dark matter and inflation    [PDF]

Anupam Mazumdar, Stefano Morisi

1201.6204 (Gian Francesco Giudice et al.)

Direct CP violation in charm and flavor mixing beyond the SM    [PDF]

Gian Francesco Giudice, Gino Isidori, Paride Paradisi

1201.6220 (H. Sazdjian)

Spectrum of quarks in QCD2    [PDF]

H. Sazdjian

1201.6225 (S. Fajfer et al.)

QCD effects and search for new physics in t -->b W    [PDF]

S. Fajfer, J. Drobnak, J. F. Kamenik

1201.6229 (S. Fajfer)

Theory overview of charm physics    [PDF]

S. Fajfer

1201.6287 (Shinya Kanemura et al.)

Radiative corrections to electroweak parameters in the Y=1 Higgs triplet
model and implication with the recent Higgs boson searches at the CERN LHC

Shinya Kanemura, Kei Yagyu

1201.6296 (Carlo Ewerz et al.)

The New F_L Measurement from HERA and the Dipole Model    [PDF]

Carlo Ewerz, Andreas von Manteuffel, Otto Nachtmann, Andre Schoning

1201.6298 (M. G. Ryskin et al.)

Proton opacity in the light of LHC diffractive data    [PDF]

M. G. Ryskin, A. D. Martin, V. A. Khoze

1201.6299 (Peter Ballett et al.)

Understanding the performance of the low energy neutrino factory: the
dependence on baseline distance and stored-muon energy

Peter Ballett, Silvia Pascoli

1201.6300 (U. D. Jentschura)

Dirac Equation with Imaginary Mass and Helicity-Dependence    [PDF]

U. D. Jentschura

1201.6302 (A. de la Macorra)

Dark Matter from the Inflaton Field    [PDF]

A. de la Macorra

1201.6305 (S. Heinemeyer et al.)

MSSM Higgs Bosons from Stop and Chargino Decays    [PDF]

S. Heinemeyer, F. v. d. Pahlen, H. Rzehak, C. Schappacher

1201.6335 (Wolfgang Bietenholz et al.)

Topological Summation in Lattice Gauge Theory    [PDF]

Wolfgang Bietenholz, Ivan Hip

1201.6336 (Franz Gross et al.)

Covariant nucleon wave function with S, D, and P-state components    [PDF]

Franz Gross, G. Ramalho, M. T. Pena

1201.6337 (Franz Gross et al.)

Spin and angular momentum in the nucleon    [PDF]

Franz Gross, G. Ramalho, M. T. Pena

1201.6342 (Ana Achucarro et al.)

Effective theories of single field inflation when heavy fields matter    [PDF]

Ana Achucarro, Jinn-Ouk Gong, Sjoerd Hardeman, Gonzalo A. Palma, Subodh P. Patil

1201.6345 (M. Arana-Catania et al.)

The Higgs sector of the NMFV MSSM at the ILC    [PDF]

M. Arana-Catania, S. Heinemeyer, M. J. Herrero, S. Penaranda

1201.6349 (Francesco Becattini et al.)

Hadronization and Hadronic Freeze-Out in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions    [PDF]

Francesco Becattini, Marcus Bleicher, Thorsten Kollegger, Michael Mitrovski, Tim Schuster, Reinhard Stock

1201.6362 (Robert Poltis)

Gravity Waves Seeded by Turbulence and Magnetic Fields From a First
Order Phase Transition With Non-Renormalizable Electroweak Vacua

Robert Poltis

1201.6364 (Marco Bonvini et al.)

Threshold resummation in SCET vs. perturbative QCD: an analytic

Marco Bonvini, Stefano Forte, Margherita Ghezzi, Giovanni Ridolfi

1201.6368 (D. G. Levkov et al.)

Constraining holographic technicolor    [PDF]

D. G. Levkov, V. A. Rubakov, S. V. Troitsky, Y. A. Zenkevich

1201.6382 (Adrian Dumitru et al.)

KNO scaling of fluctuations in pp and pA, and eccentricities in
heavy-ion collisions

Adrian Dumitru, Yasushi Nara

1201.6408 (Yuki Minami)

Critical dynamics near QCD critical point    [PDF]

Yuki Minami

1201.6420 (Olaf Behnke et al.)

DIS2011 Heavy Flavours Session Summary (WG5)    [PDF]

Olaf Behnke, Alan Dion, Fredrick Olness

1201.6485 (Suprabh Prakash et al.)

Getting the best out of T2K and NOvA    [PDF]

Suprabh Prakash, Sushant K. Raut, S. Uma Sankar

1201.6486 (Hyun Kyu Lee et al.)

Flavor Symmetry and Nuclear Symmetry Energy for Compact Stars    [PDF]

Hyun Kyu Lee, Mannque Rho

1201.6489 (Shinya Kanemura et al.)

Multi-tau lepton signatures in leptophilic two Higgs doublet model at
the ILC

Shinya Kanemura, Koji Tsumura, Hiroshi Yokoya

1201.6496 (Giovanni Amelino-Camelia)

Third road to the OPERA: a tunnel after all?    [PDF]

Giovanni Amelino-Camelia

1201.6510 (Oriol Domènech et al.)

Probing the SM with Dijets at the LHC    [PDF]

Oriol Domènech, Alex Pomarol, Javi Serra

1201.6547 (Jihn E. Kim et al.)

The mu-problem, the NPQMSSM, and a light pseudoscalar Higgs boson for
the LHC

Jihn E. Kim, Hans Peter Nilles, Min-Seok Seo

1201.6549 (Yoichi Ikeda et al.)

Chiral SU(3) theory of antikaon-nucleon interactions with improved
threshold constraints

Yoichi Ikeda, Tetsuo Hyodo, Wolfram Weise

1201.6589 (Ryo Saito et al.)

Gravitational Wave Probe of High Supersymmetry Breaking Scale    [PDF]

Ryo Saito, Satoshi Shirai

1201.6602 (N. N. Achasov et al.)

Analytical $ππ$ scattering amplitude and the light scalars-II    [PDF]

N. N. Achasov, A. V. Kiselev

1201.6603 (Rouzbeh Allahverdi et al.)

Distinguishing among dark matter annihilation channels with neutrino

Rouzbeh Allahverdi, Katherine Richardson

1201.6608 (Z. Was)

New hadronic currents in TAUOLA: for confrontation with the experimental

Z. Was

1201.6622 (J. P. B. C. de Melo et al.)

Eletroweak Form Factors in the Light-Front for Spin-1 Particles    [PDF]

J. P. B. C. de Melo, T. Frederico

1201.6662 (JiJi Fan et al.)

Light Sterile Neutrinos and Short Baseline Neutrino Oscillation

JiJi Fan, Paul Langacker

1201.6670 (Cen Zhang et al.)

Constraints on Non-standard Top Quark Couplings    [PDF]

Cen Zhang, Nicolas Greiner, Scott Willenbrock