Sunday, August 4, 2013

1308.0011 (A. Bueno et al.)

Contamination of Dark Matter Experiments from Atmospheric Magnetic

A. Bueno, M. Masip, P. Sánchez-Lucas, N. Setzer

1308.0020 (Ariel R. Zhitnitsky)

Conformal window in QCD for large numbers of colours and flavours    [PDF]

Ariel R. Zhitnitsky

1308.0023 (Tanushree Basak et al.)

Implications of the Fermi-LAT gamma ray observation on minimal
$U(1)_{B-L}$ model

Tanushree Basak, Tanmoy Mondal

1308.0025 (Gustavo Marques Tavares et al.)

Higgs mass naturalness and scale invariance in the UV    [PDF]

Gustavo Marques Tavares, Martin Schmaltz, Witold Skiba

1308.0027 (Mohamed M. Anber)

The abelian confinement mechanism revisited: new aspects of the
Georgi-Glashow model

Mohamed M. Anber

1308.0044 (Nader Mirabolfathi)

Dark Matter Direct Detection With Low Temperature Detectors    [PDF]

Nader Mirabolfathi

1308.0052 (Vernon Barger et al.)

Scrutinizing h(125) in Two Higgs Doublet Models at the LHC, ILC, and
Muon Collider

Vernon Barger, Lisa L. Everett, Heather E. Logan, Gabe Shaughnessy

1308.0064 (Kazunobu Maruyoshi et al.)

Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking with T_N Theory    [PDF]

Kazunobu Maruyoshi, Yuji Tachikawa, Wenbin Yan, Kazuya Yonekura

1308.0067 (Kingman Cheung et al.)

Collider Constraints on the Dark Matter Interpretation of the CDMS II

Kingman Cheung, Chih-Ting Lu, Po-Yan Tseng, Tzu-Chiang Yuan

1308.0074 (Masashi Wakamatsu)

Are there infinitely many decompositions of the nucleon spin ?    [PDF]

Masashi Wakamatsu

1308.0088 (HoSeong La)

Flavor Violating Lepton Family U(1)$_λ$    [PDF]

HoSeong La

1308.0089 (Kwong Lau)

Status of theta13 measurement in reactor experiments    [PDF]

Kwong Lau

1308.0093 (Ryuichiro Kitano et al.)

Quark confinement via magnetic color-flavor locking    [PDF]

Ryuichiro Kitano, Naoto Yokoi

1308.0098 (S. Yasui et al.)

Probing gluon dynamics by charm and bottom mesons in nuclear medium from
heavy meson effective theory with 1/M-corrections

S. Yasui, K. Sudoh

1308.0108 (Valery V. Kiselev)

Genesis of spiral galaxies    [PDF]

Valery V. Kiselev

1308.0124 (Luigi Delle Rose)

The Standard Model in a Weak Gravitational Background. Dilatons, Scale
Anomalies and Conformal Methods

Luigi Delle Rose

1308.0164 (Ralf-Arno Tripolt et al.)

The Effect of Fluctuations on the QCD Critical Point in a Finite Volume    [PDF]

Ralf-Arno Tripolt, Jens Braun, Bertram Klein, Bernd-Jochen Schaefer

1308.0166 (Bastian Diaz et al.)

Axigluon Phenomenology using ATLAS dijet data    [PDF]

Bastian Diaz, Alfonso R. Zerwekh

1308.0188 (Jun-Qing Xia et al.)

Dark Energy Constraints after Planck    [PDF]

Jun-Qing Xia, Hong Li, Xinmin Zhang

1308.0193 (Feng-Kun Guo et al.)

Production of charged heavy quarkonium-like states at the LHC and the

Feng-Kun Guo, Ulf-G. Meißner, Wei Wang

1308.0222 (Enrico De Micheli et al.)

Transition from resonances to surface waves in pi^+-p elastic scattering    [PDF]

Enrico De Micheli, Giovanni Alberto Viano

1308.0230 (A. G. Akeroyd et al.)

Dependence of the leptonic decays of H^- on the neutrino mixing angles
theta_{13} and theta_{23} in models with neutrinophilic charged scalars

A. G. Akeroyd, S. Moretti, Hiroaki Sugiyama

1308.0231 (S. Ahren et al.)

Spin effects in strong-field laser-electron interactions    [PDF]

S. Ahren, T. O. Müller, S. Villalba-Chávez, H. Bauke, C. Müller

1308.0254 (Oscar Cata)

Recent developments in nonleptonic kaon decays    [PDF]

Oscar Cata

1308.0274 (Michael Dine et al.)

Proton Decay at $M_{pl}$ and the Scale of SUSY-Breaking    [PDF]

Michael Dine, Patrick Draper, William Shepherd

1308.0293 (G. Chachamis et al.)

High energy factorization at NLO: Lipatov's effective action revisited    [PDF]

G. Chachamis, M. Hentschinski, J. D. Madrigal, A. Sabio Vera

1308.0295 (Arsham Farzinnia et al.)

Natural Electroweak Symmetry Breaking from Scale Invariant Higgs

Arsham Farzinnia, Hong-Jian He, Jing Ren

1308.0297 (Matthew Cahill-Rowley et al.)

Constraints on Higgs Properties and SUSY Partners in the pMSSM    [PDF]

Matthew Cahill-Rowley, JoAnne Hewett, Ahmed Ismail, Tom Rizzo

1308.0302 (Claudio Bonati et al.)

The Maximal Abelian Gauge in SU(N) Gauge Theories and Thermal Monopoles
for N = 3

Claudio Bonati, Massimo D'Elia

1308.0314 (Hiroyuki Tashiro et al.)

Constraints on primordial magnetic fields from CMB distortions in the

Hiroyuki Tashiro, Joseph Silk, David J. E. Marsh

1308.0320 (Diptimoy Ghosh)

Boosted di-boson from a mixed heavy stop    [PDF]

Diptimoy Ghosh