Wednesday, October 17, 2012
1103.5273 (Jian Fuh Ong et al.)
Charged Higgs boson contribution to $\barν_e-e$ scattering from low
to ultrahigh energy in Higgs triplet model [PDF]
Jian Fuh Ong, Ithnin Abdul Jalil, Wan Ahmad Tajuddin Wan Abdullah
1112.3087 (A. Doff et al.)
How confinement may affect technicolor? [PDF]
A. Doff, F. A. Machado, A. A. Natale1208.6224 (Christian Rakotonirina et al.)
Swap Operators and Electric Charges of Fermions [PDF]
Christian Rakotonirina, Adolphe A. Ratiarison1210.4192 (Francesco Giacosa et al.)
Spectral function of a scalar boson coupled to fermions [PDF]
Francesco Giacosa, Giuseppe Pagliara1210.4196 (James M. Cline et al.)
Electroweak baryogenesis and dark matter from a singlet Higgs [PDF]
James M. Cline, Kimmo Kainulainen1210.4225 (Giulia Pagliaroli et al.)
Neutrinos from Pion Decay at Rest to Probe the Proton Strangeness [PDF]
Giulia Pagliaroli, Carolina Lujan-Peschard, Manimala Mitra, Francesco Vissani1210.4239 (Shinji Tsujikawa et al.)
Testing for dynamical dark energy models with redshift-space distortions [PDF]
Shinji Tsujikawa, Antonio De Felice, Jailson Alcaniz1210.4273 (H. -W. Hammer et al.)
Three-body forces: From cold atoms to nuclei [PDF]
H. -W. Hammer, A. Nogga, A. Schwenk1210.4335 (Heidi Kuismanen et al.)
Baryon asymmetry and dark matter from soft leptogenesis [PDF]
Heidi Kuismanen, Iiro Vilja1210.4398 (F. M. Steffens et al.)
Parton distributions in the presence of target mass corrections [PDF]
F. M. Steffens, M. D. Brown, W. Melnitchouk, S. Sanches1210.4423 (Christian Fitzner et al.)
Breathers and their interaction in the massless Gross-Neveu model [PDF]
Christian Fitzner, Michael Thies1210.4427 (Takeshi Kobayashi et al.)
Primordial Spikes from Wrapped Brane Inflation [PDF]
Takeshi Kobayashi, Jun'ichi Yokoyama1210.4450 (J. M. Alarcón et al.)
Improved description of the $πN$-scattering phenomenology in
covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory [PDF]
J. M. Alarcón, J. Martin Camalich, J. A. Oller
1210.4496 (Seamus Cotter et al.)
Towards the phase diagram of dense two-color matter [PDF]
Seamus Cotter, Pietro Giudice, Simon Hands, Jon-Ivar Skullerud1210.4516 (T. Alho et al.)
On finite-temperature holographic QCD in the Veneziano limit [PDF]
T. Alho, M. Jarvinen, K. Kajantie, E. Kiritsis, K. Tuominen
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