Tuesday, August 21, 2012

1011.1505 (Andreas Fuhrer et al.)

Electroweak Radiative Corrections to Higgs Production via Vector Boson
Fusion using Soft-Collinear Effective Theory

Andreas Fuhrer, Aneesh V. Manohar, Wouter J. Waalewijn

1109.2276 (H. Itoyama et al.)

D-term Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking Generating Split N=2 Gaugino
Masses of Mixed Majorana-Dirac Type

H. Itoyama, Nobuhito Maru

1111.0295 (Kin-Wang Ng)

Damping of tensor modes in inflation    [PDF]

Kin-Wang Ng

1112.1707 (Chung Kao et al.)

Top Decays with Flavor Changing Neutral Higgs Interactions at the LHC    [PDF]

Chung Kao, Hai-Yang Cheng, Wei-Shu Hou, Joshua Sayre

1112.5185 (S. Bacca et al.)

Neutrino processes in partially degenerate neutron matter    [PDF]

S. Bacca, K. Hally, M. Liebendörfer, A. Perego, C. J. Pethick, A. Schwenk

1202.6018 (Tomomi Ishikawa et al.)

Full QED+QCD Low-Energy Constants through Reweighting    [PDF]

Tomomi Ishikawa, Thomas Blum, Masashi Hayakawa, Taku Izubuchi, Chulwoo Jung, Ran Zhou

1208.3676 (Erik Gerwick et al.)

Scaling Patterns for QCD Jets    [PDF]

Erik Gerwick, Tilman Plehn, Steffen Schumann, Peter Schichtel

1208.3678 (O. Lalakulich et al.)

Energy reconstruction in quasielastic scattering in the MiniBooNE and
T2K experiments

O. Lalakulich, U. Mosel

1208.3748 (Kyu Jung Bae et al.)

125 GeV Higgs as a pseudo-Goldstone boson in supersymmetry with
vector-like matters

Kyu Jung Bae, Tae Hyun Jung, Hyung Do Kim

1208.3753 (Renata Jora)

A theoretical estimate of the Higgs boson mass    [PDF]

Renata Jora

1208.3756 (Marco Frasca)

Low energy limit of QCD and the emerging of confinement    [PDF]

Marco Frasca

1208.3767 (Csaba Balazs et al.)

Top and Bottom Seesaw from Supersymmetric Strong Dynamics    [PDF]

Csaba Balazs, Tianjun Li, Fei Wang, Jin Min Yang

1208.3823 (Riazuddin)

Parity anomaly in Dirac equation in (1+2) dimensions, quantum
electrodynamics and pair production


1208.3844 (A. V. Kisselev)

RS model with a small curvature and Drell-Yan process at the LHC    [PDF]

A. V. Kisselev

1208.3877 (M. Fallot et al.)

New antineutrino energy spectra predictions from the summation of beta
decay branches of the fission products

M. Fallot, S. Cormon, M. Estienne, A. Algora, V. M. Bui, A. Cucoanes, M. Elnimr, L. Giot, D. Jordan, J. Martino, A. Onillon, A. Porta, G. Pronost, J. L. Taín, F. Yermia, A. -A. Zakari-Issoufou

1208.3949 (Yi Cai et al.)

Scalar Septuplet Dark Matter and Enhanced $h\rightarrow γγ$
Decay Rate

Yi Cai, Wei Chao, Shuo Yang

1208.3980 (A. Ostrander et al.)

Gluon chain formation in presence of static charges    [PDF]

A. Ostrander, E. Santopinto, A. P. Szczepaniak, A. Vassallo

1208.3982 (A. P. Jerusalimov)

Contribution of the "hanged" diagrams into the reaction $np \to np π^+

A. P. Jerusalimov

1208.4018 (Sara Bolognesi et al.)

On the spin and parity of a single-produced resonance at the LHC    [PDF]

Sara Bolognesi, Yanyan Gao, Andrei V. Gritsan, Kirill Melnikov, Markus Schulze, Nhan V. Tran, Andrew Whitbeck

1208.4028 (I. Elmashad et al.)

Quantum Gravity effect on the Quark-Gluon Plasma    [PDF]

I. Elmashad, A. Farag Ali, L. I. Abou-Salem, Jameel-Un Nabi, A. Tawfik

1208.4053 (Ansgar Denner et al.)

NLO QCD corrections to off-shell ttbar production at hadron colliders    [PDF]

Ansgar Denner, Stefan Dittmaier, Stefan Kallweit, Stefano Pozzorini

1208.4054 (Micheal S. Berger et al.)

Properties of a Discrete Quantum Field Theory    [PDF]

Micheal S. Berger, Naoki Yamatsu

1208.4058 (C. E. Fontoura et al.)

DbarN interaction in a color-confining chiral quark model    [PDF]

C. E. Fontoura, G. Krein, V. E. Vizcarra

1208.4059 (Daniel Mohler et al.)

D Pi scattering and D meson resonances from lattice QCD    [PDF]

Daniel Mohler, Sasa Prelovsek, R. M. Woloshyn

1208.4075 (O. Kaczmarek)

Recent Developments in Lattice Studies for Quarkonia    [PDF]

O. Kaczmarek

1208.4085 (R. Martinez et al.)

Production of multiple charged Higgs bosons in 3-3-1 models    [PDF]

R. Martinez, F. Ochoa

1208.4086 (Martin M. Block et al.)

New experimental evidence that the proton develops asymptotically into a
black disk

Martin M. Block, Francis Halzen

1208.4088 (Sebastian Becker et al.)

Direct contour deformation with arbitrary masses in the loop    [PDF]

Sebastian Becker, Stefan Weinzierl