Friday, May 4, 2012

1004.5492 (Namit Mahajan et al.)

Remarks on non-gaussian fluctuations of the inflaton and constancy of
ζoutside the horizon

Namit Mahajan, Raghavan Rangarajan

1103.6133 (Koichi Hirano et al.)

Constraining Galileon gravity from observational data with growth rate    [PDF]

Koichi Hirano, Zen Komiya, Hisato Shirai

1104.0093 (J. Rożynek)

Finite Pressure Corrections to Nucleon Structure Function Inside a
Nuclear Medium

J. Rożynek

1105.3434 (Patrick González et al.)

Electroweak Precision Observables within a Fourth Generation Model with
General Flavour Structure

Patrick González, Jürgen Rohrwild, Martin Wiebusch

1106.3003 (Xiang-Jun Chen et al.)

Estimating Form Factors of $B_s\rightarrow D_s^{(*)}$ and their
Applications to Semi-leptonic and Non-leptonic Decays

Xiang-Jun Chen, Hui-feng Fu, C. S. Kim, Guo-Li Wang

1111.3717 (J. P. Ma et al.)

Collinear Factorization for Single Transverse-Spin Asymmetry in
Drell-Yan Processes

J. P. Ma, H. Z. Sang, S. J. Zhu

1205.0545 (Kouji Kashiwa et al.)

Critical endpoint for deconfinement in matrix and other effective models    [PDF]

Kouji Kashiwa, Robert D. Pisarski, Vladimir V. Skokov

1205.0551 (Stephen F. King et al.)

Warm Dark Matter from keVins    [PDF]

Stephen F. King, Alexander Merle

1205.0553 (Ole Eggers Bjaelde et al.)

Origin of Delta N_eff as a Result of an Interaction between Dark
Radiation and Dark Matter

Ole Eggers Bjaelde, Subinoy Das, Adam Moss

1205.0557 (H. Dreiner et al.)

General MSSM signatures at the LHC with and without R-parity    [PDF]

H. Dreiner, W. Porod, F. Staub, A. Vicente

1205.0569 (Dean J Robinson et al.)

KeV Warm Dark Matter and Composite Neutrinos    [PDF]

Dean J Robinson, Yuhsin Tsai

1205.0575 (Michael Geller et al.)

The Need for New Search Strategies for Fourth Generation Quarks at the

Michael Geller, Shaouly Bar-Shalom, Gad Eilam

1205.0579 (Edmond Iancu)

QCD in heavy ion collisions    [PDF]

Edmond Iancu

1205.0580 (Hai-Yang Cheng et al.)

SU(3) symmetry breaking and CP violation in D -> PP decays    [PDF]

Hai-Yang Cheng, Cheng-Wei Chiang

1205.0585 (Takumi Doi et al.)

Unified contraction algorithm for multi-baryon correlators on the

Takumi Doi, Michael G. Endres

1205.0605 (Zhi-Gang Wang)

Analysis of the doubly heavy baryons in the nuclear matter with the QCD
sum rules

Zhi-Gang Wang

1205.0611 (J. P. Ma et al.)

Scale Dependence of Twist-3 Quark-Gluon Operators for Single Spin

J. P. Ma, Q. Wang

1205.0645 (Altug Arda et al.)

Step-Up and Step-Down Operators of a two-term Molecular Potential via
Nikiforov-Uvarov Method

Altug Arda, Ramazan Sever

1205.0648 (P. K. Khandai et al.)

Transverse mass spectra and scaling of hadrons at RHIC and LHC energies    [PDF]

P. K. Khandai, P. Sett, P. Shukla, V. Singh

1205.0649 (J. D. Vergados et al.)

Theory of neutrinoless double beta decay    [PDF]

J. D. Vergados, H. Ejiri, F. Simkovic

1205.0666 (Weijian Wang et al.)

TeV Scale Phenomenology of $e^+e^- \toμ^+ μ^-$ Scattering in the
Noncommutative Standard Model with Hybrid Gauge Transformation

Weijian Wang, Jia-Hui Huang, Zheng-Mao Sheng

1205.0673 (Ulrich Ellwanger et al.)

Upper Bounds on Asymmetric Dark Matter Self Annihilation Cross Sections    [PDF]

Ulrich Ellwanger, Pantelis Mitropoulos

1205.0677 (Johanna Erdmenger et al.)

Holographic Cosmological Backgrounds, Wilson Loop (De)confinement and
Dilaton Singularities

Johanna Erdmenger, Kazuo Ghoroku, Rene Meyer, Ioannis Papadimitriou

1205.0684 (G. Lambiase et al.)

GSI anomaly and spin-rotation coupling    [PDF]

G. Lambiase, G. Papini, G. Scarpetta

1205.0692 (Yu. A. Simonov)

Analysis of the QCD spectrum and chiral symmetry breaking with varying
quark masses

Yu. A. Simonov

1205.0710 (Ana Achucarro et al.)

Heavy fields, reduced speeds of sound and decoupling during inflation    [PDF]

Ana Achucarro, Vicente Atal, Sebastian Cespedes, Jinn-Ouk Gong, Gonzalo A. Palma, Subodh P. Patil

1205.0752 (Andreas Windisch et al.)

Examining the Analytic Structure of Green's Functions: Massive Parallel
Complex Integration using GPUs

Andreas Windisch, Reinhard Alkofer, Gundolf Haase, Manfred Liebmann

1205.0753 (Nikos Irges et al.)

Dimensional Reduction of N=1, E_8 SYM over SU(3)/U(1) x U(1) x Z_3 and
its four-dimensional effective action

Nikos Irges, Georgios Orfanidis, George Zoupanos

1205.0757 (Z. J. Ajaltouni et al.)

Interference Effects, Time Reversal Violation and Search for New Physics
in Hadronic Weak Decays

Z. J. Ajaltouni, E. Di Salvo

1205.0760 (Mahatsab Mandal et al.)

Effect of running coupling on photon emission from quark gluon plasma    [PDF]

Mahatsab Mandal, Sukanya Mitra, Pradip Roy, Sourav Sarkar

1205.0761 (Shun Zhou)

Lepton Flavor Mixing Pattern and Neutrino Mass Matrix after the Daya Bay

Shun Zhou

1205.0766 (Bo-Qiang Ma)

Simple parametrization of neutrino mixing matrix    [PDF]

Bo-Qiang Ma

1205.0770 (David Marzocca et al.)

General Composite Higgs Models    [PDF]

David Marzocca, Marco Serone, Jing Shu

1205.0779 (Jens Braun et al.)

On the Relation of the Deconfinement and the Chiral Phase Transition in
Gauge Theories with Fundamental and Adjoint Matter

Jens Braun, Tina K. Herbst

1205.0782 (Juan M. Torres-Rincon)

Hadronic Transport Coefficients from Effective Field Theories    [PDF]

Juan M. Torres-Rincon

1205.0788 (Szabolcs Borsanyi et al.)

SU(2) chiral perturbation theory low-energy constants from 2+1 flavor
staggered lattice simulations

Szabolcs Borsanyi, Stephan Durr, Zoltan Fodor, Stefan Krieg, Andreas Schafer, Enno E Scholz, Kalman K Szabo

1205.0801 (Simon Caron-Huot et al.)

Uniqueness of two-loop master contours    [PDF]

Simon Caron-Huot, Kasper J. Larsen