Tuesday, June 25, 2013

1302.4646 (Ratbay Myrzakulov et al.)

Some aspects of generalized modified gravity models    [PDF]

Ratbay Myrzakulov, Lorenzo Sebastiani, Sergio Zerbini

1304.7742 (Maximilian Fischer et al.)

Heterotic non-Abelian orbifolds    [PDF]

Maximilian Fischer, Saul Ramos-Sanchez, Patrick K. S. Vaudrevange

1306.5273 (Eugenio Del Nobile et al.)

Generalized Halo Independent Comparison of Direct Dark Matter Detection

Eugenio Del Nobile, Graciela Gelmini, Paolo Gondolo, Ji-Haeng Huh

1306.5319 (Jun Gao et al.)

Charm quark mass dependence in the CTEQ NNLO global QCD analysis    [PDF]

Jun Gao, Marco Guzzi, Pavel M. Nadolsky

1306.5341 (E. Sadurní et al.)

Schematic baryon models, their tight binding description and their
microwave realization

E. Sadurní, J. A. Franco-Villafañe, U. Kuhl, F. Mortessagne, T. H. Seligman

1306.5343 (Howard Baer et al.)

SUSY discovery potential of LHC14 with 0.3-3~ab^{-1} : A Snowmass

Howard Baer, Vernon Barger, Andre Lessa, Xerxes Tata

1306.5352 (Ruben Sandapen et al.)

Predicting radiative B decays to vector mesons in holographic QCD    [PDF]

Ruben Sandapen, Mohammad Ahmady

1306.5384 (I. M. Dremin et al.)

Proton periphery activated by multiparticle dynamics    [PDF]

I. M. Dremin, V. A. Nechitailo

1306.5387 (Zenro Hioki et al.)

Latest constraint on non-standard top-gluon couplings at hadron
colliders and its future prospect

Zenro Hioki, Kazumasa Ohkuma

1306.5402 (A. V. Kisselev)

Randall-Sundrum model with a small curvature and dielectron production
at the LHC

A. V. Kisselev

1306.5409 (Elizabeth Winstanley)

Black holes, TeV-scale gravity and the LHC    [PDF]

Elizabeth Winstanley

1306.5413 (H. Abramowicz et al.)

Summary of the Workshop on Multi-Parton Interactions (MPI@LHC 2012)    [PDF]

H. Abramowicz, P. Bartalini, M. Baehr, N. Cartiglia, E. Dobson, F. Ferro, B. Guiot, X. Janssen, H. Jung, Iu. Karpenko, J. Kaspar, J. Katzy, F. Krauss, P. Laycock, E. Levin, M. Mangano, Ch. Mesropian, A. Moraes, M. Myska, D. Moran, R. Muresan, Z. Nagy, T. Pierog, A. Pilkington, M. Poghosyan, T. Rogers, S. Sen, M. H. Seymour, A. Siodmok, M. Strikman, P. Skands, D. Treleani, D. Volyanskyy, K. Werner, P. Wijeratne

1306.5420 (Yazid Delenda et al.)

Resummation of clustering logarithms for non-global QCD observables    [PDF]

Yazid Delenda, Kamel Khelifa-Kerfa

1306.5426 (Laura Tolos et al.)

D-meson propagation in hot dense matter    [PDF]

Laura Tolos, Juan M. Torres-Rincon

1306.5435 (Tanmoy Bhattacharya et al.)

Nucleon Charges and Electromagnetic Form Factors from 2+1+1-Flavor
Lattice QCD

Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Saul D. Cohen, Rajan Gupta, Anosh Joseph, Huey-Wen Lin

1306.5442 (Adam Bzdak et al.)

Average transverse momentum of hadrons in proton-nucleus collisions in
the wounded nucleon model

Adam Bzdak, Vladimir Skokov

1306.5459 (Thomas Mehen et al.)

Line shapes in Υ(5S) \to B^{(*)} \bar{B}^{(*)}πwith Z(10610)
and Z(10650) using effective field theory

Thomas Mehen, Josh Powell

1306.5509 (Norihisa Watanabe et al.)

The real photon structure functions in massive parton model in NLO    [PDF]

Norihisa Watanabe, Yuichiro Kiyo, Ken Sasaki

1306.5541 (Ulrich Ellwanger)

Higgs pair production in the NMSSM at the LHC    [PDF]

Ulrich Ellwanger

1306.5544 (Elena Giusarma et al.)

Constraints on neutrino masses from Planck and Galaxy Clustering data    [PDF]

Elena Giusarma, Roland de Putter, Shirley Ho, Olga Mena

1306.5546 (C. Gnendiger et al.)

The electroweak contributions to (g-2)_μ after the Higgs boson mass

C. Gnendiger, D. Stöckinger, H. Stöckinger-Kim

1306.5562 (Li-Ping He et al.)

Towards two-body strong decay behavior of higher $ρ$ and $ρ_3$

Li-Ping He, Xiao Wang, Xiang Liu

1306.5566 (Mario Prausa et al.)

Two-loop static potential in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory    [PDF]

Mario Prausa, Matthias Steinhauser

1306.5574 (Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya et al.)

Measurement of gamma using B -> K pi pi and B -> K K Kbar decays    [PDF]

Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya, David London, Maxime Imbeault

1306.5620 (A. A. Billur et al.)

Probe of electromagnetic moments of the tau lepton in gamma-gamma
collisions at the CLIC

A. A. Billur, M. Koksal

1306.5629 (Kazunori Kohri et al.)

Constraining the co-genesis of Visible and Dark Matter with AMS-02 and

Kazunori Kohri, Narendra Sahu

1306.5644 (V. M. Braun et al.)

Evolution equations beyond one loop from conformal symmetry    [PDF]

V. M. Braun, A. N. Manashov

1306.5647 (Bryan W. Lynn et al.)

Chiral Symmetry Restoration, Naturalness and the Absence of Fine-Tuning
I: Global Theories

Bryan W. Lynn, Glenn D. Starkman

1306.5652 (D. Barducci et al.)

Production of Z' and W' via Drell-Yan processes in the 4D Composite
Higgs Model at the LHC

D. Barducci, A. Belyaev, S. De Curtis, S. Moretti, G. M. Pruna

1306.5654 (Steven D Biller)

Probing Majorana neutrinos in the regime of the normal mass hierarchy    [PDF]

Steven D Biller

1306.5695 (David Curtin et al.)

Measuring the tth coupling from SSDL+2b measurements    [PDF]

David Curtin, Jamison Galloway, Jay G. Wacker

1306.5699 (Ilia Gogoladze et al.)

SO(10) as a Framework for Natural Supersymmetry    [PDF]

Ilia Gogoladze, Fariha Nasir, Qaisar Shafi

1306.5736 (Anupam Mazumdar et al.)

CMB dipole asymmetry from a fast roll phase    [PDF]

Anupam Mazumdar, Lingfei Wang