Wednesday, April 10, 2013

1108.2278 (Ana Achúcarro et al.)

Decoupling limits in multi-sector supergravities    [PDF]

Ana Achúcarro, Sjoerd Hardeman, Johannes M. Oberreuter, Koenraad Schalm, Ted van der Aalst

1111.6939 (C. R. Das et al.)

Possible trace of neutrino nonstandard interactions in the supernova    [PDF]

C. R. Das, Joao Pulido

1304.2111 (Chao Wu et al.)

Sakai-Sugimoto model in D0-D4 background    [PDF]

Chao Wu, Zhiguang Xiao, Da Zhou

1304.2291 (Giovanni Marozzi et al.)

Gauge invariant backreaction in general single field models of inflation    [PDF]

Giovanni Marozzi, Gian Paolo Vacca

1304.2394 (Dilani Kahawala et al.)

Jet Sampling: Improving Event Reconstruction through Multiple

Dilani Kahawala, David Krohn, Matthew D. Schwartz

1304.2409 (Olga Lalakulich et al.)

Comparison of GiBUU calculations with MiniBooNE pion production data    [PDF]

Olga Lalakulich, Ulrich Mosel

1304.2411 (Alessandro Broggio et al.)

Approximate NNLO Predictions for the Stop-Pair Production Cross Section
at the LHC

Alessandro Broggio, Andrea Ferroglia, Matthias Neubert, Leonardo Vernazza, Li Lin Yang

1304.2417 (Dan Hooper et al.)

Closing Supersymmetric Resonance Regions With Direct Detection

Dan Hooper, Chris Kelso, Pearl Sandick, Wei Xue

1304.2423 (Wolfgang Bietenholz)

The Higgs Particle: what is it, and why do we badly need it?    [PDF]

Wolfgang Bietenholz

1304.2424 (Sarah Alam Malik et al.)

Ratios of W and Z cross sections at large boson p_T as a constraint on
PDFs and background to new physics

Sarah Alam Malik, Graeme Watt

1304.2430 (Sebastian Jager)

Theory of charmless hadronic B-decays    [PDF]

Sebastian Jager

1304.2433 (Mark Hindmarsh et al.)

Gravitational waves from the sound of a first order phase transition    [PDF]

Mark Hindmarsh, Stephan J. Huber, Kari Rummukainen, David J. Weir

1304.2508 (Gautam Bhattacharyya et al.)

A natural scenario for heavy colored and light uncolored superpartners    [PDF]

Gautam Bhattacharyya, Biplob Bhattacherjee, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, Norimi Yokozaki

1304.2516 (M. A. Andreichikov et al.)

Magnetic Field Focusing of Hyperfine Interaction in Hydrogen    [PDF]

M. A. Andreichikov, B. O. Kerbikov, Yu. A. Simonov

1304.2533 (M. A. Andreichikov et al.)

Meson Spectrum in Strong Magnetic Fields    [PDF]

M. A. Andreichikov, B. O. Kerbikov, V. D. Orlovsky, Yu. A. Simonov

1304.2546 (Souvik Priyam Adhya et al.)

Non-Fermi liquid correction to the neutrino mean free path and
emissivity in neutron star beyond the leading order

Souvik Priyam Adhya, Pradip K. Roy, Abhee K. Dutt-Mazumder

1304.2566 (Zbigniew Ambrozinski)

String picture of 1+1 dimensional QED in light--front formulation    [PDF]

Zbigniew Ambrozinski

1304.2584 (Rohini M. Godbole et al.)

Transverse Single Spin Asymmetry in $e+p^\uparrow \to e+J/ψ+X $ and
Transverse Momentum Dependent Evolution of the Sivers Function

Rohini M. Godbole, Anuradha Misra, Asmita Mukherjee, Vaibhav S. Rawoot

1304.2594 (D. Binosi et al.)

QCD effective charge from the three-gluon vertex of the background-field

D. Binosi, D. Ibanez, J. Papavassiliou

1304.2601 (N. Matagne et al.)

The $[{\bf 70, \ell^+}]$ baryons in large $N_c$ QCD revisited. The
effect on Regge trajectories

N. Matagne, Fl. Stancu

1304.2614 (E. Hernández et al.)

One-pion production in neutrino-nucleus collisions    [PDF]

E. Hernández, J. Nieves, M. J. Vicente-Vacas

1304.2632 (A. Hartin et al.)

Strong field effects on physics processes at the Interaction Point of
future linear colliders

A. Hartin, G. Moortgat-Pick, S. Porto

1304.2645 (Gui-Jun Ding et al.)

Dirac Neutrinos with $S_4$ Flavor Symmetry in Warped Extra Dimensions    [PDF]

Gui-Jun Ding, Ye-Ling Zhou

1304.2654 (Daniel Boer et al.)

Determining the Higgs spin and parity in the diphoton decay channel    [PDF]

Daniel Boer, Wilco J. den Dunnen, Cristian Pisano, Marc Schlegel

1304.2657 (Laura Bethke et al.)

Anisotropies in the Gravitational Wave Background from Preheating    [PDF]

Laura Bethke, Daniel G. Figueroa, Arttu Rajantie

1304.2675 (Sven Faller et al.)

Minimal Flavour Violation and Anomalous Top Decays    [PDF]

Sven Faller, Stefan Gadatsch, Thomas Mannel

1304.2680 (Yuji Kajiyama et al.)

New Interpretation of the Recent Result of AMS-02 and Multi-component
Decaying Dark Matters with non-Abelian Discrete Flavor Symmetry

Yuji Kajiyama, Hiroshi Okada, Takashi Toma

1304.2682 (A. V. Radyushkin)

Modeling Nucleon Generalized Parton Distributions    [PDF]

A. V. Radyushkin

1304.2687 (Qiang Yuan et al.)

Reconcile the AMS-02 positron fraction and Fermi-LAT/HESS total
$e^{\pm}$ spectra by the primary electron spectrum hardening

Qiang Yuan, Xiao-Jun Bi

1304.2702 (L. Alvarez-Ruso et al.)

Photon emission in neutral current interactions with nucleons and nuclei    [PDF]

L. Alvarez-Ruso, J. Nieves, E. Wang