Monday, December 17, 2012

1212.3301 (Andrew V. Koshelkin et al.)

The Compactification of QCD$_4$ to QCD$_2$ in a Flux Tube    [PDF]

Andrew V. Koshelkin, Cheuk-Yin Wong

1212.3328 (Rakhi Mahbubani et al.)

Light non-degenerate squarks at the LHC    [PDF]

Rakhi Mahbubani, Michele Papucci, Gilad Perez, Joshua T. Ruderman, Andreas Weiler

1212.3352 (Linda M. Carpenter et al.)

Collider searches for dark matter in events with a Z boson and missing

Linda M. Carpenter, Andrew Nelson, Chase Shimmin, Tim M. P. Tait, Daniel Whiteson

1212.3354 (Berndt Muller et al.)

Production of Prompt Photons and Dileptons in Rapid Holographic

Berndt Muller, Di-Lun Yang

1212.3360 (Samuel Calvet et al.)

Searching for sgluons in multitop events at a center-of-mass energy of 8

Samuel Calvet, Benjamin Fuks, Philippe Gris, Loic Valery

1212.3383 (J. Yamagata-Sekihara et al.)

Nuclear density probed by Kaon-Nucleus systems and Kaon-Nucleus

J. Yamagata-Sekihara, N. Ikeno, H. Nagahiro, D. Jido, S. Hirenzaki

1212.3398 (Raul A. Briceno et al.)

Three-particle scattering amplitudes from a finite volume formalism    [PDF]

Raul A. Briceno, Zohreh Davoudi

1212.3407 (Takeshi Fukuyama)

SO(10) GUT in Four and Five Dimensions: A Review    [PDF]

Takeshi Fukuyama

1212.3415 (G. Fejos)

Chiral symmetry breaking patterns in the U_L(n)xU_R(n) meson model    [PDF]

G. Fejos

1212.3440 (Riccardo Barbieri)

ICHEP2012 Physics Highlights    [PDF]

Riccardo Barbieri

1212.3445 (Abhishek Basak et al.)

Attractor behaviour in ELKO cosmology    [PDF]

Abhishek Basak, Jitesh R. Bhatt, S. Shankaranarayanan, K. V. Prasantha Varma

1212.3450 (J. P. Lansberg et al.)

Prospectives for A Fixed-Target ExpeRiment at the LHC: AFTER@LHC    [PDF]

J. P. Lansberg, V. Chambert, J. P. Didelez, B. Genolini, C. Hadjidakis, C. Lorce, P. Rosier, M. Anselmino, R. Arnaldi, E. Scomparin, S. J. Brodsky, E. G. Ferreiro, F. Fleuret, A. Rakotozafindrabe, I. Schienbein, U. I. Uggerhoj

1212.3460 (Pierre Artoisenet et al.)

Automatic spin-entangled decays of heavy resonances in Monte Carlo

Pierre Artoisenet, Rikkert Frederix, Olivier Mattelaer, Robbert Rietkerk

1212.3482 (Cyrille Marquet)

Open questions in QCD at high parton density    [PDF]

Cyrille Marquet

1212.3513 (Alakabha Datta)

$B \to VV$ Decays - Polarization and Triple Products    [PDF]

Alakabha Datta

1212.3522 (Feng Feng et al.)

FormLink/FeynCalcFormLink : Embedding FORM in Mathematica and FeynCalc    [PDF]

Feng Feng, Rolf Mertig

1212.3526 (G. Belanger et al.)

Top Polarization in Stop Production at the LHC    [PDF]

G. Belanger, R. M. Godbole, L. Hartgring, I. Niessen

1212.3554 (Wilfried Buchmuller)

Baryogenesis, Dark Matter and the Maximal Temperature of the Early

Wilfried Buchmuller

1212.3568 (Alessandro Bacchetta et al.)

First extraction of valence transversities in a collinear framework    [PDF]

Alessandro Bacchetta, A. Courtoy, Marco Radici

1212.3573 (Zhiqi Huang et al.)

The CMB bispectrum from recombination    [PDF]

Zhiqi Huang, Filippo Vernizzi

1212.3586 (J. M. Cabarcas et al.)

Lepton Flavor Violation processes in 331 Models    [PDF]

J. M. Cabarcas, J. Duarte, J. -Alexis Rodriguez

1212.3591 (Jia Xu et al.)

Exclusive decay of $Υ$ into $J/ψ+χ_{c0,1,2}$    [PDF]

Jia Xu, Hai-Rong Dong, Feng Feng, Ying-Jia Gao, Yu Jia

1212.3598 (A. Freitas et al.)

High Energy WW Scattering at the LHC with the Matrix Element Method    [PDF]

A. Freitas, J. S. Gainer