Thursday, June 14, 2012
1206.2639 (Debottam Das et al.)
A 130 GeV photon line from dark matter annihilation in the NMSSM [PDF]
Debottam Das, Ulrich Ellwanger, Pantelis Mitropoulos1206.2644 (Rouven Essig et al.)
First Direct Detection Limits on sub-GeV Dark Matter from XENON10 [PDF]
Rouven Essig, Aaron Manalaysay, Jeremy Mardon, Peter Sorensen, Tomer Volansky1206.2652 (Matin Mojaza et al.)
Exceptional and Spinorial Conformal Windows [PDF]
Matin Mojaza, Claudio Pica, Thomas A. Ryttov, Francesco Sannino1206.2655 (Luis E. Ibanez et al.)
The Intermediate Scale MSSM, the Higgs Mass and F-theory Unification [PDF]
Luis E. Ibanez, Fernando Marchesano, Diego Regalado, Irene Valenzuela1206.2693 (Malcolm Fairbairn et al.)
Quantifying Astrophysical Uncertainties on Dark Matter Direct Detection
Results [PDF]
Malcolm Fairbairn, Tom Douce, Jace Swift
1206.2754 (Piotr Lebiedowicz et al.)
Diffractive pQCD mechanism of exclusive production of $W^+ W^-$ pairs in
proton-proton collisions [PDF]
Piotr Lebiedowicz, Roman Pasechnik, Antoni Szczurek
1206.2784 (Rodrigo Alvares de Souza et al.)
Reducing the parameter space for Unparticle-inspired models using white
dwarf masses [PDF]
Rodrigo Alvares de Souza, J. E. Horvath
1206.2793 (Naoyuki Haba et al.)
Grand Unification of Flavor Mixings [PDF]
Naoyuki Haba, Ryo Takahashi1206.2845 (M. N. Chernodub et al.)
Spontaneous electromagnetic superconductivity and superfluidity of
QCDxQED vacuum in strong magnetic field [PDF]
M. N. Chernodub, Jos Van Doorsselaere, Henri Verschelde
1206.2863 (Zhaofeng Kang et al.)
Brightening the (130 GeV) Gamma-Ray Line [PDF]
Zhaofeng Kang, Tianjun Li, Jinmian Li, Yandong Liu1206.2870 (Yuhei Iwata et al.)
Splitting of the chiral critical point and realization of solitonic pion
condensate driven by isospin density [PDF]
Yuhei Iwata, Hiroaki Abuki, Katsuhiko Suzuki
1206.2890 (A. A. Bagaev et al.)
The 16th moment of the three loop anomalous dimension of the non-singlet
transversity operator in QCD [PDF]
A. A. Bagaev, A. V. Bednyakov, A. F. Pikelner, V. N. Velizhanin
1206.2892 (Michael Krämer et al.)
Supersymmetry production cross sections in pp collisions at sqrt{s} = 7
Michael Krämer, Anna Kulesza, Robin van der Leeuw, Michelangelo Mangano, Sanjay Padhi, Tilman Plehn, Xavier Portell
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