Monday, February 13, 2012

1008.3115 (Maxim Dvornikov)

Spin-flavor oscillations of Dirac neutrinos described by relativistic
quantum mechanics

Maxim Dvornikov

1104.1059 (Nitin Chandra)

Time dependent transitions with time-space noncommutativity & its
implications in Quantum Optics

Nitin Chandra

1105.1835 (Shuang LI et al.)

Gluon saturation and baryon stopping in the SPS, RHIC and LHC energy

Shuang LI, Sheng-Qin Feng

1108.2941 (Sandeep Chatterjee et al.)

Including the Fermion Vacuum Fluctuations in the $(2+1)$ flavor Polyakov
Quark Meson Model

Sandeep Chatterjee, Kirtimaan A. Mohan

1109.3705 (Hidezumi Terazawa)

Masses of Fundamental Particles    [PDF]

Hidezumi Terazawa

1110.1942 (A. S. Cornell et al.)

Scaling of the CKM Matrix in the 5D MSSM    [PDF]

A. S. Cornell, Aldo Deandrea, Lu-Xin Liu, Ahmad Tarhini

1111.0815 (Warren Essey et al.)

On weak redshift dependence of gamma-ray spectra of distant blazars    [PDF]

Warren Essey, Alexander Kusenko

1111.4965 (R. Pittau)

Primary Feynman rules to calculate the epsilon-dimensional integrand of
any 1-loop amplitude

R. Pittau

1112.3044 (Howard Baer et al.)

LHC discovery potential for supersymmetry with \sqrt{s}=7 TeV and 5-30

Howard Baer, Vernon Barger, Andre Lessa, Xerxes Tata

1112.4760 (Adrian Dumitru et al.)

Initial conditions for dipole evolution beyond the McLerran-Venugopalan

Adrian Dumitru, Elena Petreska

1201.5093 (Andreas Hoecker)

Charged-Lepton Flavour Physics    [PDF]

Andreas Hoecker

1202.2172 (S. Descotes-Genon et al.)

Exploring New Physics in C_7-C_7'    [PDF]

S. Descotes-Genon, D. Gosh, J. Matias, M. Ramon

1202.2173 (Zhi-Gang Wang)

Analysis of the heavy quarkonium states $h_c$ and $h_b$ with QCD sum

Zhi-Gang Wang

1202.2174 (Xin-Bin Wei et al.)

Gluon saturation and pseudo-rapidity distributions of charged hadrons at
RHIC energy regions

Xin-Bin Wei, Sheng-Qin Feng

1202.2178 (Hong-Wei Ke et al.)

Is $Z_b(10610)$ a Molecular State?    [PDF]

Hong-Wei Ke, Xue-Qian Li, Yan-Liang Shi, Guo-Li Wang, Xu-Hao Yuan

1202.2189 (Payal Mohanty et al.)

Scaling quark gluon plasma by HBT interferometry with lepton pairs    [PDF]

Payal Mohanty, Jan-e Alam

1202.2195 (Sheng-Qin Feng et al.)

Baryon productions and collective flow of relativistic heavy-ion
collisions in the AGS, SPS, RHIC and LHC energy
regions($\sqrt{s_{NN}}\leq5$GeV to 5.5 TeV)

Sheng-Qin Feng, Yang Zhong

1202.2199 (Sheng-Qin Feng et al.)

Thermalization component model of multiplicity distributions of charged
hadrons at BNL($E^{lab}_{NN}=2-11.6GeV/c$), the
CERN($E^{lab}_{NN}=20-200GeV/c$), and the BNL ($\sqrt{s_NN}=19.6-200 GeV$)

Sheng-Qin Feng, Wei Xiong

1202.2205 (Yi-Bo Yang et al.)

Is $1^-+$ Meson a Hybrid?    [PDF]

Yi-Bo Yang, Yin Chen, Gang Li, Keh-Fei Liu

1202.2225 (G. I. Gakh et al.)

Radiative corrections to polarization observables in elastic
electron-deuteron scattering in leptonic variables

G. I. Gakh, M. I. Konchatnij, N. P. Merenkov

1202.2239 (O. Romanets et al.)

Charmed and strange baryon resonances with heavy-quark spin symmetry    [PDF]

O. Romanets, L. Tolos, C. Garcia-Recio, J. Nieves, L. L. Salcedo, R. G. E. Timmermans

1202.2242 (Bernd A. Kniehl et al.)

Counting master integrals: integration-by-parts procedure with effective

Bernd A. Kniehl, Anatoly V. Kotikov

1202.2253 (Masahiro Ibe et al.)

Pure Gravity Mediation with m_{3/2} = 10-100TeV    [PDF]

Masahiro Ibe, Shigeki Matsumoto, Tsutomu T. Yanagida

1202.2260 (P. Falgari et al.)

NLL soft and Coulomb resummation for squark and gluino production at the

P. Falgari, C. Schwinn, C. Wever

1202.2262 (F. Scardina et al.)

"Chemical" composition of the Quark-Gluon Plasma in relativistic
heavy-ion collisions

F. Scardina, M. Colonna, S. Plumari, V. Greco

1202.2273 (Sergey Barsuk et al.)

Investigating charmonium production at LHC with the p pbar final state    [PDF]

Sergey Barsuk, Jibo He, Emi Kou, Benoit Viaud

1202.2281 (S. Alekhin et al.)

Parton distribution functions and benchmark cross sections at NNLO    [PDF]

S. Alekhin, J. Blumlein, S. Moch

1202.2289 (Pietro Biancofiore et al.)

$B\to K η^{(\prime)} γ$ decays in the standard model and in two
scenarios with universal extra dimensions

Pietro Biancofiore, Pietro Colangelo, Fulvia De Fazio

1202.2299 (G. Ramalho et al.)

Valence quark and meson cloud contributions for the gamma* Lambda ->
Lambda* and gamma* Sigma0 -> Lambda* reactions

G. Ramalho, D. Jido, K. Tsushima

1202.2313 (Dmitri Antonov)

Shear viscosity of a nonperturbative gluon plasma    [PDF]

Dmitri Antonov

1202.2324 (Keith A. Olive)

The impact of XENON100 and the LHC on Supersymmetric Dark Matter    [PDF]

Keith A. Olive

1202.2345 (Stephen J. Parke)

Top Quark Spin Correlations - Theory    [PDF]

Stephen J. Parke

1202.2346 (Girma Hailu)

Glueball Masses from Linearly Confining Supergravity    [PDF]

Girma Hailu