Tuesday, October 16, 2012
1107.3546 (Tracy R. Slatyer et al.)
Sommerfeld-Enhanced Annihilation in Dark Matter Substructure:
Consequences for Constraints on Cosmic-Ray Excesses [PDF]
Tracy R. Slatyer, Natalia Toro, Neal Weiner
1112.3878 (P. P. Avelino et al.)
Assessing the viability of successful reconstruction of the dynamics of
dark energy using varying fundamental couplings [PDF]
P. P. Avelino, L. Losano, R. Menezes, J. C. R. E. Oliveira
1208.4600 (Philipp Baerwald et al.)
Neutrino Decays over Cosmological Distances and the Implications for
Neutrino Telescopes [PDF]
Philipp Baerwald, Mauricio Bustamante, Walter Winter
1210.3627 (Gianmassimo Tasinato et al.)
Vector instabilities and self-acceleration in the decoupling limit of
massive gravity [PDF]
Gianmassimo Tasinato, Kazuya Koyama, Gustavo Niz
1210.3651 (X. Qian et al.)
Statistical Evaluation of Experimental Determinations of Neutrino Mass
Hierarchy [PDF]
X. Qian, A. Tan, W. Wang, J. J. Ling, R. D. McKeown, C. Zhang
1210.3657 (Stephen D. Ellis et al.)
Phenomenology of Photon-Jets [PDF]
Stephen D. Ellis, Tuhin S. Roy, Jakub Scholtz1210.3686 (Xu-Hao Yuan et al.)
Can FSI explain the observed $B(B_s\rightarrow
K^+K^-){>}B(B_s\rightarrow π^+K^-)$ anomaly? [PDF]
Xu-Hao Yuan, Hong-Wei Ke, Xiang Liu, Xue-Qian Li
1210.3697 (A. V. Kuznetsov et al.)
The third type of fermion mixing and indirect limits on the Pati-Salam
leptoquark mass [PDF]
A. V. Kuznetsov, N. V. Mikheev, A. V. Serghienko
1210.3724 (Alexander Stoffers et al.)
Diffractive and deeply virtual Compton scattering in holographic QCD [PDF]
Alexander Stoffers, Ismail Zahed1210.3763 (Chuichiro Hattori et al.)
MNS Matrix and Froggatt-Nielsen Mechanism [PDF]
Chuichiro Hattori, Mamoru Matsunaga, Takeo Matsuoka1210.3789 (Stefano Bertolini et al.)
Structure and prospects of the simplest SO(10) GUTs [PDF]
Stefano Bertolini, Luca Di Luzio, Michal Malinsky1210.3859 (Takeshi Chiba et al.)
Observational Constraints on Quintessence: Thawing, Tracker, and Scaling
models [PDF]
Takeshi Chiba, Antonio De Felice, Shinji Tsujikawa
1210.3890 (Kevin Dusling et al.)
Evidence for BFKL and saturation dynamics from di-hadron spectra at the
Kevin Dusling, Raju Venugopalan
1210.3905 (Santosh K. Das et al.)
Heavy-quark transport coefficients in a hot viscous quark-gluon plasma
medium [PDF]
Santosh K. Das, Vinod Chandra, Jan-e Alam
1210.4020 (D. Lorca et al.)
The NEXT experiment: A high pressure xenon gas TPC for neutrinoless
double beta decay searches [PDF]
D. Lorca, J. Martín-Albo, F. Monrabal, for the NEXT Collaboration
1210.4077 (Kwang Sik Jeong et al.)
A Gravitino-rich Universe [PDF]
Kwang Sik Jeong, Fuminobu Takahashi1210.4087 (Dao Thi Nhung et al.)
Electroweak corrections to $gg\to H^{-}t\bar{b}$ at the LHC [PDF]
Dao Thi Nhung, Wolfgang Hollik, Le Duc Ninh1210.4095 (Jochem Fleischer et al.)
New developments in PJFry [PDF]
Jochem Fleischer, Tord Riemann, Valery Yundin1210.4104 (Judith A. McGovern et al.)
Compton scattering from the proton in an effective field theory with
explicit Delta degrees of freedom [PDF]
Judith A. McGovern, Daniel R. Phillips, Harald W. Grießhammer
1210.4105 (W. Buchmüller et al.)
Superconformal D-Term Inflation [PDF]
W. Buchmüller, V. Domcke, K. Schmitz
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