Monday, October 1, 2012

1002.4044 (Chiu Man Ho et al.)

Inflatonless Inflation    [PDF]

Chiu Man Ho, Thomas W. Kephart

1011.5444 (P. Richardson et al.)

QCD parton showers and NLO EW corrections to Drell-Yan    [PDF]

P. Richardson, R. R. Sadykov, A. A. Sapronov, M. H. Seymour, P. Z. Skands

1209.6358 (Haipeng An et al.)

Direct constraints on charged excitations of dark matter    [PDF]

Haipeng An, Maxim Pospelov, Josef Pradler

1209.6359 (Enrico Bertuzzo et al.)

Can New Colored Particles Illuminate the Higgs?    [PDF]

Enrico Bertuzzo, Pedro A. N. Machado, Renata Zukanovich Funchal

1209.6362 (P. Channuie et al.)

Composite Inflation from Super Yang-Mills, Orientifold and One-Flavor

P. Channuie, J. J. Joergensen, F. Sannino

1209.6375 (Christian Gross et al.)

Light axigluon explanation of the Tevatron ttbar asymmetry and multijet
signals at the LHC

Christian Gross, Gustavo Marques Tavares, Christian Spethmann, Martin Schmaltz

1209.6382 (Brian Batell et al.)

Higgs Couplings and Precision Electroweak Data    [PDF]

Brian Batell, Stefania Gori, Lian-Tao Wang

1209.6387 (Nick E. Mavromatos et al.)

Anomalous Majorana Neutrino Masses from Torsionful Quantum Gravity    [PDF]

Nick E. Mavromatos, Apostolos Pilaftsis

1209.6401 (Li Xiao-Zhou et al.)

$WWZ/γ$ production in large extra dimensions model at LHC and ILC    [PDF]

Li Xiao-Zhou, Duan Peng-Fei, Ma Wen-Gan, Zhang Ren-You, Guo Lei

1209.6403 (Alexander Kusenko et al.)

Moduli dark matter and the search for its decay line using Suzaku X-ray

Alexander Kusenko, Michael Loewenstein, Tsutomu T. Yanagida

1209.6426 (T. Tatsumi et al.)

Quark beta decay in an inhomogeneous chiral phase and cooling of hybrid

T. Tatsumi, T. Muto

1209.6430 (John Ellis et al.)

Generalized Skyrmions in QCD and the Electroweak Sector    [PDF]

John Ellis, Marek Karliner, Michal Praszalowicz

1209.6474 (J. Alvarez-Muñiz et al.)

Muon production and string percolation effects in cosmic rays at the
highest energies

J. Alvarez-Muñiz, L. Cazon, R. Conceição, J. Dias de Deus, C. Pajares, M. Pimenta

1209.6482 (R. S. Hundi)

Some implications of lepton flavor violating processes in a
supersymmetric Type II seesaw model at TeV scale

R. S. Hundi

1209.6507 (F. Aceti et al.)

Isospin breaking and $f_0(980)$-$a_0(980)$ mixing in the $η(1405) \to
π^{0} f_0(980)$ reaction

F. Aceti, W. H. Liang, E. Oset, J. J. Wu, B. S. Zou

1209.6510 (F. Tramontano)

The GoSam package: an overview    [PDF]

F. Tramontano

1209.6524 (Christian Bogner et al.)

Symbolic integration and multiple polylogarithms    [PDF]

Christian Bogner, Francis Brown

1209.6527 (R. Frederix et al.)

Diphoton production in the ADD model to NLO+parton shower accuracy at
the LHC

R. Frederix, Manoj K. Mandal, Prakash Mathews, V. Ravindran, Satyajit Seth, P. Torrielli, M. Zaro

1209.6541 (Levon Grigoryan)

Formation lengths of hadrons in lepto-production    [PDF]

Levon Grigoryan

1209.6549 (F. Hautmann et al.)

Collinearity approximations and kinematic shifts in partonic shower

F. Hautmann, H. Jung

1209.6556 (G. Cacciapaglia et al.)

Even tiers and resonances on the Real Projective Plane    [PDF]

G. Cacciapaglia, B. Kubik

1209.6565 (D. Garcia Gudino et al.)

About the inclusion of an infinite number of resonances in anomalous

D. Garcia Gudino, G. Toledo Sanchez

1209.6586 (Jorge G. Morfin et al.)

Recent Developments in Neutrino/Antineutrino - Nucleus Interactions    [PDF]

Jorge G. Morfin, Juan Nieves, Jan T. Sobczyk

1209.6592 (J. M. Dias et al.)

Y(4260) as a mixed charmonium-tetraquark state    [PDF]

J. M. Dias, R. M. Albuquerque, M. Nielsen, C. M. Zanetti

1209.6594 (John Bloczynski et al.)

Azimuthally fluctuating magnetic field and its impacts on observables in
heavy-ion collisions

John Bloczynski, Xu-Guang Huang, Xilin Zhang, Jinfeng Liao

1209.6603 (Brijesh K. Srivastava)

Clustering of Color Sources and the Equation of State of the QGP    [PDF]

Brijesh K. Srivastava

1209.6627 (Andre de Gouvea et al.)

The Lightest Massive Invisible Particles at the LHC    [PDF]

Andre de Gouvea, Andrew C. Kobach