Monday, April 16, 2012

1006.3231 (Abhijit Bandyopadhyay et al.)

On Diurnal and Annual Variations of Directional Detection Rates of Dark

Abhijit Bandyopadhyay, Debasish Majumdar

1011.1916 (Lorenzo Iorio)

Dynamical orbital effects of General Relativity on the
satellite-to-satellite range and range-rate in the GRACE mission: a
sensitivity analysis

Lorenzo Iorio

1106.4138 (Katie Auchettl et al.)

Extracting the size of the cosmic electron-positron anomaly    [PDF]

Katie Auchettl, Csaba Balázs

1106.5537 (Ruggero Ferrari)

Metamorphosis versus Decoupling in Nonabelian Gauge Theories at Very
High Energies

Ruggero Ferrari

1107.4460 (Sayaka Kawabata et al.)

Boost-invariant Leptonic Observables and Reconstruction of Parent
Particle Mass

Sayaka Kawabata, Yasuhiro Shimizu, Yukinari Sumino, Hiroshi Yokoya

1107.5583 (Philipp Baerwald et al.)

Systematics in the Interpretation of Aggregated Neutrino Flux Limits and
Flavor Ratios from Gamma-Ray Bursts

Philipp Baerwald, Svenja Hümmer, Walter Winter

1108.1579 (Alexander Rothkopf et al.)

Complex Heavy-Quark Potential at Finite Temperature from Lattice QCD    [PDF]

Alexander Rothkopf, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Shoichi Sasaki

1110.6294 (G. M. de Divitiis et al.)

Isospin breaking effects due to the up-down mass difference in Lattice

G. M. de Divitiis, P. Dimopoulos, R. Frezzotti, V. Lubicz, G. Martinelli, R. Petronzio, G. C. Rossi, F. Sanfilippo, S. Simula, N. Tantalo, C. Tarantino

1112.0218 (Natascia Vignaroli)

Phenomenology of heavy fermion and vector resonances in composite Higgs

Natascia Vignaroli

1112.0302 (David B. Kaplan et al.)

Spacetime as a topological insulator: Mechanism for the origin of the
fermion generations

David B. Kaplan, Sichun Sun

1112.4066 (Adam Bzdak)

Suppression of elliptic-flow-induced correlations in an observable of
possible local parity violation

Adam Bzdak

1204.2856 (M. Adeel Ajaib et al.)

Revisiting mGMSB in light of a 125 GeV Higgs    [PDF]

M. Adeel Ajaib, Ilia Gogoladze, Fariha Nasir, Qaisar Shafi

1204.2860 (Masashi Wakamatsu)

More on the relation between the two physically inequivalent
decompositions of the nucleon spin and momentum

Masashi Wakamatsu

1204.2885 (Aarti Girdhar et al.)

A clean signal for a top-like isosinglet fermion at the Large Hadron

Aarti Girdhar, Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya

1204.2902 (P. T. Giang et al.)

Lepton-flavor violating decays of neutral Higgs to muon and tauon in
supersymmetric economical 3-3-1 model

P. T. Giang, L. T. Hue, D. T. Huong, H. N. Long

1204.2929 (Liliana Apolinário et al.)

Medium-induced emissions of hard gluons    [PDF]

Liliana Apolinário, Néstor Armesto, Carlos A. Salgado

1204.2970 (R. Aloisio et al.)

SimProp: a Simulation Code for Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Propagation    [PDF]

R. Aloisio, D. Boncioli, A. F. Grillo, S. Petrera, F. Salamida

1204.2976 (Mahatsab Mandal et al.)

Collective modes of an anisotropic quark-gluon plasma induced by
relativistic jets

Mahatsab Mandal, Pradip Roy

1204.3029 (David Greynat et al.)

Hadronic Contributions to the Muon Anomaly in the Constituent Chiral
Quark Model

David Greynat, Eduardo de Rafael

1204.3077 (Arttu Rajantie)

Introduction to Magnetic Monopoles    [PDF]

Arttu Rajantie

1204.3084 (Zhou Li-juan et al.)

Prediction of Cosmological Constant $Λ$ In Veneziano Ghost Theory
of QCD$^{*}$

Zhou Li-juan, Ma Wei-xing, Leonard S. Kisslinger