Tuesday, October 30, 2012

0909.2428 (Marco Frasca)

Exact solution of Dyson-Schwinger equations for a scalar field theory    [PDF]

Marco Frasca

1207.6547 (Richard DeJonghe et al.)

Bott Periodicity and Realizations of Chiral Symmetry in Arbitrary

Richard DeJonghe, Kimberly Frey, Tom Imbo

1209.3779 (De-Chang Dai et al.)

Green's function of a massless scalar field in curved space-time and
superluminal phase velocity of the retarded potential

De-Chang Dai, Dejan Stojkovic

1210.7247 (Liam Keegan)

Mass Anomalous Dimension at Large N    [PDF]

Liam Keegan

1210.7250 (Amy N. Nicholson et al.)

Elucidating the sign problem through noise distributions    [PDF]

Amy N. Nicholson, Dorota Grabowska, David B. Kaplan

1210.7305 (Yuichi Fukazawa et al.)

Radion Inflation in Higher-Dimensional Gravity Theory    [PDF]

Yuichi Fukazawa, Takeo Inami, Yoji Koyama

1210.7313 (Wei Zhu)

Are valence quarks rotating?    [PDF]

Wei Zhu

1210.7316 (Ya. Azimov)

Interference of resonances and observation of the Θ^{+}-pentaquark    [PDF]

Ya. Azimov

1210.7338 (V. Uzhinsky et al.)

Improved Systematic of pp Elastic Scattering Data    [PDF]

V. Uzhinsky, A. Galoyan

1210.7355 (N. Tomassetti)

Propagation of H and He cosmic ray isotopes in the Galaxy: astrophysical
and nuclear uncertainties

N. Tomassetti

1210.7388 (K. G. Arun et al.)

Fifth ASTROD Symposium and Outlook of Direct Gravitational-Wave

K. G. Arun, Bala R. Iyer, Wei-Tou Ni

1210.7407 (Prasanta Kumar Das et al.)

Impact of a light stabilized radion in supernovae cooling    [PDF]

Prasanta Kumar Das, J. R. Selvaganapathy, Chandradew Sharma, Tarun Kumar Jha, V. Sunil Kumar

1210.7438 (R. Fiore et al.)

BFKL, BK and the Infrared    [PDF]

R. Fiore, P. V. Sasorov, V. R. Zoller

1210.7448 (Masaki Yasue)

Generalized Scaling Ansatz and Minimal Seesaw Mechanism    [PDF]

Masaki Yasue

1210.7453 (Andreas Crivellin et al.)

Two-loop SQCD corrections to Higgs-quark-quark couplings in the generic

Andreas Crivellin, Christoph Greub

1210.7455 (Francesco Giacosa et al.)

Pressure of the O(N) Model in 1+1 Dimensions    [PDF]

Francesco Giacosa, Stefano Lottini, Elina Seel, Dominik Smith

1210.7464 (J. Cleymans)

The Tsallis Distribution at the LHC    [PDF]

J. Cleymans

1210.7465 (G. Ramalho et al.)

Covariant spectator quark model description of the $γ^\ast Λ
\to Σ^0$ transition

G. Ramalho, K. Tsushima

1210.7472 (G. A. Kozlov)

Towards the Bose symmetry violation issue    [PDF]

G. A. Kozlov

1210.7487 (David I. Kaiser et al.)

Primordial Bispectrum from Multifield Inflation with Nonminimal

David I. Kaiser, Edward A. Mazenc, Evangelos I. Sfakianakis

1210.7496 (Peter A. Sturrock et al.)

Time-Series Analysis of Reconstructed DAMA Data    [PDF]

Peter A. Sturrock, Ephraim Fischbach, Jere H. Jenkins, Rafael Lang, Jonathan Nistor

1210.7512 (Michael Strickland)

Bottomonia in the Quark Gluon Plasma    [PDF]

Michael Strickland

1210.7548 (Josef Pradler et al.)

A reply to the criticism of our work (arXiv:1210.5501) by the DAMA

Josef Pradler, Itay Yavin

1210.7565 (Takahiro Sasaki et al.)

Model approach to the sign problem on lattice QCD with theta vacuum    [PDF]

Takahiro Sasaki, Junichi Takahashi, Yuji Sakai, Hiroaki Kouno, Masanobu Yahiro

1210.7567 (Masanobu Yahiro et al.)

A simple model with Z_N symmetry    [PDF]

Masanobu Yahiro, Hiroaki Kouno, Yuji Sakai, Takahiro Sasaki, Takahiro Makiyama

1210.7568 (Evangelos I. Sfakianakis)

Analysis of Oscillons in the SU(2) Gauged Higgs Model    [PDF]

Evangelos I. Sfakianakis

1210.7578 (Brian Feldstein et al.)

Why is the Supersymmetry Breaking Scale Unnaturally High?    [PDF]

Brian Feldstein, Tsutomu T. Yanagida

1210.7584 (A. Abdulsalam et al.)

Suppression of bottomonia states in finite size quark gluon plasma in
PbPb collisions at Large Hadron Collider

A. Abdulsalam, Prashant Shukla

1210.7586 (Seyong Kim et al.)

Two topics from lattice NRQCD at non-zero temperature: heavy quark mass
dependence and S-wave bottomonium states moving in a thermal bath

Seyong Kim, Gert Aarts, Chris Allton, Maria Paola Lombardo, Mehmet B. Oktay, Sinead M. Ryan, Donald K. Sinclair, Jon-Ivar Skullerud

1210.7588 (V. V. Vechernin)

Correlations between multiplicities in rapidity and azimuthally
separated windows

V. V. Vechernin

1210.7611 (Christopher Aubin et al.)

Pade approximants and g-2 for the muon    [PDF]

Christopher Aubin, Thomas Blum, Maarten Golterman, Santiago Peris

1210.7649 (Stefania De Curtis et al.)

Discovery and Mass Spectroscopy via Mixed Di-Boson Production at the LHC
in a 4-Site Model with a Composite Higgs Boson

Stefania De Curtis, Daniele Dominici, Luca Fedeli, Stefano Moretti

1210.7698 (Jian Wang et al.)

Resummation prediction on top quark transverse momentum distribution at
large pT

Jian Wang, Chong Sheng Li, Hua Xing Zhu

1210.7712 (Alexander A. Andrianov et al.)

An effective QCD Lagrangian in the presence of an axial chemical

Alexander A. Andrianov, Domenec Espriu, Xumeu Planells

1210.7725 (Maryam Hassanvand et al.)

Theoretical analysis of Lambda(1405) --> (Sigma pi)^0 mass spectra
produced in p+p --> p + Lambda(1405) + K^+ reactions

Maryam Hassanvand, Seyed Zafarollah Kalantari, Yoshinori Akaishi, Toshimitsu Yamazaki

1210.7758 (Wilfried Buchmuller)

Leptogenesis: Theory and Neutrino Masses    [PDF]

Wilfried Buchmuller

1210.7765 (Jorge Casalderrey-Solana et al.)

New picture of jet quenching dictated by color coherence    [PDF]

Jorge Casalderrey-Solana, Yacine Mehtar-Tani, Carlos A. Salgado, Konrad Tywoniuk

1210.7777 (Andre Walker-Loud et al.)

Cottingham formula for the electromagnetic self-energy contribution to
M_p - M_n

Andre Walker-Loud, Carl E. Carlson, Gerald A. Miller

1210.7792 (Valentin Assassi et al.)

Symmetries and Loops in Inflation    [PDF]

Valentin Assassi, Daniel Baumann, Daniel Green

1210.7794 (O. Oliveira et al.)

Glueball spectral densities from the lattice    [PDF]

O. Oliveira, D. Dudal, P. J. Silva