Monday, May 28, 2012
1009.5691 (Marco Bonvini et al.)
Soft gluon resummation of Drell-Yan rapidity distributions: theory and
Marco Bonvini, Stefano Forte, Giovanni Ridolfi1107.2408 (Ivone F. M. Albuquerque et al.)
Constraints on Enhanced Dark Matter Annihilation from IceCube Results [PDF]
Ivone F. M. Albuquerque, Leandro J. Beraldo e Silva, Carlos Pérez de los Heros1111.3946 (Clemens Bauer et al.)
Compelling evidence of renormalons in QCD from high order perturbative
expansions [PDF]
Clemens Bauer, Gunnar S. Bali, Antonio Pineda
1112.0637 (F. Yuasa et al.)
Numerical Computation of Two-loop Box Diagrams with Masses [PDF]
F. Yuasa, E. de Doncker, N. Hamaguchi, T. Ishikawa, K. Kato, Y. Kurihara, J. Fujimoto, Y. Shimizu1112.5451 (David Pirtskhalava et al.)
CP Violation and Flavor SU(3) Breaking in D-meson Decays [PDF]
David Pirtskhalava, Patipan Uttayarat1201.3412 (Jian-Rong Zhang et al.)
Search for $Z^{+}_{s1}$ and $Z^{+}_{s2}$ strangeonium-like structures [PDF]
Jian-Rong Zhang, Long-Fei Gan, Ming-Qiu Huang1205.5555 (Linda M. Carpenter et al.)
Pseudo-Higgs Signals a the LHC [PDF]
Linda M. Carpenter, Jessica Goodman1205.5580 (Leo Bellantoni et al.)
Masses of a Fourth Generation with Two Higgs Doublets [PDF]
Leo Bellantoni, Jens Erler, Jonathan J. Heckman, Enrique Ramirez-Homs1205.5606 (Yu-tin Huang et al.)
One-loop renormalization and the S-matrix [PDF]
Yu-tin Huang, David A. McGady, Cheng Peng1205.5620 (E. G. Drukarev et al.)
The role of the in-medium four-quark condensates revised [PDF]
E. G. Drukarev, M. G. Ryskin, V. A. Sadovnikova1205.5626 (Thierry Lasserre et al.)
Comment on Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 191802 (2012): "Observation of Reactor
Electron Antineutrino Disappearance in the RENO Experiment" [PDF]
Thierry Lasserre, Guillaume Mention, Michel Cribier, Antoine Collin, Vincent Durand, Vincent Fischer, Jonathan Gaffiot, David Lhuillier, Alain Letourneau, Matthieu Vivier
1205.5637 (Stefano Bertolini et al.)
Towards a New Minimal SO(10) Unification [PDF]
Stefano Bertolini, Luca Di Luzio, Michal Malinsky1205.5648 (P. V. Dong et al.)
Question of Peccei-Quinn symmetry and quark masses in the economical
3-3-1 model [PDF]
P. V. Dong, H. T. Hung, H. N. Long
1205.5676 (Jin-Yan Liu et al.)
Two Higgs Bi-doublet Model With Spontaneous P and CP Violation and
Decoupling Limit to Two Higgs Doublet Model [PDF]
Jin-Yan Liu, Li-Ming Wang, Yue-Liang Wu, Yu-Feng Zhou
1205.5681 (Shinya Kanemura et al.)
Search for Lepton Number Violating Charged Current Processes with
Neutrino Beams [PDF]
Shinya Kanemura, Yoshitaka Kuno, Toshihiko Ota
1205.5703 (E. Veli Veliev et al.)
Spectrum of the heavy axial vector χ_b1(1P) and χ_c1(1P) mesons in
thermal QCD [PDF]
E. Veli Veliev, K. Azizi, H. Sundu, G. Kaya
1205.5725 (Tianhong Wang et al.)
EM Decay of X(3872) as the $1{^1D_2}(2^{-+})$ charmonium [PDF]
Tianhong Wang, Guo-Li Wang, Yue Jiang, Wan-Li Ju1205.5726 (H. Cardenas et al.)
The role of charged Higgs boson decays in the determination of
tanβ-like parameters [PDF]
H. Cardenas, D. Restrepo, J. -Alexis Rodriguez
1205.5727 (H. Kawamura et al.)
On the next-to-next-to-leading order QCD corrections to heavy-quark
production in deep-inelastic scattering [PDF]
H. Kawamura, N. A. Lo Presti, S. Moch, A. Vogt
1205.5739 (Yacine Mehtar-Tani et al.)
The radiation pattern of a QCD antenna in a dense medium [PDF]
Yacine Mehtar-Tani, Carlos A. Salgado, Konrad Tywoniuk1205.5741 (Guang-You Qin et al.)
Parton Transport via Transverse and Longitudinal Scattering in Dense
Media [PDF]
Guang-You Qin, Abhijit Majumder
1205.5755 (Kohta Murase et al.)
Gamma-Ray and Neutrino Backgrounds as Probes of the High-Energy
Universe: Hints of Cascades, General Constraints, and Implications for TeV
Searches [PDF]
Kohta Murase, John F. Beacom, Hajime Takami
1205.5780 (Gennaro Corcella et al.)
Heavy Neutral Gauge Bosons at the LHC in an Extended MSSM [PDF]
Gennaro Corcella, Simonetta Gentile1205.5789 (Bobby Samir Acharya et al.)
Mixed Wino-Axion Dark Matter in String/M Theory and the 130 GeV
Gamma-line "Signal" [PDF]
Bobby Samir Acharya, Gordon Kane, Piyush Kumar, Ran Lu, Bob Zheng
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