Monday, May 28, 2012

1009.5691 (Marco Bonvini et al.)

Soft gluon resummation of Drell-Yan rapidity distributions: theory and

Marco Bonvini, Stefano Forte, Giovanni Ridolfi

1107.2408 (Ivone F. M. Albuquerque et al.)

Constraints on Enhanced Dark Matter Annihilation from IceCube Results    [PDF]

Ivone F. M. Albuquerque, Leandro J. Beraldo e Silva, Carlos Pérez de los Heros

1111.3946 (Clemens Bauer et al.)

Compelling evidence of renormalons in QCD from high order perturbative

Clemens Bauer, Gunnar S. Bali, Antonio Pineda

1112.0637 (F. Yuasa et al.)

Numerical Computation of Two-loop Box Diagrams with Masses    [PDF]

F. Yuasa, E. de Doncker, N. Hamaguchi, T. Ishikawa, K. Kato, Y. Kurihara, J. Fujimoto, Y. Shimizu

1112.5451 (David Pirtskhalava et al.)

CP Violation and Flavor SU(3) Breaking in D-meson Decays    [PDF]

David Pirtskhalava, Patipan Uttayarat

1201.3412 (Jian-Rong Zhang et al.)

Search for $Z^{+}_{s1}$ and $Z^{+}_{s2}$ strangeonium-like structures    [PDF]

Jian-Rong Zhang, Long-Fei Gan, Ming-Qiu Huang

1205.5555 (Linda M. Carpenter et al.)

Pseudo-Higgs Signals a the LHC    [PDF]

Linda M. Carpenter, Jessica Goodman

1205.5557 (Goran Senjanovic)

Supersymmetry and Unification: Heavy Top Was the Key    [PDF]

Goran Senjanovic

1205.5580 (Leo Bellantoni et al.)

Masses of a Fourth Generation with Two Higgs Doublets    [PDF]

Leo Bellantoni, Jens Erler, Jonathan J. Heckman, Enrique Ramirez-Homs

1205.5606 (Yu-tin Huang et al.)

One-loop renormalization and the S-matrix    [PDF]

Yu-tin Huang, David A. McGady, Cheng Peng

1205.5620 (E. G. Drukarev et al.)

The role of the in-medium four-quark condensates revised    [PDF]

E. G. Drukarev, M. G. Ryskin, V. A. Sadovnikova

1205.5626 (Thierry Lasserre et al.)

Comment on Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 191802 (2012): "Observation of Reactor
Electron Antineutrino Disappearance in the RENO Experiment"

Thierry Lasserre, Guillaume Mention, Michel Cribier, Antoine Collin, Vincent Durand, Vincent Fischer, Jonathan Gaffiot, David Lhuillier, Alain Letourneau, Matthieu Vivier

1205.5637 (Stefano Bertolini et al.)

Towards a New Minimal SO(10) Unification    [PDF]

Stefano Bertolini, Luca Di Luzio, Michal Malinsky

1205.5648 (P. V. Dong et al.)

Question of Peccei-Quinn symmetry and quark masses in the economical
3-3-1 model

P. V. Dong, H. T. Hung, H. N. Long

1205.5676 (Jin-Yan Liu et al.)

Two Higgs Bi-doublet Model With Spontaneous P and CP Violation and
Decoupling Limit to Two Higgs Doublet Model

Jin-Yan Liu, Li-Ming Wang, Yue-Liang Wu, Yu-Feng Zhou

1205.5681 (Shinya Kanemura et al.)

Search for Lepton Number Violating Charged Current Processes with
Neutrino Beams

Shinya Kanemura, Yoshitaka Kuno, Toshihiko Ota

1205.5698 (Luca Merlo)

Theoretical Models for Neutrino Masses    [PDF]

Luca Merlo

1205.5703 (E. Veli Veliev et al.)

Spectrum of the heavy axial vector χ_b1(1P) and χ_c1(1P) mesons in
thermal QCD

E. Veli Veliev, K. Azizi, H. Sundu, G. Kaya

1205.5707 (Yang Zhang)

Integrand-Level Reduction of Loop Amplitudes by Computational Algebraic
Geometry Methods

Yang Zhang

1205.5725 (Tianhong Wang et al.)

EM Decay of X(3872) as the $1{^1D_2}(2^{-+})$ charmonium    [PDF]

Tianhong Wang, Guo-Li Wang, Yue Jiang, Wan-Li Ju

1205.5726 (H. Cardenas et al.)

The role of charged Higgs boson decays in the determination of
tanβ-like parameters

H. Cardenas, D. Restrepo, J. -Alexis Rodriguez

1205.5727 (H. Kawamura et al.)

On the next-to-next-to-leading order QCD corrections to heavy-quark
production in deep-inelastic scattering

H. Kawamura, N. A. Lo Presti, S. Moch, A. Vogt

1205.5739 (Yacine Mehtar-Tani et al.)

The radiation pattern of a QCD antenna in a dense medium    [PDF]

Yacine Mehtar-Tani, Carlos A. Salgado, Konrad Tywoniuk

1205.5741 (Guang-You Qin et al.)

Parton Transport via Transverse and Longitudinal Scattering in Dense

Guang-You Qin, Abhijit Majumder

1205.5755 (Kohta Murase et al.)

Gamma-Ray and Neutrino Backgrounds as Probes of the High-Energy
Universe: Hints of Cascades, General Constraints, and Implications for TeV

Kohta Murase, John F. Beacom, Hajime Takami

1205.5780 (Gennaro Corcella et al.)

Heavy Neutral Gauge Bosons at the LHC in an Extended MSSM    [PDF]

Gennaro Corcella, Simonetta Gentile

1205.5787 (L. Velasco Sevilla)

Gluinos lighter than squarks and detection at the LHC    [PDF]

L. Velasco Sevilla

1205.5789 (Bobby Samir Acharya et al.)

Mixed Wino-Axion Dark Matter in String/M Theory and the 130 GeV
Gamma-line "Signal"

Bobby Samir Acharya, Gordon Kane, Piyush Kumar, Ran Lu, Bob Zheng