Monday, March 18, 2013

1010.6051 (Federico Colecchia)

A population-based approach to background discrimination in particle

Federico Colecchia

1104.3552 (C. D. Fosco et al.)

A non Abelian effective model for ensembles of magnetic defects in

C. D. Fosco, L. E. Oxman

1303.3284 (Francesca Calore et al.)

Updated constraints on WIMP dark matter annihilation into gamma-rays    [PDF]

Francesca Calore, Mattia Di Mauro, Fiorenza Donato

1303.3589 (Christoph Mayrhofer et al.)

Hypercharge Flux in IIB and F-theory: Anomalies and Gauge Coupling

Christoph Mayrhofer, Eran Palti, Timo Weigand

1303.3590 (Richard D. Ball et al.)

Higgs production in gluon fusion beyond NNLO    [PDF]

Richard D. Ball, Marco Bonvini, Stefano Forte, Simone Marzani, Giovanni Ridolfi

1303.3602 (Matthew Civiletti et al.)

$R$-Symmetry Breaking in Supersymmetric Hybrid Inflation    [PDF]

Matthew Civiletti, Mansoor Ur Rehman, Eric Sabo, Qaisar Shafi, Joshua Wickman

1303.3609 (A. C. Aguilar et al.)

Ghost propagator and ghost-gluon vertex from Schwinger-Dyson equations    [PDF]

A. C. Aguilar, D. Ibáñez, J. Papavassiliou

1303.3615 (Tommi Alanne et al.)

LHC Data and Aspects of New Physics    [PDF]

Tommi Alanne, Stefano Di Chiara, Kimmo Tuominen

1303.3676 (Zhen-Hua Zhang et al.)

CP violation in $B^{\pm} \rightarrow π^{\pm}π^{+}π^{-}$ in the
region with low invariant mass of one $π^{+}π^{-}$ pair

Zhen-Hua Zhang, Xin-Heng Guo, Ya-Dong Yang

1303.3689 (Renata Jora et al.)

Note about tribimaximal mixing    [PDF]

Renata Jora, M. Naeem Shahid

1303.3710 (Samoil Bilenky et al.)

Polarization of the final nucleon in quasi-elastic neutrino scattering
and the axial form factor of the nucleon

Samoil Bilenky, Ekaterina Christova

1303.3722 (M. Aghasyan et al.)

Fully Differential Monte-Carlo Generator Dedicated to TMDs and
Bessel-Weighted Asymmetries

M. Aghasyan, H. Avakian

1303.3723 (Andrzej J. Buras et al.)

The Anatomy of Neutral Scalars with FCNCs in the Flavour Precision Era    [PDF]

Andrzej J. Buras, Fulvia De Fazio, Jennifer Girrbach, Robert Knegjens, Minoru Nagai

1303.3742 (Rainer Stiele et al.)

QCD thermodynamics of effective models with an improved Polyakov-loop

Rainer Stiele, Lisa M. Haas, Jens Braun, Jan M. Pawlowski, Juergen Schaffner-Bielich

1303.3752 (M. Batra et al.)

Sea Quark and Gluon contributions to Strange Baryons and their

M. Batra, A. Upadhyay

1303.3758 (Katja Seidel et al.)

Top quark mass measurements at and above threshold at CLIC    [PDF]

Katja Seidel, Frank Simon, Michal Tesar, Stephane Poss

1303.3787 (Jerome Martin et al.)

Encyclopaedia Inflationaris    [PDF]

Jerome Martin, Christophe Ringeval, Vincent Vennin

1303.3816 (Howard Baer et al.)

Direct and indirect detection of higgsino-like WIMPs: concluding the
story of electroweak naturalness

Howard Baer, Vernon Barger, Dan Mickelson

1303.3820 (Andrzej J. Buras et al.)

Probing New Physics with the B_s to μ+ μ- Time-Dependent Rate    [PDF]

Andrzej J. Buras, Robert Fleischer, Jennifer Girrbach, Robert Knegjens

1303.3822 (M. Anselmino et al.)

Simultaneous extraction of transversity and Collins functions from new
SIDIS and e+e- data

M. Anselmino, M. Boglione, U. D'Alesio, S. Melis, F. Murgia, A. Prokudin

1303.3833 (Haiying Cai)

Higgs decay into diphoton in Composite Higgs Model    [PDF]

Haiying Cai

1303.3845 (G. Moortgat-Pick et al.)

Unique heavy lepton signature at $e^+e^-$ linear collider with polarized

G. Moortgat-Pick, P. Osland, A. A. Pankov, A. V. Tsytrinov

1303.3854 (J. Martin Camalich)

Applications of baryon chiral perturbation theory. A topical example:
The nucleon sigma terms

J. Martin Camalich

1303.3870 (Girish Chakravarty et al.)

Higgs Inflation in f(Φ,R) Theory    [PDF]

Girish Chakravarty, Subhendra Mohanty, Naveen K. Singh

1303.3874 (A. B. Balantekin et al.)

Neutrinos in Cosmology and Astrophysics    [PDF]

A. B. Balantekin, G. M. Fuller

1303.3876 (Roberto Contino et al.)

Effective Lagrangian for a light Higgs-like scalar    [PDF]

Roberto Contino, Margherita Ghezzi, Christophe Grojean, Margarete Muhlleitner, Michael Spira

1303.3879 (John Ellis et al.)

Updated Global Analysis of Higgs Couplings    [PDF]

John Ellis, Tevong You