Friday, May 31, 2013
1305.2348 (Karl-Heinz Kampert)
Experimental Summary: Very High Energy Cosmic Rays and their
Karl-Heinz Kampert1305.6908 (I. Goldman et al.)
Possible Implications of Asymmetric Fermionic Dark Matter for Neutron
Stars [PDF]
I. Goldman, R. N. Mohapatra, S. Nussinov, D. Rosenbaum, V. Teplitz
1305.6921 (M. Cahill-Rowley et al.)
Complementarity and Searches for Dark Matter in the pMSSM [PDF]
M. Cahill-Rowley, R. Cotta, A. Drlica-Wagner, S. Funk, J. Hewett, A. Ismail, T. Rizzo, M. Wood1305.6934 (Helmut Eberl et al.)
Three-body gravitino decays in the MSSM [PDF]
Helmut Eberl, Vassilis C. Spanos1305.6936 (Vitor Cardoso et al.)
Matter around Kerr black holes in scalar-tensor theories: scalarization
and superradiant instability [PDF]
Vitor Cardoso, Isabella P. Carucci, Paolo Pani, Thomas P. Sotiriou
1305.6938 (Benjamín Grinstein et al.)
Searching for New Physics in the Three-Body Decays of the Higgs-like
Particle [PDF]
Benjamín Grinstein, Christopher W. Murphy, David Pirtskhalava
1305.6939 (Sergei Dubovsky et al.)
Natural Tuning: Towards A Proof of Concept [PDF]
Sergei Dubovsky, Victor Gorbenko, Mehrdad Mirbabayi1305.6961 (Daniel Schubring et al.)
Fluid Mechanics of Strings [PDF]
Daniel Schubring, Vitaly Vanchurin1305.7001 (Yoshitaka Hatta et al.)
Double-spin asymmetry $A_{LT}$ in open charm production [PDF]
Yoshitaka Hatta, Koichi Kanazawa, Shinsuke Yoshida1305.7008 (Chun-Khiang Chua et al.)
A Study of Dirac Fermionic Dark Matters [PDF]
Chun-Khiang Chua, Ron-Chou Hsieh1305.7021 (Hsiang-nan Li et al.)
Branching ratios and direct CP asymmetries in $D\to PV$ decays [PDF]
Hsiang-nan Li, Cai-Dian Lü, Qin Qin, Fu-Sheng Yu1305.7034 (Luca Di Luzio et al.)
A framework for baryonic R-parity violation in grand unified theories [PDF]
Luca Di Luzio, Marco Nardecchia, Andrea Romanino1305.7045 (David Greynat et al.)
The Froissart--Martin Bound for $ππ$ Scattering in QCD [PDF]
David Greynat, Eduardo de Rafael1305.7049 (E. Mereghetti et al.)
Toroidal Quadrupole Form Factor of the Deuteron [PDF]
E. Mereghetti, J. de Vries, R. G. E. Timmermans, U. van Kolck1305.7055 (Yuta Hamada et al.)
Bare Higgs mass and potential at ultraviolet cutoff [PDF]
Yuta Hamada, Hikaru Kawai, Kin-ya Oda1305.7088 (A. S. Papanastasiou et al.)
Single-top $t$-channel production with off-shell and non-resonant
effects [PDF]
A. S. Papanastasiou, R. Frederix, S. Frixione, V. Hirschi, F. Maltoni
1305.7094 (A. L. Kataev et al.)
NSVZ scheme with the higher derivative regularization for the N=1 SQED [PDF]
A. L. Kataev, K. V. Stepanyantz1305.7099 (Wolfgang Lucha et al.)
Accurate bottom-quark mass from Borel QCD sum rules for $f_B$ and
$f_{B_s}$ [PDF]
Wolfgang Lucha, Dmitri Melikhov, Silvano Simula
1305.7140 (Georg Raffelt et al.)
Azimuth-angle flavor instability of supernova neutrino fluxes [PDF]
Georg Raffelt, Srdjan Sarikas, David de Sousa Seixas1305.7142 (David d'Enterria et al.)
Observing light-by-light scattering at the Large Hadron Collider [PDF]
David d'Enterria, Gustavo G. Silveira1305.7143 (Douglas Higinbotham et al.)
The EMC effect still puzzles after 30 years [PDF]
Douglas Higinbotham, Gerald A Miller, Or Hen, Klaus Rith1305.7151 (Ricardo J. Z. Ferreira et al.)
Inflationary Magnetogenesis without the Strong Coupling Problem [PDF]
Ricardo J. Z. Ferreira, Rajeev Kumar Jain, Martin S. Sloth1305.7180 (Rudy Marty et al.)
Transport coefficients from the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model for $SU(3)_f$ [PDF]
Rudy Marty, Elena Bratkovskaya, Wolfgang Cassing, Jörg Aichelin, Hamza Berrehrah1305.7183 (Timur Delahaye et al.)
Antiproton Limits on Decaying Gravitino Dark Matter [PDF]
Timur Delahaye, Michael Grefe1305.7199 (Debajyoti Choudhury et al.)
Z-pole observables in an effective theory [PDF]
Debajyoti Choudhury, Anirban Kundu, Pratishruti Saha1305.7217 (Peter A. Boyle et al.)
The kaon semileptonic form factor with near physical domain wall quarks [PDF]
Peter A. Boyle, Jonathan M. Flynn, Nicolas Garron, Andreas Juttner, Chris T. Sachrajda, Karthee Sivalingam, James M. Zanotti1305.7219 (G. E. Volovik et al.)
Higgs bosons in particle physics and in condensed matter [PDF]
G. E. Volovik, M. A. Zubkov1305.7224 (Koichi Hattori et al.)
Neutral-pion reactions induced by chiral anomaly in strong magnetic
fields [PDF]
Koichi Hattori, Kazunori Itakura, Sho Ozaki
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