Friday, June 29, 2012

1012.0639 (Alexey Pak et al.)

Towards Higgs boson production in gluon fusion to NNLO in the MSSM    [PDF]

Alexey Pak, Matthias Steinhauser, Nikolai Zerf

1105.1346 (Yacine Mehtar-Tani et al.)

Jet coherence in QCD media: the antenna radiation spectrum    [PDF]

Yacine Mehtar-Tani, Konrad Tywoniuk

1108.0664 (Carmelo Evoli et al.)

Antiprotons from dark matter annihilation in the Galaxy: astrophysical

Carmelo Evoli, Ilias Cholis, Dario Grasso, Luca Maccione, Piero Ullio

1109.5852 (Nishita Desai et al.)

Supersymmetry and Generic BSM Models in PYTHIA 8    [PDF]

Nishita Desai, Peter Z. Skands

1112.4405 (Stefano Catani et al.)

Space-like (vs. time-like) collinear limits in QCD: is factorization

Stefano Catani, Daniel de Florian, German Rodrigo

1201.2378 (R. F. L. Holanda et al.)

A test for cosmic distance duality    [PDF]

R. F. L. Holanda, R. S. Goncalves, J. S. Alcaniz

1204.0035 (Sky Bauman et al.)

Charged Current Universality and the MSSM    [PDF]

Sky Bauman, Jens Erler, Michael Ramsey-Musolf

1206.6165 (Adam Becker et al.)

Constraining Scale-Dependent Non-Gaussianity with Future Large-Scale
Structure and the CMB

Adam Becker, Dragan Huterer, Kenji Kadota

1206.6497 (Asmaa Abada et al.)

Enhancing lepton flavour violation in the supersymmetric inverse seesaw
beyond the dipole contribution

Asmaa Abada, Debottam Das, Avelino Vicente, Cédric Weiland

1206.6537 (Kyle Huggins et al.)

A T-Matrix Calculation for in-Medium Heavy-Quark Gluon Scattering    [PDF]

Kyle Huggins, Ralf Rapp

1206.6540 (Lisa Randall et al.)

Single-Scale Natural SUSY    [PDF]

Lisa Randall, Matthew Reece

1206.6543 (E. Danapinar et al.)

Effects of Single Universal Extra Dimension on $B_c\rar (D_{s},D)
\,\ell^+ \ell^-$ Decays

E. Danapinar, U. O. Yilmaz

1206.6582 (Sanjin Benić et al.)

Thermodynamic instabilities in dynamical quark models with complex
conjugate mass poles

Sanjin Benić, David Blaschke, Michael Buballa

1206.6583 (Surender Verma)

Maximal CP-Violation in Neutrino Mass Matrix in light of the latest Daya
Bay result on $θ_{13}$

Surender Verma

1206.6589 (Tsutomu T. Yanagida et al.)

Higgs Boson Mass in Low Scale Gauge Mediation Models    [PDF]

Tsutomu T. Yanagida, Norimi Yokozaki, Kazuya Yonekura

1206.6599 (Helios Sanchis-Alepuz et al.)

Baryon properties from the covariant Faddeev equation    [PDF]

Helios Sanchis-Alepuz, Reinhard Alkofer, Richard Williams

1206.6616 (Nirbhay K. Behera et al.)

Constituent Quarks and Multi-strange Baryon Production in Heavy-Ion

Nirbhay K. Behera, Raghunath Sahoo, Basanta K. Nandi

1206.6618 (S. Kraml)

SUSY status after one year of LHC    [PDF]

S. Kraml

1206.6622 (D. V. Karlovets)

Twisted electron in a strong laser wave    [PDF]

D. V. Karlovets

1206.6639 (Christoph Bartels et al.)

Characterising WIMPs at a future $e^+e^-$ Linear Collider    [PDF]

Christoph Bartels, Mikael Berggren, Jenny List

1206.6649 (Vernon Barger et al.)

LHC and dark matter signals of Z' bosons    [PDF]

Vernon Barger, Danny Marfatia, Andrea Peterson

1206.6652 (A. D. Dolgov et al.)

Charmed penguin versus BAU    [PDF]

A. D. Dolgov, S. I. Godunov, A. N. Rozanov, M. I. Vysotsky

1206.6663 (Stefano Lottini et al.)

Quarkyonic percolation in dense nuclear matter    [PDF]

Stefano Lottini, Giorgio Torrieri

1206.6675 (Alexander Kurz et al.)

Decoupling constant for $α_s$ and the effective gluon-Higgs
coupling to three loops in supersymmetric QCD

Alexander Kurz, Matthias Steinhauser, Nikolai Zerf

1206.6678 (S. Morisi et al.)

Neutrino masses and mixing: a flavour symmetry roadmap    [PDF]

S. Morisi, J. W. F. Valle

1206.6694 (C. L. Zhou et al.)

Ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density in multifragmentation of Au
+ Au

C. L. Zhou, Y. G. Ma, D. Q. Fang, S. X. Li, G. Q. Zhang

1206.6697 (Mark D. Goodsell)

Two-loop RGEs with Dirac gaugino masses    [PDF]

Mark D. Goodsell

1206.6700 (S. Capozziello et al.)

Gamma Ray Bursts Scaling Relations to test cosmological models    [PDF]

S. Capozziello, L. Consiglio, M. De Laurentis, G. De Rosa, C. Perna, D. Vivolo

1206.6703 (Shinya Matsuzaki et al.)

Discovering 125 GeV techni-dilaton at LHC    [PDF]

Shinya Matsuzaki, Koichi Yamawaki

1206.6714 (B. Pire et al.)

Nucleon-to-pion transition distribution amplitudes and backward
electroproduction of pions

B. Pire, K. Semenov-Tian-Shansky, L. Szymanowski

1206.6715 (Felix Aharonian et al.)

TeV gamma rays from blazars beyond z=1?    [PDF]

Felix Aharonian, Warren Essey, Alexander Kusenko, Anton Prosekin

1206.6719 (K. Ottnad et al.)

ηand η' mesons from Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD    [PDF]

K. Ottnad, C. Michael, S. Reker, C. Urbach, for the ETM collaboration

1206.6737 (Irais Bautista et al.)

Rapidity dependence of particle densities in pp and AA collisions    [PDF]

Irais Bautista, Carlos Pajares, José Guilherme Milhano, Jorge Dias de Deus

1206.6745 (Melanie Day et al.)

Differences in Quasi-Elastic Cross-Sections of Muon and Electron

Melanie Day, Kevin S. McFarland

1206.6753 (A. S. Parvan)

Nuclear first order phase transition associated with Helmholtz free
energy of canonical ensemble

A. S. Parvan

1206.6763 (Jeppe R. Andersen et al.)

W Plus Multiple Jets at the LHC with High Energy Jets    [PDF]

Jeppe R. Andersen, Tuomas Hapola, Jennifer M. Smillie

1206.6764 (Andrius Bernotas et al.)

Effect of the Casimir energy on the bag model phenomenology of light

Andrius Bernotas, Vytautas Šimonis

1206.6767 (Krzysztof Rolbiecki et al.)

Constraining compressed supersymmetry using leptonic signatures    [PDF]

Krzysztof Rolbiecki, Kazuki Sakurai

1206.6775 (S. P. de Alwis)

AMSB and the Logic of Spontaneous SUSY Breaking    [PDF]

S. P. de Alwis

1206.6776 (D. Harnett et al.)

Axial Vector $J^{PC}=1^{++}$ Charmonium and Bottomonium Hybrid Mass
Predictions with QCD Sum-Rules

D. Harnett, R. T. Kleiv, T. G. Steele, Hong-ying Jin

1206.6805 (Bjoern Schenke et al.)

Event-by-event gluon multiplicity, energy density and eccentricities at

Bjoern Schenke, Prithwish Tribedy, Raju Venugopalan

1206.6806 (T. Graf et al.)

Higgs Boson Masses in the Complex NMSSM at One-Loop Level    [PDF]

T. Graf, R. Grober, M. Muhlleitner, H. Rzehak, K. Walz

1206.6809 (Andrzej Drukier et al.)

New Dark Matter Detectors using DNA for Nanometer Tracking    [PDF]

Andrzej Drukier, Katherine Freese, David Spergel, Charles Cantor, George Church, Takeshi Sano