Tuesday, March 26, 2013

1303.0096 (Roman Mizuk)

Recent Belle results in quarkonium physics    [PDF]

Roman Mizuk

1303.0101 (Alexander Bondar et al.)

Status and new results on the Zb resonances    [PDF]

Alexander Bondar, Roman Mizuk

1303.5775 (Ilias Cholis et al.)

The 111 and 129 GeV gamma-ray lines from annihilations in the Milky Way
dark matter halo, dark disk and subhalos

Ilias Cholis, Hani Nurbiantoro Santosa, Maryam Tavakoli, Piero Ullio

1303.5776 (Amit Chakraborty et al.)

Stop and sbottom search using dileptonic $M_{T2}$ variable and boosted
top technique at the LHC

Amit Chakraborty, Dilip Kumar Ghosh, Diptimoy Ghosh, Dipan Sengupta

1303.5794 (Sebastien Descotes-Genon et al.)

Optimizing the basis of B->K*ll observables in the full kinematic range    [PDF]

Sebastien Descotes-Genon, Tobias Hurth, Joaquim Matias, Javier Virto

1303.5804 (N. Suzuki et al.)

Analysis of Bose-Einstein correlations at fixed multiplicities in TeV
energy $pp$ collisions in the quantum optical approach

N. Suzuki, M. Biyajima

1303.5810 (Nobuhito Maru et al.)

Diphoton Decay Excess and 125 GeV Higgs Boson in Gauge-Higgs Unification    [PDF]

Nobuhito Maru, Nobuchika Okada

1303.5819 (S. T. Petcov)

The Nature of Massive Neutrinos    [PDF]

S. T. Petcov

1303.5825 (Swee Ping Chia)

Semileptonic Decays of Pseudoscalar Mesons: A New Approach    [PDF]

Swee Ping Chia

1303.5827 (Swee Ping Chia)

Decay Constants of Pseudoscalar Mesons    [PDF]

Swee Ping Chia

1303.5830 (Subhendra Mohanty et al.)

Reconciling the Muon g-2 and Dark Matter Relic Density with the LHC
Results in Nonuniversal Gaugino Mass Models

Subhendra Mohanty, Soumya Rao, D. P. Roy

1303.5843 (Enrico Borriello et al.)

A stringent constraint on neutrino Lorentz invariance violation from the
two IceCube PeV neutrinos

Enrico Borriello, Sovan Chakraborty, Alessandro Mirizzi, Pasquale Dario Serpico

1303.5849 (T. P. Djun et al.)

Gluonic plasma dominated early universe within fluid QCD    [PDF]

T. P. Djun, M. K. N. Patmawijaya, R. Utama, L. T. Handoko

1303.5856 (Emiliano Molinaro)

Type I Seesaw Mechanism, Lepton Flavour Violation and Higgs Decays    [PDF]

Emiliano Molinaro

1303.5877 (Andreas Crivellin et al.)

Flavor-phenomenology of two-Higgs-doublet models with generic Yukawa

Andreas Crivellin, Ahmet Kokulu, Christoph Greub

1303.5897 (Archil Kobakhidze)

Scale invariance and the electroweak symmetry breaking    [PDF]

Archil Kobakhidze

1303.5914 (D. Gorbunov et al.)

Antibaryonic dark matter    [PDF]

D. Gorbunov, P. Pakhlov

1303.5924 (M. Rafi Alam et al.)

Weak production of strange particles off the nucleon    [PDF]

M. Rafi Alam, I. Ruiz Simo, M. Sajjad Athar, L. Alvarez-Ruso, M. J. Vicente Vacas

1303.5951 (M. Rafi Alam et al.)

Weak $η$ production off the nucleon    [PDF]

M. Rafi Alam, L. Alvarez-Ruso, M. Sajjad Athar, M. J. Vicente Vacas

1303.5954 (Ulrich Haisch)

Review on new physics in heavy flavors: B-meson sector    [PDF]

Ulrich Haisch

1303.5979 (C. Alexandrou et al.)

Nucleon form factors and moments of generalized parton distributions
using $N_f=2+1+1$ twisted mass fermions

C. Alexandrou, M. Constantinou, S. Dinter, V. Drach, K. Jansen, C. Kallidonis, G. Koutsou

1303.6032 (S. X. Nakamura et al.)

Toward Construction of the Unified Lepton-Nucleus Interaction Model from
a Few Hundred MeV to GeV Region

S. X. Nakamura, Y. Hayato, M. Hirai, H. Kamano, S. Kumano, M. Sakuda, K. Saito, T. Sato

1303.6036 (S. Freddy et al.)

Charmless $B_{u,d,s}\to VT$ decays in perturbative QCD approach    [PDF]

S. Freddy, C. S. Kim, R. H. Li, Z. T. Zou

1303.6038 (Sanmay Ganguly)

Jet Measurements In CMS    [PDF]

Sanmay Ganguly

1303.6065 (Guido Altarelli)

The QCD Running Coupling and its Measurement    [PDF]

Guido Altarelli

1303.6084 (Qing-Guo Huang)

$g_{\rm NL}$ in the curvaton model constrained by PLANCK    [PDF]

Qing-Guo Huang

1303.6087 (O. Yu. Shevchenko)

Direct connection between the different QCD orders for parton
distribution and fragmentation functions

O. Yu. Shevchenko

1303.6097 (Nora Brambilla et al.)

Thermal width and quarkonium dissociation by inelastic parton scattering    [PDF]

Nora Brambilla, Miguel Angel Escobedo, Jacopo Ghiglieri, Antonio Vairo

1303.6126 (Souvik Priyam Adhya et al.)

Modifications to the pulsar kick velocity due to magnetic interactions
in dense plasma

Souvik Priyam Adhya, Pradip K. Roy, Abhee K. Dutt-Mazumder

1303.6130 (Tommy Ohlsson et al.)

Effects of non-standard neutrino interactions at PINGU    [PDF]

Tommy Ohlsson, He Zhang, Shun Zhou

1303.6154 (Luciano Maiani)

The GIM Mechanism: origin, predictions and recent uses    [PDF]

Luciano Maiani

1303.6173 (S. K. Kang et al.)

Sterile neutrino analysis of reactor-neutrino oscillation    [PDF]

S. K. Kang, Y. D. Kim, Y. Ko, K. Siyeon

1303.6178 (Hisakazu Minakata et al.)

Correlated, Precision Measurements of θ_{23} and $δ$ using
only the Electron Neutrino Appearance Experiments

Hisakazu Minakata, Stephen J. Parke

1303.6180 (Gui-Jun Ding et al.)

Spontaneous CP violation from vacuum alignment in $S_4$ models of

Gui-Jun Ding, Stephen F. King, Christoph Luhn, Alexander J. Stuart

1303.6191 (Mayumi Aoki et al.)

Reconstruction of Inert Doublet Scalars at the International Linear

Mayumi Aoki, Shinya Kanemura, Hiroshi Yokoya

1303.6243 (A. Gezerlis et al.)

Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations with Chiral Effective Field Theory

A. Gezerlis, I. Tews, E. Epelbaum, S. Gandolfi, K. Hebeler, A. Nogga, A. Schwenk

1303.6253 (Djuna Croon et al.)

Wess-Zumino Inflation in Light of Planck    [PDF]

Djuna Croon, John Ellis, Nick E. Mavromatos

1303.6254 (Michal Czakon et al.)

The total top quark pair production cross-section at hadron colliders
through O(alpha_S^4)

Michal Czakon, Paul Fiedler, Alexander Mitov

1303.6255 (Takeshi Kobayashi et al.)

Spectator field models in light of spectral index after Planck    [PDF]

Takeshi Kobayashi, Fuminobu Takahashi, Tomo Takahashi, Masahide Yamaguchi

1303.6266 (V. Braguta et al.)

Numerical evidence of the axial magnetic effect    [PDF]

V. Braguta, M. N. Chernodub, K. Landsteiner, M. I. Polikarpov, M. V. Ulybyshev

1303.6267 (Pasquale Di Bari et al.)

Dark Radiation or Warm Dark Matter from long lived particle decays in
the light of Planck

Pasquale Di Bari, Stephen F. King, Alexander Merle

1303.6270 (Celine Boehm et al.)

A Lower Bound on the Mass of Cold Thermal Dark Matter from Planck    [PDF]

Celine Boehm, Matthew J. Dolan, Christopher McCabe