Thursday, March 22, 2012
1010.5245 (John H. Simonetti et al.)
A Precision Test for an Extra Spatial Dimension Using Black Hole--Pulsar
John H. Simonetti, Michael Kavic, Djordje Minic, Umair Surani, Vipin Vejayan1107.2118 (Mads T. Frandsen et al.)
Direct detection of dark matter in models with a light Z' [PDF]
Mads T. Frandsen, Felix Kahlhoefer, Subir Sarkar, Kai Schmidt-Hoberg1111.3368 (Christoffer Petersson et al.)
The MSSM Higgs Sector with a Dynamical Goldstino Supermultiplet [PDF]
Christoffer Petersson, Alberto Romagnoni1111.6547 (Stefan Antusch et al.)
Naturalness and GUT Scale Yukawa Coupling Ratios in the CMSSM [PDF]
Stefan Antusch, Lorenzo Calibbi, Vinzenz Maurer, Maurizio Monaco, Martin Spinrath1111.6613 (Philippe Brax et al.)
Modified Gravity Tomography [PDF]
Philippe Brax, Anne-Christine Davis, Baojiu Li1112.4391 (Junjie Cao et al.)
Current experimental constraints on the lightest Higgs boson mass in the
constrained MSSM [PDF]
Junjie Cao, Zhaoxia Heng, Dongwei Li, Jin Min Yang
1203.4563 (Christoffer Petersson et al.)
Higgs decay with monophoton + MET signature from low scale supersymmetry
breaking [PDF]
Christoffer Petersson, Alberto Romagnoni, Riccardo Torre
1203.4646 (J. Berges et al.)
Over-populated gauge fields on the lattice [PDF]
J. Berges, S. Schlichting, D. Sexty1203.4677 (G. Rosati et al.)
$κ$-Poincaré phase space: speed of massless particles and
relativity of spacetime locality [PDF]
G. Rosati, N. Loret, G. Amelino-Camelia
1203.4703 (Andreas Reiser et al.)
Translation of Time-Reversal Violation in the Neutral K-Meson System
into a Table-Top Mechanical System [PDF]
Andreas Reiser, Klaus R. Schubert, Juergen Stiewe
1203.4758 (C. Ditsche et al.)
Roy-Steiner equations for pion-nucleon scattering [PDF]
C. Ditsche, M. Hoferichter, B. Kubis, U. -G. Meißner1203.4769 (Hee-Jung Lee et al.)
Parity-violating $πN N$ coupling constant in the chiral quark-soliton
model [PDF]
Hee-Jung Lee, Chang Ho Hyun, Hyun-Chul Kim
1203.4782 (Pere Masjuan et al.)
Systematics of radial and angular-momentum Regge trajectories of light
non-strange q\bar{q}-states [PDF]
Pere Masjuan, Enrique Ruiz Arriola, Wojciech Broniowski
1203.4789 (Zoltan Fodor et al.)
Light Hadron Masses from Lattice QCD [PDF]
Zoltan Fodor, Christian Hoelbling1203.4796 (E. Oset et al.)
Interaction of vector mesons with baryons and vectors in the nuclear
medium [PDF]
E. Oset, A. Ramos, E. J. Garzon, P. Gonzalez, J. J. Xie, A. Martinez Torres, L. Tolos, R. Molina, C. W. Xiao
1203.4798 (E. Oset et al.)
A new perspective on the Faddeev equations and the $\bar{K}NN$ system
from chiral dynamics and unitarity in coupled channels [PDF]
E. Oset, D. Jido, T. Sekihara, A. Martinez Torres, K. P. Khemchandani, M. Bayar, J. Yamagata-Sekihara
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