Tuesday, March 13, 2012

0908.3581 (Ayse Cagil et al.)

$Z_L$ associated pair production of charged Higgs bosons in the littlest
Higgs model at $e^{+}e^{-}$ colliders

Ayse Cagil, Mehmet T. Zeyrek

1010.0102 (Ayse Cagil)

Pair production of charged scalars and lepton flavor violating signals
in the littlest Higgs model at $e^{+}e^{-}$ colliders

Ayse Cagil

1010.4139 (A. Cagil et al.)

The neutral heavy scalar productions associated with $Z_L$ in the
littlest Higgs model at ILC and CLIC

A. Cagil, M. T. Zeyrek

1105.5146 (Andrzej J. Buras et al.)

The Impact of Flavour Changing Neutral Gauge Bosons on B->X_s gamma    [PDF]

Andrzej J. Buras, Luca Merlo, Emmanuel Stamou

1107.1490 (Koji Ishiwata et al.)

Higgs Properties and Fourth Generation Leptons    [PDF]

Koji Ishiwata, Mark B. Wise

1108.4561 (Ambresh Shivaji et al.)

Associated Production of a KK-Graviton with a Higgs Boson via Gluon
Fusion at the LHC

Ambresh Shivaji, Subhadip Mitra, Pankaj Agrawal

1111.5859 (P. M. Ferreira et al.)

Seesaw neutrino masses from an $A_4$ model with two equal vacuum
expectation values

P. M. Ferreira, L. Lavoura

1112.2114 (Masayasu Harada et al.)

Holographic Mean-Field Theory for Baryon Many-Body Systems    [PDF]

Masayasu Harada, Shin Nakamura, Shinpei Takemoto

1112.4477 (Andrzej J. Buras et al.)

Phenomenology of a Gauged SU(3)^3 Flavour Model    [PDF]

Andrzej J. Buras, Maria Valentina Carlucci, Luca Merlo, Emmanuel Stamou

1112.4501 (Guillaume Beuf)

NLO corrections for the dipole factorization of DIS structure functions
at low x

Guillaume Beuf

1112.5438 (S. N. Gninenko)

Stringent limits on the π^0 -> γX, X -> e+e- decay from neutrino
experiments and constraints on new light gauge bosons

S. N. Gninenko

1112.6025 (Houri Ziaeepour)

Discrimination between Lambda-CDM, quintessence, and modified gravity
models using wide area surveys

Houri Ziaeepour

1201.2445 (M. A. L. Capri et al.)

A study of the zero modes of the Faddeev-Popov operator in Euclidean
Yang-Mills theories in the Landau gauge in d=2,3,4 dimensions

M. A. L. Capri, M. S. Guimaraes, S. P. Sorella, D. G. Tedesco

1201.5180 (Prabhakar Tiwari et al.)

Polarization Alignment in JVAS/CLASS flat spectrum radio surveys    [PDF]

Prabhakar Tiwari, Pankaj Jain

1203.2183 (Benjamín Grinstein et al.)

Massive Spin-2 States as the Origin of the Top Quark Forward-Backward

Benjamín Grinstein, Christopher W. Murphy, David Pirtskhalava, Patipan Uttayarat

1203.2184 (D. Horns et al.)

Probing axion-like particles with the ultraviolet photon polarization
from active galactic nuclei in radio galaxies

D. Horns, L. Maccione, A. Mirizzi, M. Roncadelli

1203.2191 (V. S. Filinov et al.)

Color path-integral Monte Carlo simulations of quark-gluon plasma    [PDF]

V. S. Filinov, Yu. B. Ivanov, M. Bonitz, V. E. Fortov, P. R. Levashov

1203.2232 (Ayse Cagil et al.)

Pair production of single and double charged scalar pairs and their
lepton flavor violating signals in the littlest Higgs model at LHC

Ayse Cagil, Huseyin Dag

1203.2262 (P. E. Bosted et al.)

Empirical Fit to electron-nucleus scattering    [PDF]

P. E. Bosted, V. Mamyan

1203.2265 (M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari)

Gauge-flation Vs Chromo-Natural Inflation    [PDF]

M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari

1203.2303 (Zhou Rui et al.)

The double charm decays of $B_c$ Meson in the Perturbative QCD Approach    [PDF]

Zhou Rui, Zou Zhitian, Cai-Dian Lü

1203.2307 (Oscar F. Hernandez et al.)

The 21 cm Signature of Shock Heated and Diffuse Cosmic String Wakes    [PDF]

Oscar F. Hernandez, Robert H. Brandenberger

1203.2321 (Chengcheng Han et al.)

Probing topcolor-assisted technicolor from top charge asymmetry and
triple-top production at the LHC

Chengcheng Han, Ning Liu, Lei Wu, Jin Min Yang

1203.2330 (M. G. Ryskin et al.)

Double parton scattering in double logarithm approximation of
perturbative QCD

M. G. Ryskin, A. M. Snigirev

1203.2336 (Zhaofeng Kang et al.)

A Heavy SM-like Higgs and a Light Stop from Yukawa-Deflected Gauge

Zhaofeng Kang, Tianjun Li, Tao Liu, Chunli Tong, Jin Min Yang

1203.2342 (A. Alves et al.)

Jets Plus Same-Sign Dileptons Signatures from Fermionic Leptoquarks at
the LHC

A. Alves, E. Ramirez Barreto, A. G. Dias

1203.2373 (Volker D. Burkert)

The JLab 12GeV Upgrade and the Initial Science Program    [PDF]

Volker D. Burkert

1203.2382 (Yue-Liang Wu)

SU(3) Gauge Family Symmetry and Prediction for the Lepton-Flavor Mixing
and Neutrino Masses with Maximal Spontaneous CP Violation

Yue-Liang Wu

1203.2387 (R. Foot)

Mirror dark matter interpretations of the DAMA, CoGeNT and CRESST-II

R. Foot

1203.2419 (E. Gotsman et al.)

Soft interaction model and the LHC data    [PDF]

E. Gotsman, E. Levin, U. Maor

1203.2426 (Hai-Bo Li)

Light hadron, Charmonium(-like) and Bottomonium(-like) states    [PDF]

Hai-Bo Li

1203.2452 (H. Niemi et al.)

Influence of a temperature-dependent shear viscosity on the azimuthal
asymmetries of transverse momentum spectra in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion

H. Niemi, G. S. Denicol, P. Huovinen, E. Molnár, D. H. Rischke

1203.2465 (Wei-Tou Ni)

Solar-system tests of the inflation model with a Weyl term    [PDF]

Wei-Tou Ni

1203.2489 (S. Kraml et al.)

Searches for New Physics: Les Houches Recommendations for the
Presentation of LHC Results

S. Kraml, B. C. Allanach, M. Mangano, H. B. Prosper, S. Sekmen, C. Balazs, A. Barr, P. Bechtle, G. Belanger, A. Belyaev, K. Benslama, M. Campanelli, K. Cranmer, A. De Roeck, M. J. Dolan, J. R. Ellis, M. Felcini, B. Fuks, D. Guadagnoli, J. F. Gunion, S. Heinemeyer, J. Hewett, A. Ismail, M. Kadastik, M. Kramer, J. Lykken, F. Mahmoudi, S. P. Martin, T. Rizzo, T. Robens, M. Tytgat, A. Weiler

1203.2495 (Alexander Belyaev et al.)

Novel gluino cascade decays in E6 inspired models    [PDF]

Alexander Belyaev, Jonathan P. Hall, Stephen F. King, Patrik Svantesson

1203.2501 (Franz Niecknig et al.)

Dispersive analysis of omega --> 3pi and phi --> 3pi decays    [PDF]

Franz Niecknig, Bastian Kubis, Sebastian P. Schneider

1203.2515 (K. Tsukiyama et al.)

In-Medium Similarity Renormalization Group for Open-Shell Nuclei    [PDF]

K. Tsukiyama, S. K. Bogner, A. Schwenk

1203.2531 (Peter W. Graham et al.)

Semiconductor Probes of Light Dark Matter    [PDF]

Peter W. Graham, David E. Kaplan, Surjeet Rajendran, Matthew T. Walters

1203.2533 (Babette Döbrich et al.)

Magnetically amplified tunneling of the 3rd kind as a probe of
minicharged particles

Babette Döbrich, Holger Gies, Norman Neitz, Felix Karbstein

1203.2535 (D. Meloni et al.)

Predicting leptonic CP violation in the light of Daya Bay result    [PDF]

D. Meloni, S. Morisi, E. Peinado

1203.2542 (L. Basso et al.)

Z' signals in polarised top-antitop final states    [PDF]

L. Basso, K. Mimasu, S. Moretti

1203.2547 (J. Steinheimer et al.)

Hypernuclei, dibaryon and antinuclei production in high energy heavy ion
collisions: Thermal production vs. Coalescence

J. Steinheimer, K. Gudima, A. Botvina, I. Mishustin, M. Bleicher, H. Stöcker

1203.2560 (Stephan Durr)

Physics of eta-prime with rooted staggered quarks    [PDF]

Stephan Durr

1203.2572 (Xingbo Zhao)

Charmonium in Hot Medium    [PDF]

Xingbo Zhao

1203.2585 (J. M. Carmona et al.)

Uncertainties in Constraints from Pair Production on Superluminal

J. M. Carmona, J. L. Cortes, D. Mazon

1203.2599 (Irina Balakireva et al.)

Elastic and transition form factors of light pseudoscalar mesons from
QCD sum rules

Irina Balakireva, Wolfgang Lucha, Dmitri Melikhov