Tuesday, March 13, 2012
0908.3581 (Ayse Cagil et al.)
$Z_L$ associated pair production of charged Higgs bosons in the littlest
Ayse Cagil, Mehmet T. Zeyrek1105.5146 (Andrzej J. Buras et al.)
The Impact of Flavour Changing Neutral Gauge Bosons on B->X_s gamma [PDF]
Andrzej J. Buras, Luca Merlo, Emmanuel Stamou1107.1490 (Koji Ishiwata et al.)
Higgs Properties and Fourth Generation Leptons [PDF]
Koji Ishiwata, Mark B. Wise1108.4561 (Ambresh Shivaji et al.)
Associated Production of a KK-Graviton with a Higgs Boson via Gluon
Fusion at the LHC [PDF]
Ambresh Shivaji, Subhadip Mitra, Pankaj Agrawal
1112.2114 (Masayasu Harada et al.)
Holographic Mean-Field Theory for Baryon Many-Body Systems [PDF]
Masayasu Harada, Shin Nakamura, Shinpei Takemoto1112.4477 (Andrzej J. Buras et al.)
Phenomenology of a Gauged SU(3)^3 Flavour Model [PDF]
Andrzej J. Buras, Maria Valentina Carlucci, Luca Merlo, Emmanuel Stamou1201.2445 (M. A. L. Capri et al.)
A study of the zero modes of the Faddeev-Popov operator in Euclidean
Yang-Mills theories in the Landau gauge in d=2,3,4 dimensions [PDF]
M. A. L. Capri, M. S. Guimaraes, S. P. Sorella, D. G. Tedesco
1201.5180 (Prabhakar Tiwari et al.)
Polarization Alignment in JVAS/CLASS flat spectrum radio surveys [PDF]
Prabhakar Tiwari, Pankaj Jain1203.2183 (Benjamín Grinstein et al.)
Massive Spin-2 States as the Origin of the Top Quark Forward-Backward
Asymmetry [PDF]
Benjamín Grinstein, Christopher W. Murphy, David Pirtskhalava, Patipan Uttayarat
1203.2184 (D. Horns et al.)
Probing axion-like particles with the ultraviolet photon polarization
from active galactic nuclei in radio galaxies [PDF]
D. Horns, L. Maccione, A. Mirizzi, M. Roncadelli
1203.2191 (V. S. Filinov et al.)
Color path-integral Monte Carlo simulations of quark-gluon plasma [PDF]
V. S. Filinov, Yu. B. Ivanov, M. Bonitz, V. E. Fortov, P. R. Levashov1203.2262 (P. E. Bosted et al.)
Empirical Fit to electron-nucleus scattering [PDF]
P. E. Bosted, V. Mamyan1203.2303 (Zhou Rui et al.)
The double charm decays of $B_c$ Meson in the Perturbative QCD Approach [PDF]
Zhou Rui, Zou Zhitian, Cai-Dian Lü1203.2307 (Oscar F. Hernandez et al.)
The 21 cm Signature of Shock Heated and Diffuse Cosmic String Wakes [PDF]
Oscar F. Hernandez, Robert H. Brandenberger1203.2321 (Chengcheng Han et al.)
Probing topcolor-assisted technicolor from top charge asymmetry and
triple-top production at the LHC [PDF]
Chengcheng Han, Ning Liu, Lei Wu, Jin Min Yang
1203.2336 (Zhaofeng Kang et al.)
A Heavy SM-like Higgs and a Light Stop from Yukawa-Deflected Gauge
Mediation [PDF]
Zhaofeng Kang, Tianjun Li, Tao Liu, Chunli Tong, Jin Min Yang
1203.2342 (A. Alves et al.)
Jets Plus Same-Sign Dileptons Signatures from Fermionic Leptoquarks at
the LHC [PDF]
A. Alves, E. Ramirez Barreto, A. G. Dias
1203.2419 (E. Gotsman et al.)
Soft interaction model and the LHC data [PDF]
E. Gotsman, E. Levin, U. Maor1203.2452 (H. Niemi et al.)
Influence of a temperature-dependent shear viscosity on the azimuthal
asymmetries of transverse momentum spectra in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion
collisions [PDF]
H. Niemi, G. S. Denicol, P. Huovinen, E. Molnár, D. H. Rischke
1203.2489 (S. Kraml et al.)
Searches for New Physics: Les Houches Recommendations for the
Presentation of LHC Results [PDF]
S. Kraml, B. C. Allanach, M. Mangano, H. B. Prosper, S. Sekmen, C. Balazs, A. Barr, P. Bechtle, G. Belanger, A. Belyaev, K. Benslama, M. Campanelli, K. Cranmer, A. De Roeck, M. J. Dolan, J. R. Ellis, M. Felcini, B. Fuks, D. Guadagnoli, J. F. Gunion, S. Heinemeyer, J. Hewett, A. Ismail, M. Kadastik, M. Kramer, J. Lykken, F. Mahmoudi, S. P. Martin, T. Rizzo, T. Robens, M. Tytgat, A. Weiler
1203.2495 (Alexander Belyaev et al.)
Novel gluino cascade decays in E6 inspired models [PDF]
Alexander Belyaev, Jonathan P. Hall, Stephen F. King, Patrik Svantesson1203.2501 (Franz Niecknig et al.)
Dispersive analysis of omega --> 3pi and phi --> 3pi decays [PDF]
Franz Niecknig, Bastian Kubis, Sebastian P. Schneider1203.2515 (K. Tsukiyama et al.)
In-Medium Similarity Renormalization Group for Open-Shell Nuclei [PDF]
K. Tsukiyama, S. K. Bogner, A. Schwenk1203.2531 (Peter W. Graham et al.)
Semiconductor Probes of Light Dark Matter [PDF]
Peter W. Graham, David E. Kaplan, Surjeet Rajendran, Matthew T. Walters1203.2533 (Babette Döbrich et al.)
Magnetically amplified tunneling of the 3rd kind as a probe of
minicharged particles [PDF]
Babette Döbrich, Holger Gies, Norman Neitz, Felix Karbstein
1203.2535 (D. Meloni et al.)
Predicting leptonic CP violation in the light of Daya Bay result [PDF]
D. Meloni, S. Morisi, E. Peinado1203.2542 (L. Basso et al.)
Z' signals in polarised top-antitop final states [PDF]
L. Basso, K. Mimasu, S. Moretti1203.2547 (J. Steinheimer et al.)
Hypernuclei, dibaryon and antinuclei production in high energy heavy ion
collisions: Thermal production vs. Coalescence [PDF]
J. Steinheimer, K. Gudima, A. Botvina, I. Mishustin, M. Bleicher, H. Stöcker
1203.2585 (J. M. Carmona et al.)
Uncertainties in Constraints from Pair Production on Superluminal
Neutrinos [PDF]
J. M. Carmona, J. L. Cortes, D. Mazon
1203.2599 (Irina Balakireva et al.)
Elastic and transition form factors of light pseudoscalar mesons from
QCD sum rules [PDF]
Irina Balakireva, Wolfgang Lucha, Dmitri Melikhov
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