Friday, August 3, 2012

1107.5048 (Maxim Perelstein et al.)

Fine-Tuning Implications of Direct Dark Matter Searches in the MSSM    [PDF]

Maxim Perelstein, Bibhushan Shakya

1208.0010 (Yang-Ting Chien et al.)

Resummation of Jet Mass at Hadron Colliders    [PDF]

Yang-Ting Chien, Randall Kelley, Matthew D. Schwartz, Hua Xing Zhu

1208.0009 (Sean Tulin et al.)

Three Exceptions for Thermal Dark Matter with Enhanced Annihilation to
Gamma Gamma

Sean Tulin, Hai-Bo Yu, Kathryn M. Zurek

1208.0012 (Tigran Kalaydzhyan)

Chiral superfluidity of the quark-gluon plasma    [PDF]

Tigran Kalaydzhyan

1208.0014 (Astrid Eichhorn et al.)

Renormalization Flow of Axion Electrodynamics    [PDF]

Astrid Eichhorn, Holger Gies, Dietrich Roscher

1208.0019 (L. Basso et al.)

Non-exotic $Z'$ signals in $\ell^+\ell^-$, $b\bar b$ and $t\bar t$ final
states at the LHC

L. Basso, K. Mimasu, S. Moretti

1208.0021 (Iftikhar Ahmad)

Observational Constraints on Nfields Phantom Power-Law    [PDF]

Iftikhar Ahmad

1208.0026 (Amir H. Rezaeian)

Particle Production in pA Collisions and QCD Saturation    [PDF]

Amir H. Rezaeian

1208.0032 (Gary Steigman)

Neutrinos And Big Bang Nucleosynthesis    [PDF]

Gary Steigman

1208.0035 (Kyoungchul Kong)

TASI 2011: CalcHEP and PYTHIA Tutorials    [PDF]

Kyoungchul Kong

1208.0115 (Rouzbeh Allahverdi et al.)

Non-thermal Higgsino Dark Matter: Cosmological Motivations and
Implications for a 125 GeV Higgs

Rouzbeh Allahverdi, Bhaskar Dutta, Kuver Sinha

1208.0157 (Alessandro Mirizzi et al.)

Flavor stability analysis of dense supernova neutrinos with
flavor-dependent angular distributions

Alessandro Mirizzi, Pasquale Dario Serpico

1208.0184 (Ryusuke Jinno et al.)

Probing dark radiation with inflationary gravitational waves    [PDF]

Ryusuke Jinno, Takeo Moroi, Kazunori Nakayama

1208.0191 (Kaushik Bhattacharya et al.)

Effect of Lee-Wick thermodynamics in the cosmology of the early universe    [PDF]

Kaushik Bhattacharya, Suratna Das

1208.0199 (M. Batra et al.)

Importance of Sea Contribution to Nucleons    [PDF]

M. Batra, A. Upadhyay

1208.0204 (Denis Parganlija)

Quarkonium Phenomenology in Vacuum    [PDF]

Denis Parganlija

1208.0212 (M. Batra et al.)

Detailed Balance and Spin Content of Λ using Statistical Model    [PDF]

M. Batra, A. Upadhyay

1208.0256 (Min He et al.)

Non-perturbative Heavy-Flavor Transport at RHIC and LHC    [PDF]

Min He, Rainer J. Fries, Ralf Rapp

1208.0267 (Xiao-Yuan Huang et al.)

Constraints on the dark matter annihilation scenario of Fermi 130 GeV
$γ$-ray line emission by continuous gamma-rays, Milky Way halo, galaxy
clusters and dwarf galaxies observations

Xiao-Yuan Huang, Qiang Yuan, Peng-Fei Yin, Xiao-Jun Bi, Xue-Lei Chen

1208.0268 (E. Accomando et al.)

Charged di-boson production at the LHC in a 4-site model with a
composite Higgs boson

E. Accomando, L. Fedeli, S. Moretti, S. De Curtis, D. Dominici

1208.0279 (Ilan Fridman-Rojas et al.)

Next-to-Leading Order Simulation of Slepton Pair Production    [PDF]

Ilan Fridman-Rojas, Peter Richardson

1208.0284 (Ioan Ghisoiu et al.)

A new method for taming tensor sum-integrals    [PDF]

Ioan Ghisoiu, York Schroder

1208.0305 (Andrej Ficnar et al.)

Falling Strings and Light Quark Jet Quenching at LHC    [PDF]

Andrej Ficnar, Jorge Noronha, Miklos Gyulassy

1208.0336 (Keith R. Dienes et al.)

Direct Detection of Dynamical Dark Matter    [PDF]

Keith R. Dienes, Jason Kumar, Brooks Thomas

1208.0375 (Takahiro Sasaki et al.)

A practical solution to the sign problem at finite theta-vacuum angle    [PDF]

Takahiro Sasaki, Hiroaki Kouno, Masanobu Yahiro

1208.0386 (A. B. Balantekin)

Symmetries of the Neutrino Interactions    [PDF]

A. B. Balantekin

1208.0390 (Alejandro Ayala et al.)

Magnetic catalysis of a charged Bose-Einstein condensate    [PDF]

Alejandro Ayala, M. Loewe, Juan Cristobal Rojas, C. Villavicencio

1208.0392 (Anton N. Baushev)

Extragalactic dark matter and direct detection experiments    [PDF]

Anton N. Baushev

1208.0418 (Bo Hua Li et al.)

Signature of same-sign top pair production mediated by a non-universal
$Z^\prime$ with QCD NLO accuracy at the LHC

Bo Hua Li, Chong Sheng Li, Hai Tao Li, Yong Chuan Zhan, Yue Zhang, Jian Wang

1208.0428 (Zhi-Hui Guo et al.)

Recent developments in U(3) ChPT: meson-meson scattering and finite
energy sum rules

Zhi-Hui Guo, J. A. Oller, J. Ruiz de Elvira

1208.0448 (Dániel Berényi et al.)

Anomalous baryon production in heavy ion collisions at LHC energies    [PDF]

Dániel Berényi, Attila Pásztor, Vladimir Skokov, Péter Lévai

1208.0449 (Neven Caplar et al.)

Generalized models of unification of dark matter and dark energy    [PDF]

Neven Caplar, Hrvoje Stefancic

1208.0481 (S. Plumari et al.)

Shear Viscosity of a strongly interacting system: Green-Kubo vs.
Chapman-Enskog and Relaxation Time Approximation

S. Plumari, A. Puglisi, F. Scardina, V. Greco

1208.0486 (Marco Frasca)

Low-energy QCD from first principles    [PDF]

Marco Frasca

1208.0496 (Dariusz Prorok)

Multiplicities in Au-Au and Cu-Cu collisions at \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 62.4 and
200 GeV

Dariusz Prorok

1208.0498 (Gilberto Colangelo et al.)

On the factorization of chiral logarithms in the pion form factors    [PDF]

Gilberto Colangelo, Massimiliano Procura, Lorena Rothen, Ramon Stucki, Jaume Tarrus

1208.0510 (D. A. Fagundes et al.)

Hadronic Cross Sections, Elastic Slope and Physical Bounds    [PDF]

D. A. Fagundes, M. J. Menon

1208.0534 (Federico Mescia et al.)

Natural SUSY and Kaon Mixing in view of recent results from Lattice QCD    [PDF]

Federico Mescia, Javier Virto

1208.0536 (Florian Preis et al.)

Inverse magnetic catalysis in field theory and gauge-gravity duality    [PDF]

Florian Preis, Anton Rebhan, Andreas Schmitt

1208.0546 (Daniel Elander et al.)

The decay constant of the holographic techni-dilaton and the 125 GeV

Daniel Elander, Maurizio Piai

1208.0549 (Ishtiaq Ahmed)

Implication of the Fourth Generation Standard Model to the Lepton
Polarization asymmetries in the $B\rightarrow K^{\ast}\ell^{+}\ell^{-}$ Decay

Ishtiaq Ahmed

1208.0551 (Sacha Davidson et al.)

Similar Dark Matter and Baryon abundances with TeV-scale Leptogenesis    [PDF]

Sacha Davidson, Martin Elmer

1208.0566 (John M. Campbell et al.)

Next-to-leading order predictions for Z gamma+jet and Z gamma gamma
final states at the LHC

John M. Campbell, Heribertus B. Hartanto, Ciaran Williams

1208.0574 (Leticia F. Palhares)

Exploring the different phase diagrams of Strong Interactions    [PDF]

Leticia F. Palhares

1208.0585 (Denis Parganlija et al.)

Meson vacuum phenomenology in a three-flavor linear sigma model with
(axial-)vector mesons

Denis Parganlija, Peter Kovacs, Gyorgy Wolf, Francesco Giacosa, Dirk H. Rischke