Thursday, June 7, 2012

1106.5016 (Renato M. Fonseca)

Calculating the renormalisation group equations of a SUSY model with

Renato M. Fonseca

1108.4827 (Pasquale D. Serpico)

Astrophysical models for the origin of the positron "excess"    [PDF]

Pasquale D. Serpico

1110.0022 (Alessandro Mirizzi et al.)

Instability in the dense supernova neutrino gas with flavor-dependent
angular distributions

Alessandro Mirizzi, Pasquale D. Serpico

1110.5398 (L. T. Brady et al.)

Impact of PDF uncertainties at large x on heavy boson production    [PDF]

L. T. Brady, A. Accardi, W. Melnitchouk, J. F. Owens

1112.2982 (Ruggero Ferrari)

On the Phase Diagram of Massive Yang-Mills    [PDF]

Ruggero Ferrari

1206.0764 (Imre Bartos et al.)

Probing the Structure of Jet Driven Core-Collapse Supernova and Long
Gamma Ray Burst Progenitors with High Energy Neutrinos

Imre Bartos, Basudeb Dasgupta, Szabolcs Marka

1206.1046 (Alessandro Mirizzi et al.)

Light sterile neutrino production in the early universe with dynamical
neutrino asymmetries

Alessandro Mirizzi, Ninetta Saviano, Gennaro Miele, Pasquale Dario Serpico

1206.1053 (Hatem Widyan et al.)

Time dependent action in $φ^6$ potential    [PDF]

Hatem Widyan, Mashhoor Al-Wardat

1206.1058 (Aleksandr Azatov et al.)

Early Higgs Hints for Non-Minimal Supersymmetry    [PDF]

Aleksandr Azatov, Spencer Chang, Nathaniel Craig, Jamison Galloway

1206.1059 (Paulo F. Bedaque et al.)

Thermodynamics of nuclear condensates and phase transitions in white

Paulo F. Bedaque, Evan Berkowitz, Srimoyee Sen

1206.1076 (Agnes Grau et al.)

Checks of asymptotia in pp elastic scattering at LHC    [PDF]

Agnes Grau, Simone Pacetti, Giulia Pancheri, Yogendra N. Srivastava

1206.1082 (Marcela Carena et al.)

Implications of a Modified Higgs to Diphoton Decay Width    [PDF]

Marcela Carena, Ian Low, Carlos E. M. Wagner

1206.1139 (Alain Coc et al.)

The variation of fundamental constants and the role of A=5 and A=8
nuclei on primordial nucleosynthesis

Alain Coc, Pierre Descouvemont, Keith Olive, Jean-Philippe Uzan, Elisabeth Vangioni

1206.1189 (I. Sentitemsu Imsong et al.)

Bounds on the spacelike pion electromagnetic form factor from
analyticity and unitarity

I. Sentitemsu Imsong, B. Ananthanarayan, Irinel Caprini

1206.1223 (Krzysztof Kutak)

Nonlinear extension of the CCFM equation    [PDF]

Krzysztof Kutak

1206.1225 (Luca Amendola et al.)

Cosmology and fundamental physics with the Euclid satellite    [PDF]

Luca Amendola, Stephen Appleby, David Bacon, Tessa Baker, Marco Baldi, Nicola Bartolo, Alain Blanchard, Camille Bonvin, Stefano Borgani, Enzo Branchini, Clare Burrage, Stefano Camera, Carmelita Carbone, Luciano Casarini, Mark Cropper, Claudia deRham, Cinzia di Porto, Anne Ealet, Pedro G. Ferreira, Fabio Finelli, Juan Garcia-Bellido, Tommaso Giannantonio, Luigi Guzzo, Alan Heavens, Lavinia Heisenberg, Catherine Heymans, Henk Hoekstra, Lukas Hollenstein, Rory Holmes, Ole Horst, Knud Jahnke, Thomas D. Kitching, Tomi Koivisto, Martin Kunz, Giuseppe La Vacca, Marisa March, Elisabetta Majerotto, Katarina Markovic, David Marsh, Federico Marulli, Richard Massey, Yannick Mellier, David F. Mota, Nelson Nunes, Will Percival, Valeria Pettorino, Cristiano Porciani, Claudia Quercellini, Justin Read, Massimiliano Rinaldi, Domenico Sapone, Roberto Scaramella, Constantinos Skordis, Fergus Simpson, Andy Taylor, Shaun Thomas, Roberto Trotta, Licia Verde, Filippo Vernizzi, Adrian Vollmer, Yun Wang, Jochen Weller, Tom Zlosnik

1206.1230 (Ulrich Haisch)

(No) New physics in B_s mixing and decay    [PDF]

Ulrich Haisch

1206.1257 (María Gómez-Rocha et al.)

Electroweak form factors of heavy-light mesons -- a relativistic
point-form approach

María Gómez-Rocha, Wolfgang Schweiger

1206.1261 (Antonio Dobado et al.)

Bulk viscosity and the phase transition of the linear sigma model    [PDF]

Antonio Dobado, Juan M. Torres-Rincon

1206.1267 (Miguel C. N. Fiolhais)

The Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa density matrices    [PDF]

Miguel C. N. Fiolhais

1206.1284 (P. A. Baikov et al.)

Vector Correlator in Massless QCD at Order O(alpha_s^4) and the QED
beta-function at five loop

P. A. Baikov, K. G. Chetyrkin, J. H. Kühn, J. Rittinger

1206.1288 (by P. A. Baikov et al.)

Adler Function, Sum Rules and Crewther Relation of Order O(alpha_s^4):
the Singlet Case

by P. A. Baikov, K. G. Chetyrkin, J. H. Kühn, J. Rittinger