Monday, December 10, 2012

1012.1791 (Reinier de Adelhart Toorop et al.)

Constraining Flavour Symmetries At The EW Scale I: The A4 Higgs

Reinier de Adelhart Toorop, Federica Bazzocchi, Luca Merlo, Alessio Paris

1111.0893 (Jelena Smolic et al.)

2PI Effective Action and Evolution Equations of N = 4 super Yang-Mills    [PDF]

Jelena Smolic, Milena Smolic

1212.1238 (Erich Poppitz et al.)

Universal mechanism of (semi-classical) deconfinement and
theta-dependence for all simple groups

Erich Poppitz, Thomas Schaefer, Mithat Unsal

1212.1456 (Timothy Cohen et al.)

Jet Substructure by Accident    [PDF]

Timothy Cohen, Eder Izaguirre, Mariangela Lisanti, Hou Keong Lou

1212.1472 (M. C. Gonzalez-Garcia et al.)

Dark Radiation and Decaying Matter    [PDF]

M. C. Gonzalez-Garcia, V. Niro, Jordi Salvado

1212.1473 (G. S. Denicol et al.)

Derivation of transient relativistic fluid dynamics from the Boltzmann
equation for a multi-component system

G. S. Denicol, H. Niemi

1212.1500 (Roman V. Buniy et al.)

The tight knot spectrum in QCD    [PDF]

Roman V. Buniy, Jason Cantarella, Thomas W. Kephart, Eric Rawdon

1212.1534 (G. Calderon et al.)

Axial-vector mesons from $τ\to APν_τ$ decays    [PDF]

G. Calderon, J. H. Munoz, C. E. Vera

1212.1568 (Sinya Aoki et al.)

Chiral symmetry restoration and eigenvalue density of Dirac operator    [PDF]

Sinya Aoki, Hidenori Fukaya, Yusuke Taniguchi

1212.1572 (Takumi Doi et al.)

Nuclear physics from lattice simulations    [PDF]

Takumi Doi, for HAL QCD Collaboration

1212.1594 (Philipp Gubler et al.)

Modification of hadronic spectral functions under extreme conditions: An
approach based on QCD sum rules and the maximum entropy method

Philipp Gubler, Kei Suzuki, Kenji Morita, Makoto Oka

1212.1598 (J. O. Eeg)

Non-leptonic decays in an extended chiral quark model    [PDF]

J. O. Eeg

1212.1599 (Korinna C. Zapp et al.)

A perturbative framework for jet quenching    [PDF]

Korinna C. Zapp, Frank Krauss, Urs A. Wiedemann

1212.1606 (Takumi Doi et al.)

Few-baryon interactions from lattice QCD    [PDF]

Takumi Doi, for HAL QCD Collaboration

1212.1636 (Jay D. Tasson)

Antimatter, the SME, and Gravity    [PDF]

Jay D. Tasson

1212.1648 (Marc Wagner et al.)

Scalar mesons and tetraquarks by means of lattice QCD    [PDF]

Marc Wagner, Constantia Alexandrou, Jan Oliver Daldrop, Mattia Dalla Brida, Mario Gravina, Luigi Scorzato, Carsten Urbach, Christian Wiese

1212.1656 (M. Alvioli et al.)

Testing the Gaussian Approximation to the JIMWLK Equation    [PDF]

M. Alvioli, G. Soyez, D. N. Triantafyllopoulos

1212.1662 (José Zurita)

SUSY confronts LHC data    [PDF]

José Zurita

1212.1665 (H. Cárdenas et al.)

The Higgs decay rate to two photons in a model with two
fermiophobic-Higgs doublets

H. Cárdenas, A. C. B. Machado, V. Pleitez, J. -Alexis Rodriguez

1212.1689 (Chiu Man Ho et al.)

Sterile Neutrinos and Light Dark Matter Save Each Other    [PDF]

Chiu Man Ho, Robert J. Scherrer

1212.1693 (Andrei Linde et al.)

Gauge field production in SUGRA inflation: local non-Gaussianity and
primordial black holes

Andrei Linde, Sander Mooij, Enrico Pajer

1212.1701 (Abhay Deshpande et al.)

Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontier - Understanding the glue
that binds us all

Abhay Deshpande, Zein-Eddine Meziani, Jian-Wei Qiu, Robert McKeown, Steven Vigdor, Elke C. Aschenauer, William Brooks, Markus Diehl, Rolf Ent, Haiyan Gao, Roy Holt, Thomas Ludlam, Tanja Horn, Andrew Hutton, Yuri Kovchegov, Krishna Kumar, Alfred H. Mueller, Michael Ramsey-Musolf, Thomas Roser, Franck Sabatie, Ernst Sichtermann, Thomas Ullrich, Werner Vogelsang, Feng Yuan

1212.1702 (J. F. Owens et al.)

Global parton distributions with nuclear and finite-Q^2 corrections    [PDF]

J. F. Owens, A. Accardi, W. Melnitchouk

1212.1708 (Csaba Balázs et al.)

Peccei-Quinn violating minimal supergravity and a 126 GeV Higgs    [PDF]

Csaba Balázs, Sudhir Kumar Gupta