Tuesday, March 6, 2012

1111.1789 (Zachary M. Burell et al.)

Supersymmetric minimal B-L model at the TeV scale with right-handed
Majorana neutrino dark matter

Zachary M. Burell, Nobuchika Okada

1111.5206 (Fabio Cascioli et al.)

Scattering Amplitudes with Open Loops    [PDF]

Fabio Cascioli, Philipp Maierhöfer, Stefano Pozzorini

1111.6538 (Fernando G. Gardim et al.)

Mapping the hydrodynamic response to the initial geometry in heavy-ion

Fernando G. Gardim, Frederique Grassi, Matthew Luzum, Jean-Yves Ollitrault

1112.0943 (Prasanta Kumar Das et al.)

Laboratory frame analysis of $e^+ e^- \to μ^+ μ^-$ scattering in the
Noncommutative Standard Model

Prasanta Kumar Das, Abhishodh Prakash

1112.1601 (Georg P. Engel et al.)

QCD with two light dynamical chirally improved quarks: Mesons    [PDF]

Georg P. Engel, C. B. Lang, Markus Limmer, Daniel Mohler, Andreas Schaefer

1112.1944 (Koji Ishiwata et al.)

Natural Supersymmetry and b -> s gamma constraints    [PDF]

Koji Ishiwata, Natsumi Nagata, Norimi Yokozaki

1112.2659 (Isabella Masina et al.)

The Higgs mass range from Standard Model false vacuum Inflation in
scalar-tensor gravity

Isabella Masina, Alessio Notari

1112.4387 (Grigoris Panotopoulos et al.)

Non-perturbative effects in WIMP scattering off nuclei in the NMSSM    [PDF]

Grigoris Panotopoulos, Miguel-Angel Sanchis-Lozano

1112.4494 (Agustin Sabio Vera et al.)

Graviton emission in Einstein-Hilbert gravity    [PDF]

Agustin Sabio Vera, Eduardo Serna Campillo, Miguel A. Vazquez-Mozo

1112.4517 (N. Fornengo et al.)

Cosmological Radio Emission induced by WIMP Dark Matter    [PDF]

N. Fornengo, R. Lineros, M. Regis, M. Taoso

1201.0519 (Charanjit S. Aulakh et al.)

Supersymmetric Seesaw Inflation    [PDF]

Charanjit S. Aulakh, Ila Garg

1201.1307 (Miguel S. Costa et al.)

Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering from Gauge/Gravity Duality    [PDF]

Miguel S. Costa, Marko Djurić

1201.4170 (Andreas Brandhuber et al.)

Analytic two-loop form factors in N=4 SYM    [PDF]

Andreas Brandhuber, Gabriele Travaglini, Gang Yang

1201.4852 (B. C. Tiburzi)

Hadronic Parity Violation at Next-to-Leading Order    [PDF]

B. C. Tiburzi

1203.0569 (D. M. Ghilencea et al.)

Tuning supersymmetric models at the LHC: A comparative analysis at
two-loop level

D. M. Ghilencea, H. M. Lee, M. Park

1203.0572 (Nathaniel Craig et al.)

Split families unified    [PDF]

Nathaniel Craig, Savas Dimopoulos, Tony Gherghetta

1203.0573 (Gorazd Cvetic et al.)

Probing Majorana neutrinos in rare $π^+ \to e^+ e^+ μ^- ν$ decays    [PDF]

Gorazd Cvetic, Claudio Dib, C. S. Kim

1203.0581 (N. G. Kelkar et al.)

Determining the size of the proton    [PDF]

N. G. Kelkar, F. Garcia Daza, M. Nowakowski

1203.0598 (Tetsuo Hyodo et al.)

Meson-induced pentaquark productions    [PDF]

Tetsuo Hyodo, Atsushi Hosaka, Makoto Oka

1203.0609 (Haruki Watanabe et al.)

Number of Nambu-Goldstone bosons and partially symplectic geometry of
coset space

Haruki Watanabe, Hitoshi Murayama

1203.0678 (Carlos Munoz)

Indirect Dark Matter Searches and Models    [PDF]

Carlos Munoz

1203.0687 (Horace W. Crater et al.)

Magnetic Resonance at Short Distances    [PDF]

Horace W. Crater, Cheuk-Yin Wong

1203.0694 (Junjie Cao et al.)

Higgs decay to dark matter in low energy SUSY: is it detectable at the

Junjie Cao, Zhaoxia Heng, Jin Min Yang, Jingya Zhu

1203.0700 (Jian-Rong Zhang et al.)

New molecular candidates: X(2000), X(2200), and X(2350)    [PDF]

Jian-Rong Zhang, Guo-Feng Chen

1203.0712 (Shao-Zhou Jiang et al.)

Computation of the $p^6$ order low-energy constants with tensor sources    [PDF]

Shao-Zhou Jiang, Qing Wang

1203.0716 (Yu. L. Dokshitzer)

A new look at Multiple Parton Collisions    [PDF]

Yu. L. Dokshitzer

1203.0724 (J. M. M. Hall et al.)

Limitations of the heavy-baryon expansion as revealed by a pion-mass
dispersion relation

J. M. M. Hall, V. Pascalutsa

1203.0725 (Jian-Hua Gao et al.)

Chiral anomaly and local polarization effect from quantum kinetic

Jian-Hua Gao, Zuo-Tang Liang, Shi Pu, Qun Wang, Xin-Nian Wang

1203.0733 (Akira Kokado et al.)

A Confinement Potential for Leptons and Their Tunneling Effects into

Akira Kokado, Takesi Saito

1203.0755 (Michal P. Heller et al.)

A numerical relativity approach to the initial value problem in
asymptotically Anti-de Sitter spacetime for plasma thermalization - an ADM

Michal P. Heller, Romuald A. Janik, Przemyslaw Witaszczyk

1203.0762 (Eriko Kato et al.)

Little Higgs with T-parity measurements at the ILC    [PDF]

Eriko Kato, Masaki Asano, Keisuke Fujii, Shigeki Matsumoto, Yosuke Takubo, Hitoshi Yamamoto

1203.0775 (Kirill Tuchin et al.)

Properties of inclusive hadron production in Deep Inelastic Scattering
on heavy nuclei at low x

Kirill Tuchin, Dajing Wu

1203.0784 (A. Bazavov et al.)

Fluctuations and Correlations of net baryon number, electric charge, and
strangeness: A comparison of lattice QCD results with the hadron resonance
gas model

A. Bazavov, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, C. E. DeTar, H. -T. Ding, Steven Gottlieb, Rajan Gupta, P. Hegde, Urs Heller, F. Karsch, E. Laermann, L. Levkova, Swagato Mukherjee, P. Petreczky, Christian Schmidt, R. A. Soltz, W. Soeldner, R. Sugar, Pavlos M. Vranas

1203.0790 (Catalina Espinoza et al.)

Search for new physics with neutrinos at Radioactive Ion Beam facilities    [PDF]

Catalina Espinoza, Rimantas Lazauskas, Cristina Volpe

1203.0799 (Li Gang et al.)

Prompt heavy quarkonium production in association with a massive
(anti)bottom quark at the LHC

Li Gang, Wang ShuangTe, Song Mao, Lin JiPing

1203.0805 (Sergei V. Ketov et al.)

Inflation and non-minimal scalar-curvature coupling in gravity and

Sergei V. Ketov, Alexei A. Starobinsky

1203.0806 (Fred Jegerlehner)

Implications of low and high energy measurements on SUSY models    [PDF]

Fred Jegerlehner

1203.0824 (Azam Tahamtan et al.)

A simple Method To Calculate Transverse Spin Structure Function

Azam Tahamtan, Fatemeh Taghavi-Shahri, Firooz Arash

1203.0829 (Franco Buccella et al.)

Squeezing out predictions with leptogenesis from SO(10)    [PDF]

Franco Buccella, Domenico Falcone, Chee Sheng Fong, Enrico Nardi, Giulia Ricciardi

1203.0845 (Yu. A. Simonov)

Mass generation with adjoint fermions    [PDF]

Yu. A. Simonov

1203.0934 (Pedro Ruiz-Femenia)

Non-resonant effects in the top-antitop resonance region    [PDF]

Pedro Ruiz-Femenia

1203.0936 (A. M. Badalian et al.)

Dominant spin-orbit effects in radiative decays {$Υ(3S\rightarrow

A. M. Badalian, B. L. G. Bakker

1203.0939 (A. A. Grinyuk et al.)

Unintegrated gluon distribution and soft pp collisions at LHC    [PDF]

A. A. Grinyuk, H. Jung, G. I. Lykasov, A. V. Lipatov, N. P. Zotov

1203.0961 (Matteo Giordano et al.)

Asymptotic Energy Dependence of Hadronic Total Cross Sections from
Lattice QCD

Matteo Giordano, Enrico Meggiolaro, Niccolò Moretti

1203.0968 (Jian-Wei Cui et al.)

GeV Scale Asymmetric Dark Matter from Mirror Universe: Direct Detection
and LHC Signatures

Jian-Wei Cui, Hong-Jian He, Lan-Chun Lv, Fu-Rong Yin

1203.0969 (Paulo F. Bedaque et al.)

Neutrino Emission from Helium White Dwarfs with Condensed Cores    [PDF]

Paulo F. Bedaque, Evan Berkowitz, Aleksey Cherman

1203.0979 (R. Molina et al.)

$J/ψ$ reaction mechanisms and suppression in the nuclear medium    [PDF]

R. Molina, C. W. Xiao, E. Oset

1203.1012 (Edward Shuryak)

Monitoring parton equilibration in heavy ion collisions via dilepton

Edward Shuryak

1203.1019 (Diego Correa et al.)

The cusp anomalous dimension at three loops and beyond    [PDF]

Diego Correa, Johannes Henn, Juan Maldacena, Amit Sever

1203.1022 (V. N. Velizhanin)

Three loop anomalous dimension of the non-singlet transversity operator
in QCD

V. N. Velizhanin