Tuesday, August 14, 2012

1108.1918 (Elina Seel et al.)

Study of chiral symmetry restoration in linear and nonlinear O(N) models
using the auxiliary field method

Elina Seel, Stefan Struber, Francesco Giacosa, Dirk H. Rischke

1112.4963 (Sedigheh Deldar et al.)

Confinement in G(2) Gauge Theories Using Thick Center Vortex Model and
domain structures

Sedigheh Deldar, Hadi Lookzadeh, Seyed Mohsen Hosseini Nejad

1208.2279 (F. Huang et al.)

Combined analysis of η' production reactions: γN -> η'N, NN
-> NNη', and πN -> η'N

F. Huang, H. Haberzettl, K. Nakayama

1208.2283 (Kouji Kashiwa et al.)

Two-color QCD at imaginary chemical potential and its impact on real
chemical potential

Kouji Kashiwa, Takahiro Sasaki, Hiroaki Kouno, Masanobu Yahiro

1208.2289 (Charles Gale)

Electromagnetic radiation in heavy ion collisions: Progress and puzzles    [PDF]

Charles Gale

1208.2291 (H. Boschi-Filho et al.)

Anomalous dimensions and scalar glueball spectroscopy in AdS/QCD    [PDF]

H. Boschi-Filho, N. R. F. Braga, F. Jugeau, M. A. C. Torres

1208.2316 (Taro Kunimitsu et al.)

Higgs condensation as an unwanted curvaton    [PDF]

Taro Kunimitsu, Jun'ichi Yokoyama

1208.2339 (L. Grigoryan)

Study of the multiplicity of hadrons on nuclei    [PDF]

L. Grigoryan

1208.2404 (Ke-Sheng Sun et al.)

Search for lepton flavor violation in supersymmetric models via meson

Ke-Sheng Sun, Tai-Fu Feng, Tie-Jun Gao, Shu-Min Zhao

1208.2411 (Dian-Yong Chen et al.)

Interpretation of $Z_b(10610)$ and $Z_b(10650)$ in the ISPE mechanism
and the Charmonium Counterpart

Dian-Yong Chen, Xiang Liu, Takayuki Matsuki

1208.2426 (Masayuki Asakawa et al.)

Center domains and their phenomenological consequences    [PDF]

Masayuki Asakawa, Steffen A. Bass, Berndt Müller

1208.2458 (Vivek Kumar Tiwari)

Exploring criticality in the QCD-like two quark flavour models    [PDF]

Vivek Kumar Tiwari

1208.2491 (Tao Zhu et al.)

Inflation in general covariant Hořava-Lifshitz gravity without

Tao Zhu, Yongqing Huang, Anzhong Wang

1208.2496 (Kiwoon Choi et al.)

Dark radiation and small-scale structure problems with decaying

Kiwoon Choi, Ki-Young Choi, Chang Sub Shin

1208.2497 (S. M. Bilenky)

On the phenomenology of neutrino oscillations in vacuum    [PDF]

S. M. Bilenky

1208.2533 (T. S. Biró et al.)

Thermodynamic Derivation of the Tsallis and Rényi Entropy Formulas and
the Temperature of Quark-Gluon Plasma

T. S. Biró, G. G. Barnaföldi, P. Ván

1208.2537 (Y. Burnier et al.)

From the chiral magnetic wave to the charge dependence of elliptic flow    [PDF]

Y. Burnier, D. E. Kharzeev, J. Liao, H. -U. Yee

1208.2552 (Marco Cardoso et al.)

Detailed study of quark-antiquark flux tubes and flux tube recombination    [PDF]

Marco Cardoso, Pedro Bicudo, Nuno Cardoso

1208.2554 (Mehran Zahiri Abyaneh)

The Anatomy of the Pion Loop Hadronic Light by Light Scattering
Contribution to the Muon Magnetic Anomaly

Mehran Zahiri Abyaneh

1208.2555 (Kyu Jung Bae et al.)

Peccei-Quinn NMSSM in the light of 125 GeV Higgs    [PDF]

Kyu Jung Bae, Kiwoon Choi, Eung Jin Chun, Sang Hui Im, Chan Beom Park, Chang Sub Shin

1208.2568 (I. V. Danilkin et al.)

Chiral dynamics with vector fields: an application to $ππ$ and $π
K$ scattering

I. V. Danilkin, M. F. M. Lutz

1208.2593 (Pankaj Agrawal et al.)

Production of $γZ g$ and associated processes via gluon fusion at
hadron colliders

Pankaj Agrawal, Ambresh Shivaji

1208.2598 (T. Bauer et al.)

Magnetic moment of the Roper resonance    [PDF]

T. Bauer, J. Gegelia, S. Scherer

1208.2602 (Jorge Casalderrey-Solana)

Dynamical Quarkonia Suppression in a QGP-Brick    [PDF]

Jorge Casalderrey-Solana

1208.2613 (Ping-Kai Hu)

Radiative Seesaw Model with Non-zero θ_{13} and Warm Dark Matter

Ping-Kai Hu

1208.2626 (Michael Strickland)

Highly anisotropic dissipative hydrodynamics    [PDF]

Michael Strickland

1208.2630 (Ryosuke Sato et al.)

Enhanced Diphoton Signal of the Higgs Boson and the Muon g-2 in Gauge
Mediation Models

Ryosuke Sato, Kohsaku Tobioka, Norimi Yokozaki

1208.2645 (Kim Siyeon)

Ansatz of Leptonic Mixing: The Alliance of Bi-Maximal Mixing with a
Single-Angle Rotation

Kim Siyeon

1208.2665 (M. V. Garzelli et al.)

t tbar W and t tbar Z Hadroproduction at NLO accuracy in QCD with Parton
Shower and Hadronization effects

M. V. Garzelli, A. Kardos, C. G. Papadopoulos, Z. Trócsányi

1208.2672 (Mariano Chernicoff et al.)

Quarkonium dissociation by anisotropy    [PDF]

Mariano Chernicoff, Daniel Fernandez, David Mateos, Diego Trancanelli

1208.2673 (Zhaofeng Kang et al.)

A Rediatively Light Stop Saves the Best Global Fit for Higgs Boson Mass
and Decays

Zhaofeng Kang, Tianjun Li, Jinmian Li, Yandong Liu

1208.2685 (James M. Cline et al.)

Composite magnetic dark matter and the 130 GeV line    [PDF]

James M. Cline, Andrew R. Frey, Guy D. Moore