Wednesday, June 19, 2013

1306.3985 (Liang Dai et al.)

The anisotropic imprint of long-wavelength tensor perturbations on
cosmic structure

Liang Dai, Donghui Jeong, Marc Kamionkowski

1306.3984 (Stefan Antusch et al.)

Inverse neutrino mass hierarchy in a flavour GUT model    [PDF]

Stefan Antusch, Christian Gross, Vinzenz Maurer, Constantin Sluka

1306.3988 (Mattias Blennow et al.)

Determination of the neutrino mass ordering by combining PINGU and Daya
Bay II

Mattias Blennow, Thomas Schwetz

1306.3987 (Mirjam Cvetič et al.)

Chiral Four-Dimensional F-Theory Compactifications With SU(5) and
Multiple U(1)-Factors

Mirjam Cvetič, Antonella Grassi, Denis Klevers, Hernan Piragua

1306.3996 (Alexander Merle et al.)

New Production Mechanism for keV Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter by Decays
of Frozen-In Scalars

Alexander Merle, Viviana Niro, Daniel Schmidt

1306.4007 (Gerald V. Dunne et al.)

Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock Solution of Gross-Neveu models: Twisted Kink
Constituents of Baryons and Breathers

Gerald V. Dunne, Michael Thies

1306.4038 (Luigi Del Debbio et al.)

Conformal scaling and the size of $m$-hadrons    [PDF]

Luigi Del Debbio, Roman Zwicky

1306.4051 (H. W. Long et al.)

Day-Night Asymmetries in Active-Sterile Solar Neutrino Oscillations    [PDF]

H. W. Long, Y. F. Li, C. Giunti

1306.4061 (Roland E. Allen)

The London-Anderson-Englert-Brout-Higgs-Guralnik-Hagen-Kibble-Weinberg
mechanism and Higgs boson reveal the unity and future excitement of physics

Roland E. Allen

1306.4091 (Cheng Cheng et al.)

The Dark Side of the Universe after Planck    [PDF]

Cheng Cheng, Qing-Guo Huang

1306.4095 (K. Azizi et al.)

Investigation of the $B_c\rightarrow χ_{c2} l \barν $ transition
via QCD sum rules

K. Azizi, Y. Sarac, H. Sundu

1306.4098 (K. Azizi et al.)

Investigation of the semileptonic transition of the $B$ into the
orbitally excited charmed tensor meson

K. Azizi, H. Sundu, S. Sahin

1306.4107 (Hyun Min Lee et al.)

Gravity-mediated Dark Matter    [PDF]

Hyun Min Lee, Myeonghun Park, Veronica Sanz

1306.4108 (V. Baru et al.)

Quark mass dependence of the X(3872) binding energy    [PDF]

V. Baru, E. Epelbaum, A. A. Filin, C. Hanhart, U. -G. Meißner, A. V. Nefediev

1306.4113 (Bruno Machet)

Unlocking the Standard Model. IV. N=2 generations of quarks : spectrum
and mixing

Bruno Machet

1306.4125 (Suprabh Prakash et al.)

The need for an early anti-neutrino run of NOvA    [PDF]

Suprabh Prakash, Ushak Rahaman, S. Uma Sankar

1306.4138 (Y. H. Ahn et al.)

A dynamical CP source for CKM, PMNS and Leptogenesis    [PDF]

Y. H. Ahn, Seungwon Baek

1306.4160 (Nicola Bartolo et al.)

Anisotropy in solid inflation    [PDF]

Nicola Bartolo, Sabino Matarrese, Marco Peloso, Angelo Ricciardone

1306.4168 (Philippe Brax et al.)

Cosmological Tests of the Disformal Coupling to Radiation    [PDF]

Philippe Brax, Clare Burrage, Anne-Christine Davis, Giulia Gubitosi

1306.4169 (E. R. Cazaroto et al.)

Heavy quark production and gluon saturation in double parton scattering
at LHC

E. R. Cazaroto, V. P. Goncalves, F. S. Navarra

1306.4171 (N. Fornengo et al.)

Dark matter searches with cosmic antideuterons: status and perspectives    [PDF]

N. Fornengo, L. Maccione, A. Vittino

1306.4178 (I. V. Anikin et al.)

Space-time structure of polynomiality for GPDs    [PDF]

I. V. Anikin, I. O. Cherednikov

1306.4182 (R. M. Albuquerque et al.)

QCD Sum Rule Study for a Possible Charmed Pentaquark Θc(3250)    [PDF]

R. M. Albuquerque, S. H. Lee, M. Nielsen

1306.4183 (Howard Baer et al.)

Snowmass whitepaper: Exploring natural SUSY via direct and indirect
detection of higgsino-like WIMPs

Howard Baer, Vernon Barger, Dan Mickelson, Xerxes Tata

1306.4185 (Ashwini Kumar et al.)

Charged Hadron Multiplicity Distribution at Relativistic Heavy Ion

Ashwini Kumar, P. K. Srivastava, B. K. Singh, C. P. Singh

1306.4201 (R. Stock et al.)

Hadronic Freeze-Out in A+A Collisions meets the Lattice QCD
Parton-Hadron Transition Line

R. Stock, F. Becattini, M. Bleicher, T. Kollegger, T. Schuster, J. Steinheimer

1306.4202 (Anirban Saha)

COW test of the weak equivalence principle: A low-energy window to look
into the noncommutative structure of space-time?

Anirban Saha

1306.4213 (Vicente Vento et al.)

On the magnetic monopole mass    [PDF]

Vicente Vento, Valentina Sarti Mantovani

1306.4217 (T. CsörgŐ et al.)

Elastic scattering of protons from sqrt{s}=23.5 GeV to 7 TeV from a
generalized Bialas-Bzdak model

T. CsörgŐ, F. Nemes

1306.4273 (Paulo Cesar Beggio)

Oscillations of factorial cumulants to factorial moments ratio from an
eikonal approach

Paulo Cesar Beggio

1306.4274 (Luigi Del Debbio et al.)

Renormalization group, trace anomaly and Feynman-Hellmann theorem    [PDF]

Luigi Del Debbio, Roman Zwicky

1306.4279 (A. J. R. Figueiredo)

The high-scale SUSY seesaw: LHC vs low energy    [PDF]

A. J. R. Figueiredo

1306.4281 (S. Dev et al.)

Hybrid Textures of the Right-Handed Majorana Neutrino Mass Matrix    [PDF]

S. Dev, Radha Raman Gautam, Lal Singh