Friday, May 31, 2013
1305.2348 (Karl-Heinz Kampert)
Experimental Summary: Very High Energy Cosmic Rays and their
Karl-Heinz Kampert1305.6908 (I. Goldman et al.)
Possible Implications of Asymmetric Fermionic Dark Matter for Neutron
Stars [PDF]
I. Goldman, R. N. Mohapatra, S. Nussinov, D. Rosenbaum, V. Teplitz
1305.6921 (M. Cahill-Rowley et al.)
Complementarity and Searches for Dark Matter in the pMSSM [PDF]
M. Cahill-Rowley, R. Cotta, A. Drlica-Wagner, S. Funk, J. Hewett, A. Ismail, T. Rizzo, M. Wood1305.6934 (Helmut Eberl et al.)
Three-body gravitino decays in the MSSM [PDF]
Helmut Eberl, Vassilis C. Spanos1305.6936 (Vitor Cardoso et al.)
Matter around Kerr black holes in scalar-tensor theories: scalarization
and superradiant instability [PDF]
Vitor Cardoso, Isabella P. Carucci, Paolo Pani, Thomas P. Sotiriou
1305.6938 (Benjamín Grinstein et al.)
Searching for New Physics in the Three-Body Decays of the Higgs-like
Particle [PDF]
Benjamín Grinstein, Christopher W. Murphy, David Pirtskhalava
1305.6939 (Sergei Dubovsky et al.)
Natural Tuning: Towards A Proof of Concept [PDF]
Sergei Dubovsky, Victor Gorbenko, Mehrdad Mirbabayi1305.6961 (Daniel Schubring et al.)
Fluid Mechanics of Strings [PDF]
Daniel Schubring, Vitaly Vanchurin1305.7001 (Yoshitaka Hatta et al.)
Double-spin asymmetry $A_{LT}$ in open charm production [PDF]
Yoshitaka Hatta, Koichi Kanazawa, Shinsuke Yoshida1305.7008 (Chun-Khiang Chua et al.)
A Study of Dirac Fermionic Dark Matters [PDF]
Chun-Khiang Chua, Ron-Chou Hsieh1305.7021 (Hsiang-nan Li et al.)
Branching ratios and direct CP asymmetries in $D\to PV$ decays [PDF]
Hsiang-nan Li, Cai-Dian Lü, Qin Qin, Fu-Sheng Yu1305.7034 (Luca Di Luzio et al.)
A framework for baryonic R-parity violation in grand unified theories [PDF]
Luca Di Luzio, Marco Nardecchia, Andrea Romanino1305.7045 (David Greynat et al.)
The Froissart--Martin Bound for $ππ$ Scattering in QCD [PDF]
David Greynat, Eduardo de Rafael1305.7049 (E. Mereghetti et al.)
Toroidal Quadrupole Form Factor of the Deuteron [PDF]
E. Mereghetti, J. de Vries, R. G. E. Timmermans, U. van Kolck1305.7055 (Yuta Hamada et al.)
Bare Higgs mass and potential at ultraviolet cutoff [PDF]
Yuta Hamada, Hikaru Kawai, Kin-ya Oda1305.7088 (A. S. Papanastasiou et al.)
Single-top $t$-channel production with off-shell and non-resonant
effects [PDF]
A. S. Papanastasiou, R. Frederix, S. Frixione, V. Hirschi, F. Maltoni
1305.7094 (A. L. Kataev et al.)
NSVZ scheme with the higher derivative regularization for the N=1 SQED [PDF]
A. L. Kataev, K. V. Stepanyantz1305.7099 (Wolfgang Lucha et al.)
Accurate bottom-quark mass from Borel QCD sum rules for $f_B$ and
$f_{B_s}$ [PDF]
Wolfgang Lucha, Dmitri Melikhov, Silvano Simula
1305.7140 (Georg Raffelt et al.)
Azimuth-angle flavor instability of supernova neutrino fluxes [PDF]
Georg Raffelt, Srdjan Sarikas, David de Sousa Seixas1305.7142 (David d'Enterria et al.)
Observing light-by-light scattering at the Large Hadron Collider [PDF]
David d'Enterria, Gustavo G. Silveira1305.7143 (Douglas Higinbotham et al.)
The EMC effect still puzzles after 30 years [PDF]
Douglas Higinbotham, Gerald A Miller, Or Hen, Klaus Rith1305.7151 (Ricardo J. Z. Ferreira et al.)
Inflationary Magnetogenesis without the Strong Coupling Problem [PDF]
Ricardo J. Z. Ferreira, Rajeev Kumar Jain, Martin S. Sloth1305.7180 (Rudy Marty et al.)
Transport coefficients from the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model for $SU(3)_f$ [PDF]
Rudy Marty, Elena Bratkovskaya, Wolfgang Cassing, Jörg Aichelin, Hamza Berrehrah1305.7183 (Timur Delahaye et al.)
Antiproton Limits on Decaying Gravitino Dark Matter [PDF]
Timur Delahaye, Michael Grefe1305.7199 (Debajyoti Choudhury et al.)
Z-pole observables in an effective theory [PDF]
Debajyoti Choudhury, Anirban Kundu, Pratishruti Saha1305.7217 (Peter A. Boyle et al.)
The kaon semileptonic form factor with near physical domain wall quarks [PDF]
Peter A. Boyle, Jonathan M. Flynn, Nicolas Garron, Andreas Juttner, Chris T. Sachrajda, Karthee Sivalingam, James M. Zanotti1305.7219 (G. E. Volovik et al.)
Higgs bosons in particle physics and in condensed matter [PDF]
G. E. Volovik, M. A. Zubkov1305.7224 (Koichi Hattori et al.)
Neutral-pion reactions induced by chiral anomaly in strong magnetic
fields [PDF]
Koichi Hattori, Kazunori Itakura, Sho Ozaki
Thursday, May 30, 2013
1305.6609 (Randel C. Cotta et al.)
Particle Physics Implications and Constraints on Dark Matter
Interpretations of the CDMS Signal [PDF]
Randel C. Cotta, Arvind Rajaraman, Tim M. P. Tait, Alexander M. Wijangco
1305.6610 (G. C. Dorsch et al.)
A strong electroweak phase transition in the 2HDM after LHC8 [PDF]
G. C. Dorsch, S. J. Huber, J. M. No1305.6612 (Stefan Antusch et al.)
A flavour GUT model with theta_13^PMNS = theta_C / sqrt(2) [PDF]
Stefan Antusch, Christian Gross, Vinzenz Maurer, Constantin Sluka1305.6631 (Lorenzo Magnea et al.)
Multi-loop open string amplitudes and their field theory limit [PDF]
Lorenzo Magnea, Sam Playle, Rodolfo Russo, Stefano Sciuto1305.6642 (Mikhail Khankhasayev et al.)
Positron on Neutron capture reaction, radiative corrections and neutron
Mikhail Khankhasayev, Carol Scarlett
1305.6774 (S. Morisi et al.)
Neutrino mixing with revamped A4 flavour symmetry [PDF]
S. Morisi, D. V. Forero, J. C. Romao, J. W. F. Valle1305.6788 (Mikel Berasaluce-González et al.)
Discrete gauge symmetries from (closed string) tachyon condensation [PDF]
Mikel Berasaluce-González, Miguel Montero, Ander Retolaza, Ángel M. Uranga1305.6815 (Florian Domingo et al.)
More on the Hypercharge Portal into the Dark Sector [PDF]
Florian Domingo, Oleg Lebedev, Yann Mambrini, Jérémie Quevillon, Andreas Ringwald1305.6833 (Alper Hayreter et al.)
Constraining $τ$-lepton dipole moments and gluon couplings at the LHC [PDF]
Alper Hayreter, German Valencia1305.6837 (Mauro Chiesa et al.)
Electroweak Sudakov Corrections to New Physics Searches at the CERN LHC [PDF]
Mauro Chiesa, Guido Montagna, Luca Barze`, Mauro Moretti, Oreste Nicrosini, Fulvio Piccinini, Francesco Tramontano1305.6846 (Adrian Dumitru et al.)
Two-loop perturbative corrections to the thermal effective action in
gluodynamics [PDF]
Adrian Dumitru, Yun Guo, Chris P. Korthals Altes
1305.6884 (J. E. Amaro et al.)
Neutrino and antineutrino CCQE scattering in the SuperScaling
Approximation from MiniBooNE to NOMAD energies [PDF]
J. E. Amaro, M. B. Barbaro, J. A. Caballero, T. W. Donnelly, G. D. Megias
1305.6907 (Vernon Barger et al.)
Superheavy Particle Origin of IceCube PeV Neutrino Events [PDF]
Vernon Barger, Wai-Yee KeungWednesday, May 29, 2013
1209.3245 (Alexander Studenikin et al.)
Millicharged neutrino with anomalous magnetic moment in rotating
magnetized matter [PDF]
Alexander Studenikin, Ilya Tokarev
1303.2497 (M. I. Katsnelson et al.)
Unruh effect in vacua with anisotropic scaling: Applications to
multilayer graphene [PDF]
M. I. Katsnelson, G. E. Volovik, M. A. Zubkov
1305.6312 (Chee Sheng Fong et al.)
New ways to TeV scale leptogenesis [PDF]
Chee Sheng Fong, M. C. Gonzalez-Garcia, Enrico Nardi, Eduardo Peinado1305.6318 (Kyle Lawson et al.)
Quark (Anti) Nugget Dark Matter [PDF]
Kyle Lawson, Ariel R. Zhitnitsky1305.6338 (Gokce Basar et al.)
Triangle anomaly in Weyl semi-metals [PDF]
Gokce Basar, Dmitri E. Kharzeev, Ho-Ung Yee1305.6345 (D. García Gudiño et al.)
Determination of the magnetic dipole moment of the rho meson [PDF]
D. García Gudiño, G. Toledo Sánchez1305.6373 (Antonio Silva et al.)
Flavor structure of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors and
transverse charge densities in the chiral quark-soliton model [PDF]
Antonio Silva, Diana Urbano, Hyun-Chul Kim
1305.6391 (Paolo Ciafaloni et al.)
The Role of Electroweak Corrections for the Dark Matter Relic Abundance [PDF]
Paolo Ciafaloni, Denis Comelli, Andrea De Simone, Enrico Morgante, Antonio Riotto, Alfredo Urbano1305.6397 (Rick S. Gupta et al.)
How well do we need to measure the Higgs boson mass and self-coupling? [PDF]
Rick S. Gupta, Heidi Rzehak, James D. Wells1305.6398 (Sayantan Choudhury et al.)
Low & High scale MSSM inflation, gravitational waves and constraints
from Planck [PDF]
Sayantan Choudhury, Anupam Mazumdar, Supratik Pal
1305.6401 (Simone Dresti et al.)
Renormalization of Composite Operators in time-dependent Backgrounds [PDF]
Simone Dresti, Antonio Riotto1305.6406 (E. G. de Oliveira et al.)
Treatment of the infrared contribution: NLO QED evolution as a pedagogic
example [PDF]
E. G. de Oliveira, A. D. Martin, M. G. Ryskin
1305.6443 (Rupa Chatterjee et al.)
Elliptic flow of thermal photons from event-by-event hydrodynamic model [PDF]
Rupa Chatterjee, Hannu Holopainen, Ilkka Helenius, Thorsten Renk, Kari J. Eskola1305.6445 (Surasree Mazumder et al.)
Gluon bremsstrahlung by heavy quarks - its effects on transport
coefficients and equilibrium distribution [PDF]
Surasree Mazumder, Trambak Bhattacharyya, Jan-e Alam
1305.6457 (Yitzhak Frishman et al.)
Tetraquarks, their Masses and Decays in QED_2 [PDF]
Yitzhak Frishman, Marek Karliner1305.6458 (Barbara Betz et al.)
Azimuthal Jet Tomography of Quark Gluon Plasmas at RHIC and LHC [PDF]
Barbara Betz, Miklos Gyulassy1305.6467 (Sandy S. C. Law et al.)
A Class of Inert N-tuplet Models with Radiative Neutrino Mass and Dark
Matter [PDF]
Sandy S. C. Law, Kristian L. McDonald
1305.6468 (Daniel de Florian et al.)
Soft-gluon Resummation for High-pT Inclusive-Hadron Production at
Daniel de Florian, Melanie Pfeuffer, Andreas Schafer, Werner Vogelsang
1305.6521 (Kwang Sik Jeong et al.)
Self-interacting Dark Radiation [PDF]
Kwang Sik Jeong, Fuminobu Takahashi1305.6544 (Marlene Nahrgang et al.)
Influence of hadronic bound states above $T_c$ on heavy-quark
observables in Pb+Pb collisions at LHC [PDF]
Marlene Nahrgang, Joerg Aichelin, Pol Bernard Gossiaux, Klaus Werner
1305.6558 (Mate Csanad et al.)
On dilepton creation in hydrodynamic models [PDF]
Mate Csanad, Levente Krizsan1305.6587 (Giorgio Arcadi et al.)
Minimal Decaying Dark Matter and the LHC [PDF]
Giorgio Arcadi, Laura Covi1305.6592 (Igor P. Ivanov et al.)
Polarization radiation of vortex electrons with large orbital angular
momentum [PDF]
Igor P. Ivanov, Dmitry V. Karlovets
1305.6599 (Billy D. Jones et al.)
Similarity flow of a neutral scalar coupled to a fixed source [PDF]
Billy D. Jones, Robert J. PerryTuesday, May 28, 2013
1107.0318 (Stephon Alexander et al.)
Chern-Simons Inflation and Baryogenesis [PDF]
Stephon Alexander, Antonino Marciano, David Spergel1305.2640 (Andre Fuzfa et al.)
Brout-Englert-Higgs Monopoles [PDF]
Andre Fuzfa, Massimiliano Rinaldi, Sandrine Schlogel1305.5415 (C. A. Escobar et al.)
The Goldstone Theorem in non-linear electrodynamics [PDF]
C. A. Escobar, L. F. Urrutia1305.5572 (S. A. Çetin et al.)
Why QCD Explorer stage of the LHeC should have high(est) priority [PDF]
S. A. Çetin, S. Sultansoy, G. Ünel1305.5878 (Xu Feng et al.)
Computing the hadronic vacuum polarization function by analytic
continuation [PDF]
Xu Feng, Shoji Hashimoto, Grit Hotzel, Karl Jansen, Marcus Petschlies, Dru B. Renner
1305.5887 (Belle Collaboration et al.)
Measurement of exclusive $Υ(1S)$ and $Υ(2S)$ decays into
Vector-Pseudoscalar final states [PDF]
Belle Collaboration, C. P. Shen, C. Z. Yuan, I. Adachi, H. Aihara, D. M. Asner, V. Aulchenko, A. M. Bakich, A. Bala, B. Bhuyan, M. Bischofberger, A. Bozek, M. Bračko, T. E. Browder, V. Chekelian, A. Chen, P. Chen, B. G. Cheon, K. Chilikin, I. -S. Cho, K. Cho, V. Chobanova, Y. Choi, D. Cinabro, J. Dalseno, M. Danilov, J. Dingfelder, Z. Doležal, Z. Drásal, A. Drutskoy, D. Dutta, K. Dutta, S. Eidelman, D. Epifanov, H. Farhat, J. E. Fast, T. Ferber, A. Frey, V. Gaur, N. Gabyshev, S. Ganguly, R. Gillard, Y. M. Goh, B. Golob, J. Haba, T. Hara, K. Hayasaka, H. Hayashii, Y. Hoshi, W. -S. Hou, H. J. Hyun, T. Iijima, A. Ishikawa, R. Itoh, Y. Iwasaki, T. Julius, D. H. Kah, J. H. Kang, E. Kato, T. Kawasaki, C. Kiesling, D. Y. Kim, H. J. Kim, J. B. Kim, J. H. Kim, K. T. Kim, Y. J. Kim, K. Kinoshita, J. Klucar, B. R. Ko, P. Kodyš, S. Korpar, P. Križan, P. Krokovny, T. Kumita, A. Kuzmin, Y. -J. Kwon, S. -H. Lee, R. Leitner, J. Li, Y. Li, J. Libby, C. Liu, Y. Liu, Z. Q. Liu, D. Liventsev, P. Lukin, D. Matvienko, K. Miyabayashi, H. Miyata, G. B. Mohanty, A. Moll, T. Mori, N. Muramatsu, R. Mussa, Y. Nagasaka, E. Nakano, M. Nakao, Z. Natkaniec, M. Nayak, E. Nedelkovska, C. Ng, N. K. Nisar, S. Nishida, O. Nitoh, S. Ogawa, S. Okuno, S. L. Olsen, W. Ostrowicz, P. Pakhlov, C. W. Park, H. Park, H. K. Park, T. K. Pedlar, T. Peng, R. Pestotnik, M. Petrič, L. E. Piilonen, M. Ritter, M. Röhrken, A. Rostomyan, S. Ryu, H. Sahoo, T. Saito, Y. Sakai, S. Sandilya, L. Santelj, T. Sanuki, Y. Sato, V. Savinov, O. Schneider, G. Schnell, C. Schwanda, K. Senyo, O. Seon, M. Shapkin, V. Shebalin, T. -A. Shibata, J. -G. Shiu, B. Shwartz, A. Sibidanov, F. Simon, P. Smerkol, Y. -S. Sohn, A. Sokolov, E. Solovieva, S. Stanič, M. Starič, M. Steder, M. Sumihama, T. Sumiyoshi, U. Tamponi, K. Tanida, G. Tatishvili, Y. Teramoto, T. Tsuboyama, M. Uchida, S. Uehara, Y. Unno, S. Uno, P. Urquijo, C. Van Hulse, P. Vanhoefer, G. Varner, V. Vorobyev, M. N. Wagner, C. H. Wang, P. Wang, X. L. Wang, M. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, E. Won, H. Yamamoto, J. Yamaoka, Y. Yamashita, S. Yashchenko, Y. Yook, Y. Yusa, C. C. Zhang, Z. P. Zhang, A. Zupanc
1305.6006 (Yasumichi Aoki et al.)
Light composite scalar in twelve-flavor QCD on the lattice [PDF]
Yasumichi Aoki, Tatsumi Aoyama, Masafumi Kurachi, Toshihide Maskawa, Kei-ichi Nagai, Hiroshi Ohki, Enrico Rinaldi, Akihiro Shibata, Koichi Yamawaki, Takeshi Yamazaki1305.6017 (Paolo Bolzoni et al.)
Average gluon and quark jet multiplicities at higher orders [PDF]
Paolo Bolzoni, Bernd A. Kniehl, Anatoly V. Kotikov1305.6055 (Shan Gao et al.)
On the neutrino non-detection of GRB 130427A [PDF]
Shan Gao, Kazumi Kashiyama, Peter Meszaros1305.6068 (Marco Farina et al.)
Higgs Couplings and Naturalness [PDF]
Marco Farina, Maxim Perelstein, Nicolas Rey-Le Lorier1305.6103 (Wei Bai et al.)
Revisiting $Kπ$ puzzle in the pQCD factorization approach [PDF]
Wei Bai, Min Liu, Ying-Ying Fan, Wen-Fei Wang, Shan Cheng, Zhen-Jun Xiao1305.6150 (S. Kawabata et al.)
Measurement of physical parameters with a weight function method and its
application to the Higgs boson mass reconstruction [PDF]
S. Kawabata, Y. Shimizu, Y. Sumino, H. Yokoya
1305.6153 (S. M. Troshin et al.)
On the geometric phase and the scattering at the LHC [PDF]
S. M. Troshin, N. E. Tyurin1305.6155 (Motohiko Kusakabe et al.)
7Be charge exchange between 7Be3+ ion and exotic long-lived negatively
charged massive particle in big bang nucleosynthesis [PDF]
Motohiko Kusakabe, K. S. Kim, Myung-Ki Cheoun, Toshitaka Kajino, Yasushi Kino
1305.6168 (M. Bahrami et al.)
Are collapse models testable with quantum oscillating systems? The case
of neutrinos, kaons, chiral molecules [PDF]
M. Bahrami, S. Donadi, L. Ferialdi, A. Bassi, C. Curceanu, A. Di Domenico, B. C. Hiesmayr
1305.6266 (Maria Krawczyk et al.)
Constraining Inert Dark Matter by R_{γγ} and WMAP data [PDF]
Maria Krawczyk, Dorota Sokolowska, Pawel Swaczyna, Bogumila Swiezewska1305.6294 (Daniel Arean et al.)
The spectrum of (h)QCD in the Veneziano limit [PDF]
Daniel Arean, Ioannis Iatrakis, Matti Jarvinen1305.6297 (Rene Bellwied et al.)
Is there a flavor hierarchy in the deconfinement transition of QCD? [PDF]
Rene Bellwied, Szabolcs Borsanyi, Zoltan Fodor, Sandor D Katz, Claudia RattiMonday, May 27, 2013
1305.5537 (Yang Bai et al.)
Up Sector of Minimal Flavor Violation: Top Quark Properties and Direct D
meson CP violation [PDF]
Yang Bai, Joshua Berger, JoAnne L. Hewett, Ye Li
1305.5547 (Jun Nishimura et al.)
Realizing chiral fermions in the type IIB matrix model at finite N [PDF]
Jun Nishimura, Asato Tsuchiya1305.5564 (Eric Braaten et al.)
The J/ψ ω Decay Channel of the X(3872) Charm Meson Molecule [PDF]
Eric Braaten, Daekyoung Kang1305.5600 (François Fillion-Gourdeau et al.)
Enhanced Schwinger's pair production in many-center systems [PDF]
François Fillion-Gourdeau, Emmanuel Lorin, André D. Bandrauk1305.5648 (Shuaiwei Wang et al.)
Analysis of $Λ_{b}\to$ $p K^{-}$ and $p π^{-}$ decays in a
flavor changing $Z^{\prime}$ model [PDF]
Shuaiwei Wang, Jinshu Huang, Genquan Li
1305.5702 (Payal Mohanty et al.)
Two Photon Correlation in Anisotropic Quark-gluon plasma (aQGP) [PDF]
Payal Mohanty, Mahatsab Mandal, Pradip K Roy1305.5705 (Florian Gautier et al.)
Solving the Schwinger-Dyson equation for a scalar field in de Sitter
space [PDF]
Florian Gautier, Julien Serreau
1305.5715 (Daren Zhou et al.)
Polarization observables in low-energy antiproton-proton scattering [PDF]
Daren Zhou, Rob G. E. Timmermans1305.5739 (Stefano Bertolini et al.)
K to ππhadronic matrix elements of left-right current-current
operators [PDF]
Stefano Bertolini, Alessio Maiezza, Fabrizio Nesti
1305.5751 (L. Y. Dai et al.)
Three pseudoscalar meson production in $e^+ e^-$ annihilation [PDF]
L. Y. Dai, J. Portoles, O. Shekhovtsova1305.5761 (Avinanda Chaudhuri et al.)
Doubly charged scalar decays in a type II seesaw scenario with two Higgs
triplets [PDF]
Avinanda Chaudhuri, Walter Grimus, Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya
1305.5772 (Yifan Cheng et al.)
Ambiguities and Subtleties in Fermion Mass Terms [PDF]
Yifan Cheng, Otto C. W. Kong1305.5773 (J. H. Kühn et al.)
Weak Interactions in Top-Quark Pair Production at Hadron Colliders: An
Update [PDF]
J. H. Kühn, A. Scharf, P. Uwer
1305.5835 (R. Bonventre et al.)
Non-Standard Models, Solar Neutrinos, and Large θ_{13} [PDF]
R. Bonventre, A. LaTorre, J. R. Klein, G. D. Orebi Gann, S. Seibert, O. WasalskiFriday, May 24, 2013
1106.1132 (Alessandro De Angelis et al.)
Relevance of axion-like particles for very-high-energy astrophysics [PDF]
Alessandro De Angelis, Giorgio Galanti, Marco Roncadelli1305.5251 (Nathaniel Craig et al.)
A New Probe of Naturalness [PDF]
Nathaniel Craig, Christoph Englert, Matthew McCullough1305.5307 (Takumi Imai et al.)
Minimal Fine Tuning in Supersymmetric Higgs Inflation [PDF]
Takumi Imai, K. -I. Izawa1305.5320 (C. S. Kim et al.)
$B\to DK^*_{0,2}$ Decays: PQCD analysis to determine CP violation phase
angle $γ$ [PDF]
C. S. Kim, Run-Hui Li, Wei Wang
1305.5332 (Maria Dimou et al.)
Heavy-to-light chromomagentic matrix element [PDF]
Maria Dimou, James Lyon, Roman Zwicky1305.5338 (Masahiro Kawasaki et al.)
Domain wall and isocurvature perturbation problems in axion models [PDF]
Masahiro Kawasaki, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, Kazuyoshi Yoshino1305.5390 (Fabian Krinner et al.)
The inclusive decay b to ccs revisited [PDF]
Fabian Krinner, Alexander Lenz, Thomas Rauh1305.5402 (Anastasiya Bierweiler et al.)
Vector-boson pair production at the LHC to $\mathcal{O}(α^3)$
accuracy [PDF]
Anastasiya Bierweiler, Tobias Kasprzik, Johann H. Kühn
1305.5420 (Xiao-Gang He et al.)
Interplay between new physics in one-loop Higgs couplings and the
top-quark Yukawa coupling [PDF]
Xiao-Gang He, Yong Tang, German Valencia
1305.5424 (Shinya Kanemura et al.)
Determination of tan(beta) from the Higgs boson decay at linear
colliders [PDF]
Shinya Kanemura, Koji Tsumura, Hiroshi Yokoya
1305.5432 (Patrick Gelhausen et al.)
Decay constants of heavy-light vector mesons from QCD sum rules [PDF]
Patrick Gelhausen, Alexander Khodjamirian, Alexei A. Pivovarov, Denis Rosenthal1305.5438 (Ze-Peng Liu et al.)
Sommerfeld enhancements with vector, scalar and pseudoscalar
force-carriers [PDF]
Ze-Peng Liu, Yue-Liang Wu, Yu-Feng Zhou
1305.5466 (Andrea Meucci et al.)
Relativistic descriptions of final-state interactions in charged-current
neutrino-nucleus scattering at ArgoNeuT kinematics [PDF]
Andrea Meucci, Carlotta Giusti, Matteo Vorabbi
Thursday, May 23, 2013
1305.4939 (Kalliopi Petraki et al.)
Review of asymmetric dark matter [PDF]
Kalliopi Petraki, Raymond R. Volkas1305.4944 (Marc-Olivier Beaudoin et al.)
Near-BPS Skyrmions: Constant baryon density [PDF]
Marc-Olivier Beaudoin, Luc Marleau1305.4985 (Sarira Sahu et al.)
Hadronic-Origin orphan TeV flare from the 1ES 1959+650 [PDF]
Sarira Sahu, Andres Felipe Osorio Oliveros, Juan Carlos Sanabria1305.4989 (Zhao Shu-Min et al.)
The one-loop on-shell renormalization of some vertexes in MSSM [PDF]
Zhao Shu-Min, Feng Tai-Fu, Wang Fang, Gao Tie-Jun, Zhang Yin-Jie1305.5010 (Yuan-Guo Xu et al.)
Analysis of $B_s\to φμ^+μ^-$ decay within supersymmetry [PDF]
Yuan-Guo Xu, Li-Hai Zhou, Bing-Zhong Li, Ru-Min Wang1305.5013 (Jong-Chul Park et al.)
A testable scenario of WIMPZILLA with Dark Radiation [PDF]
Jong-Chul Park, Seong Chan Park1305.5020 (Xiao-Ming Xu et al.)
Early thermalization of quark-gluon matter with the elastic scattering
of ggq and ggqbar [PDF]
Xiao-Ming Xu, Zhen-Yu Shen, Zhi-Cheng Ye, Wei-Jie Xu
1305.5073 (S. Heinemeyer et al.)
Finite Theories Before and After the Discovery of a Higgs Boson at the
S. Heinemeyer, M. Mondragon, G. Zoupanos
1305.5099 (Kazunori Nakayama et al.)
Polynomial Chaotic Inflation in Supergravity [PDF]
Kazunori Nakayama, Fuminobu Takahashi, Tsutomu T. Yanagida1305.5106 (Wang Hong-Min et al.)
Pseudo-rapidity Distributions of Charged Hadrons in pp and pA Collisions
at the LHC [PDF]
Wang Hong-Min, Liu Jia-Fu, Hou Zhao-Yu, Sun Xian-Jing
1305.5150 (Emilio Ciuffoli et al.)
Confidence in a Neutrino Mass Hierarchy Determination [PDF]
Emilio Ciuffoli, Jarah Evslin, Xinmin Zhang1305.5152 (Yong Chuan Zhan et al.)
Threshold resummation for the production of a color sextet (antitriplet)
scalar at the LHC [PDF]
Yong Chuan Zhan, Ze Long Liu, Shi Ang Li, Chong Sheng Li, Hai Tao Li
1305.5206 (Daniel de Florian et al.)
Two-loop virtual corrections to Higgs pair production [PDF]
Daniel de Florian, Javier Mazzitelli1305.5246 (Simone Alioli et al.)
Combining Higher-Order Resummation with Multiple NLO Calculations and
Parton Showers in the GENEVA Monte Carlo Framework [PDF]
Simone Alioli, Christian W. Bauer, Calvin Berggren, Andrew Hornig, Frank J. Tackmann, Christopher K. Vermilion, Jonathan R. Walsh, Saba Zuberi
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
1011.5805 (Yosuke Takubo et al.)
Measuring Anomalous Couplings in H->WW* Decays at the International
Linear Collider [PDF]
Yosuke Takubo, Robert N. Hodgkinson, Katsumasa Ikematsu, Keisuke Fujii, Nobuchika Okada, Hitoshi Yamamoto
1101.0453 (W. L. Wang et al.)
Sigma_c Dbar and Lambda_c Dbar states in a chiral quark model [PDF]
W. L. Wang, F. Huang, Z. Y. Zhang, B. S. Zou1212.1474 (P. A. Boyle et al.)
Emerging understanding of the ΔI = 1/2 Rule from Lattice QCD [PDF]
P. A. Boyle, N. H. Christ, N. Garron, E. J. Goode, T. Janowski, C. Lehner, Q. Liu, A. T. Lytle, C. T. Sachrajda, A. Soni, D. Zhang, for the RBC Collaboration, for the UKQCD Collaboration1305.2606 (I. Cortés-Maldonado et al.)
Decay $t-> cγ$ in models with SU_L(3)XU_X(1) gauge symmetry [PDF]
I. Cortés-Maldonado, G. Hernández-Tomé, G. Tavares-Velasco1305.4899 (A. Widom et al.)
Weak Interaction Neutron Production Rates in Fully Ionized Plasmas [PDF]
A. Widom, J. Swain, Y. N. Srivastava1305.4636 (Jorge S. Diaz et al.)
Relativity violations and beta decay [PDF]
Jorge S. Diaz, Alan Kostelecky, Ralf Lehnert1305.4673 (Wei-Liang Qian et al.)
Decomposition of fluctuating initial conditions and flow harmonics [PDF]
Wei-Liang Qian, Philipe Mota, Rone Andrade, Fernando Gardim, Frederique Grassi, Yogiro Hama, Takeshi Kodama1305.4676 (Jonathan M. Cornell et al.)
Kinetic Decoupling and Small-Scale Structure in Effective Theories of
Dark Matter [PDF]
Jonathan M. Cornell, Stefano Profumo, William Shepherd
1305.4694 (Chun-peng Chang et al.)
Glauber gluons in pion-induced Drell-Yan processes [PDF]
Chun-peng Chang, Hsiang-nan Li1305.4710 (Christoph Weniger et al.)
Closing in on the Fermi Line with a New Observation Strategy [PDF]
Christoph Weniger, Meng Su, Douglas P. Finkbeiner, Torsten Bringmann, Nestor Mirabal1305.4712 (Sumit K. Garg et al.)
Vector like leptons with extended Higgs sector [PDF]
Sumit K. Garg, C. S. Kim1305.4713 (Yue-De Chen et al.)
Revisit Spectrum of Baryonium in Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory [PDF]
Yue-De Chen, Cong-Feng Qiao, Peng-Nian Shen, Zhuo-Quan Zeng1305.4727 (Marta Luszczak et al.)
Diffractive dissociation of gluons into heavy quark-antiquark pairs in
proton-proton collisions [PDF]
Marta Luszczak, Wolfgang Schafer, Antoni Szczurek
1305.4751 (Márcio Ferreira et al.)
Deconfinement and chiral restoration within the SU(3) PNJL and EPNJL
models in an external magnetic field [PDF]
Márcio Ferreira, Pedro Costa, Débora P. Menezes, Constança Providência, Norberto Scoccola
1305.4756 (Guo-Li Wang et al.)
The Properties of $D^{*}_{s1}(2700)^{+}$ [PDF]
Guo-Li Wang, Yue Jiang, Tianhong Wang, Wan-Li Ju1305.4775 (Mingshui Chen for the CMS Collaboration)
Combination and Standar Model Scalar Boson Properties in CMS [PDF]
Mingshui Chen for the CMS Collaboration1305.4808 (Sebastien Descotes-Genon et al.)
B ->K*ll: The New Frontier of New Physics searches in Flavor [PDF]
Sebastien Descotes-Genon, Tobias Hurth, Joaquim Matias, Javier Virto1305.4828 (Zhi Yang et al.)
BEEC: An event generator for simulating the $B_c$ meson production at an
$e^+e^-$ collider [PDF]
Zhi Yang, Xing-Gang Wu, Xian-You Wang
1305.4900 (F. del Águila et al.)
Neutrinoless double $β$ decay with small neutrino masses [PDF]
F. del Águila, A. Aparici, S. Bhattacharya, A. Santamaria, J. Wudka1305.4903 (Raul A. Briceno et al.)
Two-Nucleon Systems in a Finite Volume: (I) Quantization Conditions [PDF]
Raul A. Briceno, Zohreh Davoudi, Thomas C. Luu1305.4919 (Jorge Casalderrey-Solana et al.)
From full stopping to transparency in a holographic model of heavy ion
collisions [PDF]
Jorge Casalderrey-Solana, Michal P. Heller, David Mateos, Wilke van der Schee
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
1305.4020 (Biplob Bhattacherjee et al.)
Implications of 98 GeV and 125 GeV Higgs scenario in non-decoupling SUSY
with updated ATLAS, CMS and PLANCK data [PDF]
Biplob Bhattacherjee, Manimala Chakraborti, Amit Chakraborty, Utpal Chattopadhyay, Debottam Das, Dilip Kumar Ghosh
1305.4046 (L. M. Satarov et al.)
Evolution of antibaryon abundances in the early Universe and in
heavy-ion collisions [PDF]
L. M. Satarov, I. N. Mishustin, W. Greiner
1305.4052 (Feng-Kun Guo et al.)
Heavy Antiquark--Diquark Symmetry and Heavy Hadron Molecules: Are There
Triply Heavy Pentaquarks? [PDF]
Feng-Kun Guo, Carlos Hidalgo-Duque, Juan Nieves, Manuel Pavon Valderrama
1305.4061 (Ryan Gavin et al.)
Matching Squark Pair Production at NLO with Parton Showers [PDF]
Ryan Gavin, Christian Hangst, Michael Krämer, Margarete Mühlleitner, Mathieu Pellen, Eva Popenda, Michael Spira1305.4115 (Kenji Fukushima et al.)
Spatial modulation and topological current in holographic QCD matter [PDF]
Kenji Fukushima, Pablo Morales1305.4128 (Stephen Angus et al.)
Loop corrections to Delta N_eff in large volume models [PDF]
Stephen Angus, Joseph P. Conlon, Ulrich Haisch, Andrew J. Powell1305.4154 (Krzysztof Bozek et al.)
Markov Chain Mote Carlo solution of BK equation through
Newton-Kantorovich method [PDF]
Krzysztof Bozek, Krzysztof Kutak, Wieslaw Placzek
1305.4172 (M. Buchkremer et al.)
Model Independent Framework for Searches of Top Partners [PDF]
M. Buchkremer, G. Cacciapaglia, A. Deandrea, L. Panizzi1305.4182 (Matti Heikinheimo et al.)
Dark Supersymmetry [PDF]
Matti Heikinheimo, Antonio Racioppi, Martti Raidal, Christian Spethmann, Kimmo Tuominen1305.4190 (Matthias R. Schindler et al.)
The Theory of Parity Violation in Few-Nucleon Systems [PDF]
Matthias R. Schindler, Roxanne P. Springer1305.4200 (M. Di Mauro et al.)
Diffuse $γ$-ray emission from misaligned active galactic nuclei [PDF]
M. Di Mauro, F. Donato, F. Calore1305.4202 (Thomas Becher et al.)
Electroweak Sudakov effects in W, Z and gamma production at large
transverse momentum [PDF]
Thomas Becher, Xavier Garcia i Tormo
1305.4265 (J. I. Aranda et al.)
Effects of Lorentz violation through the $γe\to Wν_e$ process in
the Standard Model Extension [PDF]
J. I. Aranda, F. Ramirez-Zavaleta, D. A. Rosete, F. J. Tlachino, J. J. Toscano, E. S. Tututi
1305.4320 (J. -M. Frere et al.)
Neutrino hierarchy and fermion spectrum from a single family in six
dimensions: realistic predictions [PDF]
J. -M. Frere, M. Libanov, S. Mollet, S. Troitsky
1305.4322 (Ki-Young Choi et al.)
Light Dirac right-handed sneutrino dark matter [PDF]
Ki-Young Choi, Osamu Seto1305.4351 (H. Kamano et al.)
Nucleon resonances within a dynamical coupled-channels model of pi N and
gamma N reactions [PDF]
H. Kamano, S. X. Nakamura, T. -S. H. Lee, T. Sato
1305.4352 (Hai-Bin Zhang et al.)
Muon conversion to electron in nuclei within the $μν$SSM with a 125
GeV Higgs [PDF]
Hai-Bin Zhang, Tai-Fu Feng, Zhao-Feng Ge, Guo-Hui Luo, Shu-Min Zhao
1305.4362 (Poul H. Damgaard et al.)
Constraints on New Physics from Baryogenesis and Large Hadron Collider
Data [PDF]
Poul H. Damgaard, Donal O'Connell, Troels C. Petersen, Anders Tranberg
1305.4402 (Paul H. Frampton et al.)
Heterotic Discrete Flavor Model [PDF]
Paul H. Frampton, Chiu Man Ho, Thomas W. Kephart1305.4430 (Jonathan Miller et al.)
Quantum Gravity effect on neutrino oscillations in a strong
gravitational field [PDF]
Jonathan Miller, Roman Pasechnik
1305.4431 (Gi-Chol Cho et al.)
Constraints on radion in a warped extra dimension model from Higgs boson
searches at the LHC [PDF]
Gi-Chol Cho, Daisuke Nomura, Yoshiko Ohno
1305.4434 (Yin Huang et al.)
Discovery potential of hidden charm baryon resonances via
photoproduction [PDF]
Yin Huang, Jun He, Hong-Fei Zhang, Xu-Rong Chen
1305.4464 (Masahiro Kawasaki et al.)
Gravitational waves from a curvaton model with blue spectrum [PDF]
Masahiro Kawasaki, Naoya Kitajima, Shuichiro Yokoyama1305.4487 (C. Hidalgo-Duque et al.)
X(3872) and its Partners in the Heavy Quark Limit of QCD [PDF]
C. Hidalgo-Duque, J. Nieves, A. Ozpineci, V. Zamiralov1305.4507 (Anindya Datta et al.)
Boundary Localized Terms in Universal Extra-Dimensional Models through a
Dark Matter perspective [PDF]
Anindya Datta, Ujjal Kumar Dey, Amitava Raychaudhuri, Avirup Shaw
1305.4521 (Shinya Kanemura et al.)
Loop Suppression of Dirac Neutrino Mass in the Neutrinophilic Two Higgs
Doublet Model [PDF]
Shinya Kanemura, Toshinori Matsui, Hiroaki Sugiyama
1305.4569 (E. G. Ferreiro et al.)
A Study of the Impact of the Nuclear Modification of the Gluon Densities
on J/Psi production in pPb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 5 TeV [PDF]
E. G. Ferreiro, F. Fleuret, J. P. Lansberg, A. Rakotozafindrabe
1305.4575 (H. Zhang et al.)
Multichannel parametrization of $\bar K N$ scattering amplitudes and
extraction of resonance parameters [PDF]
H. Zhang, J. Tulpan, M. Shrestha, D. M. Manley
1305.4587 (P. M. Ferreira et al.)
2HDM confronting LHC data [PDF]
P. M. Ferreira, Rui Santos, Marc Sher, João P. Silva1305.4611 (M. B. Gay Ducati et al.)
Exclusive photoproduction of J/psi and psi(2S) states in proton-proton
collisions at the CERN LHC [PDF]
M. B. Gay Ducati, M. T. Griep, M. V. T. Machado
1305.4620 (F. Caporale et al.)
Scale choice & collinear contributions to Mueller-Navelet jets at LHC
energies [PDF]
F. Caporale, B. Murdaca, A. Sabio Vera, C. Salas
1305.4625 (Luis Alfredo Anchordoqui et al.)
W-WIMP Annihilation as a Source of the Fermi Bubbles [PDF]
Luis Alfredo Anchordoqui, Brian VlcekSunday, May 19, 2013
1305.3221 (Apostolos Pilaftsis et al.)
Symmetry Improved CJT Effective Action [PDF]
Apostolos Pilaftsis, Daniele Teresi1305.3260 (Pablo Alejandro Sánchez et al.)
Inflationary dark energy from a condensate of spinors in a 5D vacuum [PDF]
Pablo Alejandro Sánchez, Mauricio Bellini1305.3267 (Irina Aref'eva et al.)
Holographic Thermalization from Kerr-AdS [PDF]
Irina Aref'eva, Andrey Bagrov, Alexey S. Koshelev1305.3274 (J. Alberto Casas et al.)
Implications of light charginos for Higgs observables, LHC searches and
dark matter [PDF]
J. Alberto Casas, Jesus M. Moreno, Krzysztof Rolbiecki, Bryan Zaldivar
1305.3296 (M. C. Ruivo et al.)
Restoration of axial symmetry and its possible relation with restoration
of chiral symmetry and deconfinement at finite temperature [PDF]
M. C. Ruivo, Pedro Costa, C. A. de Sousa
1305.3308 (C. S. Machado et al.)
Heavy quarkonium production in a strong magnetic field [PDF]
C. S. Machado, F. S. Navarra, E. G. de Oliveira, J. Noronha, M. Strickland1305.3348 (Daisuke Yamauchi et al.)
Full-sky formulae for weak lensing power spectra from total angular
momentum method [PDF]
Daisuke Yamauchi, Toshiya Namikawa, Atsushi Taruya
1305.3379 (Euro Spallucci et al.)
Maxwell's equal area law for charged Anti-deSitter black holes [PDF]
Euro Spallucci, Anais Smailagic1305.3392 (Wilfried Buchmuller et al.)
The Gravitational Wave Spectrum from Cosmological B-L Breaking [PDF]
Wilfried Buchmuller, Valerie Domcke, Kohei Kamada, Kai Schmitz1305.3395 (V. S. Fadin et al.)
Moebius invariant BFKL equation for the adjoint representation in N=4
V. S. Fadin, R. Fiore, L. N. Lipatov, A. Papa
1305.3452 (Malcolm Fairbairn et al.)
Singlet Fermionic Dark Matter and the Electroweak Phase Transition [PDF]
Malcolm Fairbairn, Robert Hogan1305.3463 (V. Vasileiou et al.)
Constraints on Lorentz Invariance Violation from Fermi-Large Area
Telescope Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts [PDF]
V. Vasileiou, A. Jacholkowska, F. Piron, J. Bolmont, C. Couturier, J. Granot, F. W. Stecker, J. Cohen-Tanugi, F. Longo
1305.3493 (Pere Masjuan et al.)
Reply to "Comment on 'Systematics of radial and angular-momentum Regge
trajectories of light non-strange qqbar-states' " [PDF]
Pere Masjuan, Enrique Ruiz Arriola, Wojciech Broniowski
1305.3545 (Alexander Mann et al.)
SUSY Searches for Inclusive Squark and Gluino Production at the LHC [PDF]
Alexander Mann, for the ATLAS, CMS collaborations1305.3548 (V. A. Bednyakov et al.)
Searching for intrinsic charm in the proton at the LHC [PDF]
V. A. Bednyakov, M. A. Demichev, G. I. Lykasov, T. Stavreva, M. Stockton1305.3557 (Enrico Pajer et al.)
A review of Axion Inflation in the era of Planck [PDF]
Enrico Pajer, Marco Peloso1305.3575 (Nassim Bozorgnia et al.)
Halo-independent methods for inelastic dark matter scattering [PDF]
Nassim Bozorgnia, Juan Herrero-Garcia, Thomas Schwetz, Jure Zupan1305.3588 (Alexander Lenz et al.)
D meson lifetimes within the Heavy Quark Expansion [PDF]
Alexander Lenz, Thomas Rauh1305.3589 (Anderson Kendi Kohara et al.)
Energy Dependence of Profile Functions in $\rm{p\bar p}$ and $\rm pp$
Scattering [PDF]
Anderson Kendi Kohara, Erasmo Ferreira, Takeshi Kodama
1305.3598 (H. Zhang et al.)
Partial-wave analysis of $\bar K N$ scattering reactions [PDF]
H. Zhang, J. Tulpan, M. Shrestha, D. M. Manley1305.3603 (Joseph P. Conlon et al.)
Searching for a 0.1-1 keV Cosmic Axion Background [PDF]
Joseph P. Conlon, M. C. David Marsh1305.3650 (Andrei Afanasev et al.)
Atomic Excitation by Twisted Photons [PDF]
Andrei Afanasev, Carl E. Carlson, Asmita Mukherjee1305.3729 (Ammar Abdalgabar et al.)
Evolution of Yukawa Couplings and Quark Flavour Mixings in the 5D MSSM [PDF]
Ammar Abdalgabar, A. S. Cornell1305.3763 (Rahul Basu et al.)
Graviton Signals in Central Production at the LHC [PDF]
Rahul Basu, Tanumoy Mandal1305.3796 (Sebastian Bodenstein et al.)
Strange quark mass from sum rules with improved perturbative QCD
convergence [PDF]
Sebastian Bodenstein, Cesareo A. Dominguez, Karl Schilcher
1305.3812 (I. M. Dremin et al.)
On Collective Properties of Dense QCD Matter [PDF]
I. M. Dremin, M. R. Kirakosyan, A. V. Leonidov1305.3818 (Michele Redi et al.)
Strong Signatures of Right-Handed Compositeness [PDF]
Michele Redi, Veronica Sanz, Maikel de Vries, Andreas Weiler1305.3820 (Hai-Rong Dong et al.)
Lepton number violation in D meson decay [PDF]
Hai-Rong Dong, Feng Feng, Hai-Bo Li1305.3823 (Marlene Nahrgang et al.)
Azimuthal correlations of heavy quarks in Pb+Pb collisions at LHC
($\sqrt{s}=2.76$ TeV) [PDF]
Marlene Nahrgang, Joerg Aichelin, Pol Bernard Gossiaux, Klaus Werner
1305.3843 (V. Bernard et al.)
Isospin breaking in the phases of the Ke4 form factors [PDF]
V. Bernard, S. Descotes-Genon, M. Knecht1305.3847 (Yun Zhang et al.)
Proton Compton scattering in a unified proton-Delta Model [PDF]
Yun Zhang, Konstantin Savvidy1305.3873 (M. B. Barbaro et al.)
Lepton mass effects in the Bethe-Heitler process [PDF]
M. B. Barbaro, C. Maieron, E. Voutier1305.3892 (Michal Czakon et al.)
Further exploration of top pair hadroproduction at NNLO [PDF]
Michal Czakon, Paul Fiedler, Alexander Mitov, Juan Rojo1305.3904 (Francisco del Aguila et al.)
Discriminating between lepton number violating scalars using events with
four and three charged leptons at the LHC [PDF]
Francisco del Aguila, Mikael Chala, Arcadi Santamaria, Jose Wudka
1305.3907 (D. Blaschke et al.)
Generalized Beth--Uhlenbeck approach to mesons and diquarks in hot,
dense quark matter [PDF]
D. Blaschke, D. Zablocki, M. Buballa, G. Roepke
Thursday, May 9, 2013
1305.1623 (Francisco Campanario et al.)
WZ production in association with two jets at NLO in QCD [PDF]
Francisco Campanario, Matthias Kerner, Le Duc Ninh, Dieter Zeppenfeld1305.1624 (Chien-Yi Chen et al.)
Heavy Higgs Searches and Constraints on Two Higgs Doublet Models [PDF]
Chien-Yi Chen, S. Dawson, Marc Sher1305.1645 (Benjamin Fuks et al.)
QCD resummation in the framework of supersymmetry [PDF]
Benjamin Fuks, Michael Klasen, David R. Lamprea, Marcel Rothering1305.1649 (Otto Eberhardt et al.)
Status of the two-Higgs-doublet model of type II [PDF]
Otto Eberhardt, Ulrich Nierste, Martin Wiebusch1305.1686 (Takuya Kakuda et al.)
Universal Extra Dimensions after Higgs Discovery [PDF]
Takuya Kakuda, Kenji Nishiwaki, Kin-ya Oda, Ryoutaro Watanabe1305.1699 (Y. M. Cho et al.)
Finite Energy Electroweak Dyon [PDF]
Y. M. Cho, Kyoungtae Kim, J. H. Yoon1305.1724 (V. Guzey et al.)
Evidence for nuclear gluon shadowing from the ALICE measurements of PbPb
ultraperipheral exclusive J/ψ production [PDF]
V. Guzey, E. Kryshen, M. Strikman, M. Zhalov
1305.1769 (Mieczyslaw Witold Krasny et al.)
The LHC excess of four-lepton events interpreted as Higgs-boson signal:
background from Double Drell--Yan process? [PDF]
Mieczyslaw Witold Krasny, Wieslaw Placzek
1305.1797 (Thomas Lang et al.)
Elliptic flow and nuclear modification factors of D-mesons at FAIR in a
Hybrid-Langevin approach [PDF]
Thomas Lang, Hendrik van Hees, Jan Steinheimer, Marcus Bleicher
1305.1817 (Giorgio Busoni et al.)
On the Minimum Dark Matter Mass Testable by Neutrinos from the Sun [PDF]
Giorgio Busoni, Andrea De Simone, Wei-Chih Huang1305.1835 (Jiunn-Wei Chen et al.)
Parity violating quantum kinetic theory in (2+1)-dimensions [PDF]
Jiunn-Wei Chen, Jian-Hua Gao, Juan Liu, Shi Pu, Qun Wang1305.1846 (Tianjun Li et al.)
No-Scale F-SU(5) in the Light of LHC, Planck and XENON [PDF]
Tianjun Li, James A. Maxin, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, Joel W. Walker1305.1874 (Takuya Kakuda et al.)
Constraint on Universal Extra Dimensions from scalar boson searches [PDF]
Takuya Kakuda, Kenji Nishiwaki, Kin-ya Oda, Ryoutaro Watanabe1305.1878 (Burton A. Betchart et al.)
Analytic solutions for neutrino momenta in decay of top quarks at hadron
colliders [PDF]
Burton A. Betchart, Regina Demina, Amnon Harel
1305.1883 (Jessica Frank et al.)
Higgs Spin Determination in the WW channel and beyond [PDF]
Jessica Frank, Michael Rauch, Dieter Zeppenfeld1305.1906 (A. Barroso et al.)
Avoiding Death by Vacuum [PDF]
A. Barroso, P. M. Ferreira, I. Ivanov, R. Santos, Joao P. Silva1305.1921 (A. C. B. Machado et al.)
FCNC in the minimal 3-3-1 model revisited [PDF]
A. C. B. Machado, J. C. Montero, V. Pleitez1305.1924 (Giovanni A. Chirilli et al.)
Solution of the NLO BFKL Equation and the Strategy for Solving the
All-Order BFKL Equation [PDF]
Giovanni A. Chirilli, Yuri V. Kovchegov
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
1002.1134 (Anirban Kundu et al.)
Probing CPT Violation in B Systems [PDF]
Anirban Kundu, Soumitra Nandi, Sunando Kumar Patra1008.2367 (Ashutosh Kumar Alok et al.)
New Physics in b -> s mu+ mu-: CP-Conserving Observables [PDF]
Ashutosh Kumar Alok, Alakabha Datta, Amol Dighe, Murugeswaran Duraisamy, Diptimoy Ghosh, David London1209.0007 (Yoshimasa Hidaka et al.)
Charged vector mesons in a strong magnetic field [PDF]
Yoshimasa Hidaka, Arata Yamamoto1303.5949 (BESIII Collaboration et al.)
Observation of a charged charmoniumlike structure in e+e- to pi+pi-J/psi
at \sqrt{s}=4.26 GeV [PDF]
BESIII Collaboration, M. Ablikim, M. N. Achasov, X. C. Ai, O. Albayrak, D. J. Ambrose, F. F. An, Q. An, J. Z. Bai, R. Baldini Ferroli, Y. Ban, J. Becker, J. V. Bennett, M. Bertani, J. M. Bian, E. Boger, O. Bondarenko, I. Boyko, R. A. Briere, V. Bytev, H. Cai, X. Cai, O. Cakir, A. Calcaterra, G. F. Cao, S. A. Cetin, J. F. Chang, G. Chelkov, G. Chen, H. S. Chen, J. C. Chen, M. L. Chen, S. J. Chen, X. Chen, Y. B. Chen, H. P. Cheng, Y. P. Chu, D. Cronin-Hennessy, H. L. Dai, J. P. Dai, D. Dedovich, Z. Y. Deng, A. Denig, I. Denysenko, M. Destefanis, W. M. Ding, Y. Ding, L. Y. Dong, M. Y. Dong, S. X. Du, J. Fang, S. S. Fang, L. Fava, C. Q. Feng, P. Friedel, C. D. Fu, J. L. Fu, O. Fuks, Q. Gao, Y. Gao, C. Geng, K. Goetzen, W. X. Gong, W. Gradl, M. Greco, M. H. Gu, Y. T. Gu, Y. H. Guan, A. Q. Guo, L. B. Guo, T. Guo, Y. P. Guo, Y. L. Han, F. A. Harris, K. L. He, M. He, Z. Y. He, T. Held, Y. K. Heng, Z. L. Hou, C. Hu, H. M. Hu, J. F. Hu, T. Hu, G. M. Huang, G. S. Huang, J. S. Huang, L. Huang, X. T. Huang, Y. Huang, Y. P. Huang, T. Hussain, C. S. Ji, Q. Ji, Q. P. Ji, X. B. Ji, X. L. Ji, L. L. Jiang, X. S. Jiang, J. B. Jiao, Z. Jiao, D. P. Jin, S. Jin, F. F. Jing, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, M. Kavatsyuk, B. Kopf, M. Kornicer, W. Kühn, W. Lai, J. S. Lange, M. Lara, P. Larin, M. Leyhe, C. H. Li, Cheng Li, Cui Li, D. M. Li, F. Li, G. Li, H. B. Li, J. C. Li, K. Li, Lei Li, Q. J. Li, S. L. Li, W. D. Li, W. G. Li, X. L. Li, X. N. Li, X. Q. Li, X. R. Li, Z. B. Li, H. Liang, Y. F. Liang, Y. T. Liang, G. R. Liao, X. T. Liao, D. Lin, B. J. Liu, C. L. Liu, C. X. Liu, F. H. Liu, Fang Liu, Feng Liu, H. Liu, H. B. Liu, H. H. Liu, H. M. Liu, H. W. Liu, J. P. Liu, K. Liu, K. Y. Liu, Kai Liu, P. L. Liu, Q. Liu, S. B. Liu, X. Liu, Y. B. Liu, Z. A. Liu, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhiqing Liu, H. Loehner, X. C. Lou, G. R. Lu, H. J. Lu, J. G. Lu, Q. W. Lu, X. R. Lu, Y. P. Lu, C. L. Luo, M. X. Luo, T. Luo, X. L. Luo, M. Lv, C. L. Ma, F. C. Ma, H. L. Ma, Q. M. Ma, S. Ma, T. Ma, X. Y. Ma, F. E. Maas, M. Maggiora, Q. A. Malik, Y. J. Mao, Z. P. Mao, J. G. Messchendorp, J. Min, T. J. Min, R. E. Mitchell, X. H. Mo, Y. J. Mo, H. Moeini, C. Morales Morales, K. Moriya, N. Yu. Muchnoi, H. Muramatsu, Y. Nefedov, C. Nicholson, I. B. Nikolaev, Z. Ning, S. L. Olsen, Q. Ouyang, S. Pacetti, J. W. Park, M. Pelizaeus, H. P. Peng, K. Peters, J. L. Ping, R. G. Ping, R. Poling, E. Prencipe, M. Qi, S. Qian, C. F. Qiao, L. Q. Qin, X. S. Qin, Y. Qin, Z. H. Qin, J. F. Qiu, K. H. Rashid, G. Rong, X. D. Ruan, A. Sarantsev, B. D. Schaefer, M. Shao, C. P. Shen, X. Y. Shen, H. Y. Sheng, M. R. Shepherd, W. M. Song, X. Y. Song, S. Spataro, B. Spruck, D. H. Sun, G. X. Sun, J. F. Sun, S. S. Sun, Y. J. Sun, Y. Z. Sun, Z. J. Sun, Z. T. Sun, C. J. Tang, X. Tang, I. Tapan, E. H. Thorndike, D. Toth, M. Ullrich, I. Uman, G. S. Varner, B. Q. Wang, D. Wang, D. Y. Wang, K. Wang, L. L. Wang, L. S. Wang, M. Wang, P. Wang, P. L. Wang, Q. J. Wang, S. G. Wang, X. F. Wang, X. L. Wang, Y. D. Wang, Y. F. Wang, Y. Q. Wang, Z. Wang, Z. G. Wang, Z. Y. Wang, D. H. Wei, J. B. Wei, P. Weidenkaff, Q. G. Wen, S. P. Wen, M. Werner, U. Wiedner, L. H. Wu, N. Wu, S. X. Wu, W. Wu, Z. Wu, L. G. Xia, Y. X Xia, Z. J. Xiao, Y. G. Xie, Q. L. Xiu, G. F. Xu, G. M. Xu, Q. J. Xu, Q. N. Xu, X. P. Xu, Z. R. Xu, F. Xue, Z. Xue, L. Yan, W. B. Yan, Y. H. Yan, H. X. Yang, Y. Yang, Y. X. Yang, H. Ye, M. Ye, M. H. Ye, B. X. Yu, C. X. Yu, H. W. Yu, J. S. Yu, S. P. Yu, C. Z. Yuan, Y. Yuan, A. A. Zafar, A. Zallo, S. L. Zang, Y. Zeng, B. X. Zhang, B. Y. Zhang, C. Zhang, C. C. Zhang, D. H. Zhang, H. H. Zhang, H. Y. Zhang, J. Q. Zhang, J. W. Zhang, J. Y. Zhang, J. Z. Zhang, LiLi Zhang, R. Zhang, S. H. Zhang, X. J. Zhang, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. H. Zhang, Z. P. Zhang, Z. Y. Zhang, Zhenghao Zhang, G. Zhao, H. S. Zhao, J. W. Zhao, K. X. Zhao, Lei Zhao, Ling Zhao, M. G. Zhao, Q. Zhao, S. J. Zhao, T. C. Zhao, X. H. Zhao, Y. B. Zhao, Z. G. Zhao, A. Zhemchugov, B. Zheng, J. P. Zheng, Y. H. Zheng, B. Zhong, L. Zhou, X. Zhou, X. K. Zhou, X. R. Zhou, C. Zhu, K. Zhu, K. J. Zhu, S. H. Zhu, X. L. Zhu, Y. C. Zhu, Y. M. Zhu, Y. S. Zhu, Z. A. Zhu, J. Zhuang, B. S. Zou, J. H. Zou
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