Wednesday, May 29, 2013

1209.3245 (Alexander Studenikin et al.)

Millicharged neutrino with anomalous magnetic moment in rotating
magnetized matter

Alexander Studenikin, Ilya Tokarev
We consider a neutrino with nonzero magnetic moment and electric millicharge in a dense magnetized rotating matter. The exact solution for the corresponding effective Dirac equation for the neutrino wave function in this environment is obtained. It is shown that the neutrino energy spectrum is quantized due to both electromagnetic and weak interactions with the background magnetic field and rotating matter. On this basis we predict that low energy neutrinos are bound in circular orbits inside rotating dense matter. In particular, relic neutrinos can be trapped inside the rotating neutron stars and accretion disks of black holes that acts as absorbtion filters for this type of neutrinos. The effect of the spatial separation of different types of neutrinos and antineutrinos (different in flavors and energies) moving with rather high energies can appear during propagation of neutrinos composite flux through the dense magnetized rotating matter. We predict two new phenomena: a new type of the neutrino electromagnetic radiation (termed "Light of (milli)Charged Neutrino", $LC\nu$), and a new mechanism of the rotation frequency shift of an exploding star (termed "Neutrino Star Turning" mechanism, $\nu S T$). Applying the $\nu S T$ mechanism to a supernova explosion we obtain a new astrophysical limit on the neutrino millicharge $q_{\nu}<10^{-17}e_0$.
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