1301.0495 (Walter Grimus)
Walter Grimus
We investigate the possibility that the first column of the lepton mixing matrix U is given by u_1 = (2,-1,-1)^T/sqrt{6}. In a purely group-theoretical approach, based on residual symmetries in the charged-lepton and neutrino sectors and on a theorem on vanishing sums of roots of unity, we discuss the finite groups which can enforce this. Assuming that there is only one residual symmetry in the Majorana neutrino mass matrix, we find the almost unique solution Z_q x S_4 where the cyclic factor Z_q with q = 1,2,3,... is irrelevant for obtaining u_1 in U. Our discussion also provides a natural mechanism for achieving this goal. Finally, barring vacuum alignment, we realize this mechanism in a class of renormalizable models.
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