Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1201.6602 (N. N. Achasov et al.)

Analytical $ππ$ scattering amplitude and the light scalars-II    [PDF]

N. N. Achasov, A. V. Kiselev
In the paper Phys. Rev. {\bf D83}, 054008 (2011) we constructed the $\pi\pi$
scattering amplitude $T^0_0$ with regular analytical properties in the $s$
complex plane, describing both experimental data and the results based on
chiral expansion and Roy equations. Now the results obtained during development
of our work are presented. We dwell on questions dealing with the low
$\sigma-f_0$ mixing, inelasticity description and the kaon loop model for
$\phi\to \gamma(\sigma+f_0)$ reaction, and show a number of new fits. In
particular, we show that the minimization of the $\sigma-f_0$ mixing results in
the four-quark scenario for light scalars: the $\sigma$(600) coupling with the
$K\bar K$ channel is suppressed relatively to the coupling with the $\pi\pi$
channel, and the $f_0$(980) coupling with the $\pi\pi$ channel is suppressed
relatively to the coupling with the $K\bar K$ channel.
The correct analytical properties of the $\pi\pi$ scattering amplitude are
reached with the help of rather complicated background function. We also
suggest much more simple background parameterization, practically preserving
the resonance features, which is comfortable for experimental data analysis,
but allows to describe the results based on chiral expansion and Roy equations
only on the real $s$ axis.
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